/HOTLIST - brings up hotlist for the current server /HOTLIST + (USER) - Adds a user to your hotlist /HOTLIST - (USER) - Removes a user from your hotlist /PRIVMSG (USER) (MSG) - Send a message to another user /ANNOUNCE (MSG) - Send an announcement to all on the server /WALLOP or OPSAY - Send a message to all operators /DIR (USER) - List a users shared files /STATS - Force the server to send updated stats /IGNORELIST - List users that you are ignoring /IGNORELIST +(USER) - Add user to your ignore list /IGNORELIST -(USER) - Remove user from your ignore list /PUBMSG (CHAN) (MSG) - Send a message to a channel /WHOIS (USER) - Get information about a user /LIST - Get a list of channels on the server /USERLEVEL (USER) (LEVEL) - Set a users level /KILL (USER) - Kill a user from the server /NUKE +(USER) - Add a user to the Nuke list /NUKE -(USER) - Remoev a user from the Nuke list /RAW (NUMBER) (TEXT) - Send a raw command /BAN or /BANLIST - Get the list of users banned from the server /BAN +(USER) (REASON) - Ban a user from the server /BAN -(USER) (REASON) - Un Ban a user from the server /MOTD - Force the server to reprint the MOTD /MUZZLE +User - Muzzle user /MUZZLE -User - UnMuzzle user /PASSWORD (NEWPASSWORD) - Set your password /ME or /EMOTE (ACTION) - Show action in a channel /KICK (CHANNEL) (USER) - Kick a user from a channel /CHANSERV (COMMAND) - Execute a chanserv command /OPERSERV (COMMAND) - Execute an operserv command /TOPIC (CHANNEL) (TOPIC) - Set a topic for a channel