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LimeWire 2.4.4  popular new
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Downloads: 12,923,935
Publisher: Lime Wire
Date added: May 30, 2002
File size: 3.56MB; Clock this download 
License: Free
Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000
Uninstaller included?: Yes

LimeWire is a software tool that enables peer-to-peer file sharing on the Gnutella network. Similar to the popular Napster service, it enables the sharing, searching, and downloading of MP3 music files. LimeWire also lets users share and search for all types of computer files, including movies, pictures, games, and text documents. Other features include the ability to push uploads and downloads, BearShare QHD compatibility, the ability to measure the speed of remote hosts and preview files while downloading, and a chat feature.

Editor's note: This download includes additional applications that are bundled within the software's installer file, some of which may be provided by parties other than the developer of this download. These applications may deliver advertisements, collect information, overlay content or graphics on the Web site you are viewing, or modify your system settings. As with all downloads, CNET recommends that you pay close attention to the options presented to you during the installation process. Known third-party applications bundled with this download include Cydoor

CNET User Opinions
50%Thumbs Up     50%Thumbs Down    (36 votes)   You rate this title
Thumbs Down M I C H A E L <> D U R R A N T
"To maney broken downloads"
If i try to download 1 out of 10 songs it will say i cant cause tha user is not on. This will make downloads look hard.. Download morpheus or bear share. Cause this lime wire use to be good untle the stoped working on it!

Thumbs Down Angry Downloader
"Dont download this"
While I very much dislike Morpheus and Kazaa, for sharing files I still suggest them. My favorite is BearShare, if you can get it to work. kazaa still has more files available. LimeWire royally messed up my computer. If any of you have heard of, you'll know what I'm talking about. I got it in my computer after downloading several programs. I'm pretty sure its this program, they pretty much admit it. I also got Cydor and some other annoying things. They put their junk all over my computer. I had to run ad-aware 4 times to rid it of it. To rap it up, you get a semi-fast program with an average interface, getting next to no files, and, and cydor in your computer. Go to before downloading this. If you still want programs like that in your computer, go for it. I REALLY DO NOT RECOMMEND YOU DOWNLOAD THIS!!!

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