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Domain Name Parking:

Do you own a trademark and want to register a domain name with that trademark to protect it from domain name pirates?

Access Internet now offers our domain name "parking" service. Access Internet will register a new domain name or transfer an existing domain name to our servers for a one-time $45 fee (The InterNIC domain name registration fee not included). This one-time $45 fee only applies to non Access Internet customers. Access Internet customers can park domain name for free with our service.

There is no limit to the number of domain names you can park on our servers.

And, because Access Internet registers you as the administrative contact, you own the domain name, and can sell it, relocate it, or do whatever you want with it. Unlike other registration services, Access Internet does not own the domain name (we list ourselves as technical contact only, you own the domain name).

Enter domain name: 

Service Start-Up
Park 1 - 19 domain names (new or transfer) $45 ea. $0
Park 20 - 99 domain names (new or transfer) $30 ea. $0
Park 100 + domain names (new or transfer) $25 ea. $0
Convert an existing hosted domain to a parked domain $0 $0

Domain Name Rules

If you know the domain name you wish to register, go directly to our Domain Name Request Form
Read the Network Solutions, Inc. Domain Name Registration Agreement


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