
Nullsoft Free Shit?

Nullsoft Free Shit is a collection of stuff that we have developed that is occasionally useful and made available here just in case. It is all open source (that's free as in speech, not beer).

What is there?

NSIS - A scriptable win32 installation system.

JNetLib - A portable asynchronous C++ network library.

WWWinamp - A nifty remote control server for Winamp.

NetMon - A network pinger/grapher for win32.

NSCopy - A throttled flexible file copier for win32.

JRes - A simple QuickRes replacement.

Sex - A neat notetaker for win32.

Plush - An outdated software 3D rendering and scene management engine.

ASS I/O - A programmers library to pack multiple files into one .ASS file for reading later.

WinGlide A useless bit of code that lets you achieve windowed rendering on Voodoo Graphics cards using Glide.

Copyright Nullsoft Inc, 2001