
Our first project, Half-Life, shows off Valve's proprietary technology, including 16-bit color, colored lighting and amazing advances in character movement – all without the benefit of hardware accelerators. Half-Life also incorporates technology licensed from id Software.

Sierra On-Line is the exclusive publisher and distributor of Half-Life, which will be available mid-March, 1998.


excerpt from the official press release:

Half-Life introduces a revolutionary leap in the 3D first-person gaming genre by combining stunning technology enhancements with genre-breaking gameplay elements. Gamers are given opportunities to wreak havoc--in true action-game fashion--but they are also challenged to explore and strategize; for instance, telling friend from foe is no longer a simple matter of humans vs. monsters. Half-life's strong story elements, advanced inventory system and story-integrated challenges create an experience never-before-seen in traditional "run-and-gun" action games.

Check out the official Half-Life site, where you'll be able to find the latest info about the game.

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