
The Enochian webring has, since 1996, joined together websites which are focused on the Enochian magick system. Enochian magick is based on the occult mysteries of the 16th-century writings of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley, who claimed that their information was delivered to them directly by various angels and through secrets contained within the apocryphal Book of Enoch.  
Category: Occult

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Conspiracy, murder and betrayal haunt an author attempting to understand the possibilities and limitations of modern day witchcraft. Discovering the cycle of loss and reclamation of occult power by organized religions, he is drawn into a struggle to restore balance between religion, magic and science.

Enochian Text files, Rituals, Graphics, Links to other Enochian sites

An understanding of Dee's personal magickal cosmology as well as that of the post-enlightenment period is essential to a thorough understanding of the Enochian material. Here, we present Dee's landmark work, complete with illustrations.

Enochian Chess & Pre-Christian Tarot of the Four Worlds

This is the site of Frater W.I.T.'s book, "Enochian Initiation." Five years of evocatory visions on par with Aleister Crowley's visions of the Thirty Aethyrs are chronicled, along with appendices detailing magical rituals and formulae used as well as extensive endnotes. The vast universe of the angels of the Watchtowers is revealed in awesome detail by these transcendent vi

The Enochian Keys in English and phonetic Enochian. Also the home of the Road to Enochiana Book Store.

Introducing enochian shamanism as personal approach to enochian magic. The main emphasize lies on shamanism, however. The latest addition: The two Leaves of Protoenochian calls, described in the Liber Mysteriorum Quintis. Upcoming: The Aethyrs and the entities within them. This site is bilingual in german and in english available.