This compelling 3D action game, set in the Star Wars universe,
immerses you in dangerous worlds where your only chance of
survival lies in mastering the age old skills of the Jedi Knight

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Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II is a 3D, first-person, action adventure for Windows 95. In a series of firsts for LucasArts, this kyle.gif (2724 bytes)original epic incorporates highly anticipated network play, and enables players to battle the evil Galactic Empire with lightsabres and gain strength through use of the Force. Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II requires players to navigate through more than a dozen complex and incredibly detailed multilevel mazes and environments as they face powerful enemies and once again fight for the Rebel cause. Cinematic full motion video sequences punctuate the action and weave a compelling new tale in the Star Wars universe.

Master the lightsabre and destroy the enemy.

In Dark Forces, players took on the persona of Kyle Katarn, a young mercenary sent to infiltrate the Empire. Through a series of live-action sequences, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II continues the story of Katarn as he embarks on a quest into his past and learns the mysterious ways of the Jedi. kyle_swing.gif (2413 bytes)

With this knowledge, he must stop seven Dark Jedi from unlocking the powers of a hidden Jedi burial ground. This task forces Katarn to confront his own dark past. He must then decide his destiny. If he chooses the dark side, he will come into enormous power and forever break from good. If he chooses the light side, he faces seemingly insurmountable evil. Whatever path Katarn chooses will change the face of the galaxy forever.

Just as well you've learned the Jedi art of levitation.

Perhaps this guard can be persauded to leave his post.

Don't gloat for too long - Imperial guards are nearby.

Those with a fear of heights probably won't look down.

The Empire tend to leave expensive toys lying around.
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II allows Star Wars fans to experience the amazing -- and deeply mystical -- powers of the Force for the first time. Use of the Force is based on an experience points system that allows players to customize the game. As each mission unfolds, players earn experience points that are tallied when a mission is complete. The Force abilities -- either dark side or light -- are then awarded accordingly. Basic powers include enhanced jumping, the ability to see through walls, healing powers and the ability to retrieve weapons and objects from far away. kyle_swim.gif (1898 bytes)

While Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II is an exceptional single-player game, the new network mode offers an amazing multiplayer/multisystem experience. Players can battle it out in real-time with up to eight opponents in three different modes: Total Combat, Team Combat and Territory Combat. Total Combat pits individual players against each other in an all-out battle. Team Combat allows players to choose sides, playing for either the Gold or Red teams. Territory Combat can be played in either single or team mode as players battle in a quasi "capture the flag" challenge to seize territory belonging to their opponents.


For further information on Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and other superb games,
visit the
LucasArts site.

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