General Karl von Einem


Einem was officer by the cavalry in 1870, General-Collonel 1903, Einem was commander in the Franco-Prussian war . He early became General Staff Officer and in 1901 he became director of the War Department.

In 1903 he was War Minister and conducted ,under this period, rearnament and reorganization of the field artillery, he also brought machineguns to the infantry. In 1909 he became chief over the 7th army cour which in the outbreak of the war 1914 was a part of the Second army. He became chief over the 3rd army whit which he was extremely succesfull against the Enemy. He beated back the french attack in Champagne in febr 1915 and also the attac in of 1915 and also the attacks in 1917-1918 . None of the attacks directed on his army succeded.