The Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

So, I've had people asking about how to submit things (YEAH!) and what sort of requirements we have. Figured it was about time to lay all this out.

Step one: Write a Seamus/Dean fic.

Step two: Proof it to the point that you are happy with it. The archive doesn't provide a beta service, and while the archivist has been known to fix minor punctuation errors she can't spell worth a damn and won't change anything big. If you're happy with your story that's good enough for us.

Step three: Send it in to with something in the subject to tell me that this is a fic for the archive. You can attach it as a file in .txt, .doc, .html, or just copy and paste it into the body of the email.
Include somehwere, either in the file or the email itself, the following information:

And that's all you have to do. So go do it already! :D

The Archive