Art of Sacred Space

Altars and Temples

Clearly, Magick is an Art, (which often partakes of Science.) One general commonality that most of the various spiritual systems encountered on this site share is a goal of actualizing a human potential that transcends the reality of normal, mundane, everyday existence. The Temple for the Magickian or Magickal Group is the place where this work takes place. An Altar is often the central focus of such a Temple. Just as the Temple can be seen on various levels as the Magickal Body, the Altar can be seen as the heart of that body.

This section of the Black Moon web site is devoted to photographic images of Altar and Temple spaces that capture this aesthetic. We hope to include images from a variety of traditions and paths in order to show a few of the myriad ways that The Great Art can manifest.

If you would like to contribute images for this section, you can e-mail *.jpg or *.gif images directly to Bate Cabal/Black Moon. Alternatively, photos or 3 1/2 diskettes can be sent by regular mail to:

Black Moon Publishing
Altar/Temple Gallery
P.O. Box 622
Logan, OH 43133-0622

Be sure and indicate that you are submitting material for the Altar/Temple Sacred Space section and please include a brief description of your path/tradition and your images, (use the images included here as an example.) In the interest of privacy do not include images that contain individuals. Nor should you submit materials that you do not have a legal copyright for, unless they are in the public domain. Please include a SASE for materials you wished to be returned. By submitting images or material you are granting Bate Cabal/Black Moon Publishing the explicit right to use the materials in its publications or websites. Otherwise, all copyrights will be retained by the submitter of the images as indicated on the site and in the publications. Bate Cabal reserves the right to choose which submitted materials will be used. Submitted images may be cropped or resized as needed.