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MP3 Search Tools
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FileShare  pick 56,463 downloads

FileShare connects the user to the MusicCity Search Network, an alternative to the Napster network. This network is designed to have extremely fast searches and claims to have the largest number of files available for searching over the Net. The FileShare client facilitates the searching of multiple file types, beyond just audio files, and the program can be used to chat with other users. The easy-to-use interface is designed to be intuitive, with tabs provided for chat, uploads, shared files, downloads, search results, and bandwidth usage. FileShare allows users to resume interrupted downloads and to limit bandwidth of both downloads and uploads.

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72%   28%   (189 votes)
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"Worst program I've ever seen"
It conflicts with almost every other program (Norton IS, Word 2000, even CPU Idle and others). If you enter other servers, GUI resources drop to the level where the computer crashes. I'm amazed to see such a stupid program based on the MyNapster program, which never gave me any errors. All this happens on a WinME with 256MB of PC133, Athlon 1Ghz.

Tim W.
"It's a good backup for Napster."
I've read many comments about people not being able to download programs or find anything, or having their whole HD up for download. Basically put that's because you haven't understood everything, in preferences you can limit the folder people can search, change where the mp3 (or other file) goes, etc. If your file says that it's transfer was interrupted the third party you are downloading from cancelled it. If your searching use the button at the top and put restrictions. This program is awesome, it's a great program and I pity that people have to give it a bad name just because they don't know how to use it. (I'm on 56k so I have no connection thing to brag about it works fine too!)

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 Quick Facts
Version: 2.1
Date added: February 16, 2001
File size: 1.4MB
Approx. download time: 3 min. at 56 kbps; Clock This Download 
Downloads: 56,463
License: Free
Minimum requirements: Windows (all), 5MB disk space
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72%   28%   (189 votes)
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