Yamaha Waveforce 192 review
Gepost door Femme Taken Dinsdag 27 April 1999 - 16:59 - bron: Thresh's Firingsquad  
Firingsquad heeft een review van de Yamaha Waveforce 192 geluidskaart geupt. MIDI kwaliteit is erg goed, maar aangezien bijna niemand tegenwoordig nog in MIDI geïnteresseerd is (voor games) valt te betwijfelen of je daar veel aan hebt. Gelukkig doet de kaart ook aan 3D, hij eet alles dat A3D1, EAX of DirectSound3D is:

Whatever your thoughts on the legitimacy of 3D sound, I can assure you that it is a giant step up from stereo. The Yamaha Waveforce uses licensed Sensaura HRTF (Head Related Transfer Function) algorithms to generate 3D sounds, through any of the A3D, EAX, or DirectSound 3D APIs. In my testing, the A3D support was limited to old A3D 1.0 titles like Jedi Knight. The EAX support, on the other hand, worked with every new title I threw at the card: Myth II, Half-Life, Thief: The Dark Project, you name it. I was pleasantly surprised to see how well this card worked with all EAX titles.


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