This site is dedicated to the passengers and crew of the R.M.S. TitanicRMS Titanic


I have always been fascinated by the legend of the Titanic, but after seeing the James Cameron movie I became obsessed with it. In the last year or so, I've seen the movie countless times (I bought the video too) and spent 100's of hours scouring the internet for any details I could find. I then decided to share a bit of what I've learned by trying to construct a "as precise as possible" timeline for the events leading up to the disaster... minute by minute, who was where, and what was happening. This site is the results of my ongoing research.

Please keep in mind that the Titanic disaster happened almost 88 years ago. Many theories, rumors, and unconfirmed reports have surfaced in the past, and weeding through them has been a challenge. The facts presented here have been confirmed to the best of my ability by comparing information freely available on over 46,200 webpages (search Excite for "Titanic" to obtain a listing).  For example, I used 6 different passenger lists to verify names of survivors. I will continue my research for more accurate and precise dates concerning the events surrounding Titanic, and update these pages as necessary. Due to server space limitations, I have also tried to limit the graphics presented here and concentrate on information and the facts. 

~ Contents ~

TimeLine - The Construction

Part 1 - The design, construction, and launch. 

TimeLine - The Maiden Voyage

Part 2 - From April 2 to April 14, 1912.

TimeLine - The Sinking

Part 3 - The events of April 14 and 15, 1912.

TimeLine - The Aftermath

Part 4 - Significant events since 1912.

Passenger Lists - First, Second, and Third

Complete passenger lists, broken up by ticket class.

Crew List

Complete listing of Titanics' crew.

Cargo Manifest

Listing of the cargo onboard.

The Facts

Listings of interesting facts about Titanic.

All pages in the R.M.S. Titanic TimeLine were

I wish to thank the following individuals and websites whose content I have used extensively in my research:
Michael Findlay (he's been researching survivors for over 10 years... most of the passenger lists on the internet originated with his list)
RMS Titanic, Inc - Encyclopedia Titanica (The definitive internet source for anything Titanic) - Nic Wilson - The Titanic Resource
A Tragic Destiny - In Memorium - MGY CQD Sinking of Titanic - The Search for Answers - alt.history.ocean-liners.titanic
The Titanic Files - Cape Breton-Victoria Titanic Index - Titanic Inquiry Project

Titanic Official Movie Site

On a personal note:
It is my firm believe that the wreck site be treated as a burial site. I disagree with R.M.S. Titanic, Inc. and George Tulloch that the site is salvage. The wreck should be allowed to rest and become part of the sea that has hidden it for all these years. I also feel that recovering artifacts from the wreck for sale, as they are doing with coal from the debris field, is disrespectful to those who died in the disaster. Displays in a museum are one thing, but the commercial ventures are going a bit too far. What's next... guided tours of the Boat Deck?

Notice of Copyright:
This site is presented as information for educational purposes only. All information contained herein has been compiled from numerous internet sources and is therefore considered public domain. No printed material (ie. books, newspapers, magazines) have been used and any infringement of copyright is unintentional.

Email me imacmike@yahoo.com

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