Eyes Like Heaven

By: Dev

Author Email: dragon_owns_draco@yahoo.com.au

Summary: Seamus courts Dean in his special way. Cute, romantic (sorta), fluffy, humourous fic.

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Seamus and Dean are JK Rowlings. Iıve just borrowed them to take home for the weekend.

Scene One:

"I know youıre mad about me."
"Yeah. Sure. I want you, I need you, oh baby, oh baby."
"Your sarcasm wounds me." Seamus clutched his heart.
"Oh, give it a break, Finnigan." Dean rolled his eyes.
"You donıt love me." Seamus sniffed.
"Nope. Not particularly," Dean said cheerfully.
Seamus plonked down in a chair. "Fine. Iıll give up for now. But Iıll get you, Thomas, just see if I donıt."
"Yeah, Seamus, weıll see."

Scene Two:

"Seamus! Whatıre you doing?!"
"My bed was cold. Youıre warm." Seamus put his cold body cuddled right into Deanıs warm one.
"Now budge over you great lump."
"Mph- Mi- N- Wha?" Sigh. "Fine. Gınite Shay."
"Sweet dreams, Dean-Luv"
Outside the curtain
"And they thought they were hiding it?" A sleepy laugh from a hero and his best friend as they curled around each other in the next bed over.

Scene Three:

"Hey!" Seamus yelled.
"Shay?" Dean didnıt look up from predicting Harryıs death for Divination.
"A little help?"
"Why- What the Hell?! Oh, my God, Seamus!"
Dean put the fire out, and cradled Seamus in his arms. "Donıt you ever do that again! Oh, Christ, Finnigan, Iım going to kill you in the morning! No more Butterbeer. Ever! Or Firewhiskey!"
"I promise. No more getting drunk. Iım sorry, I didnıt mean to set the curtains on fire..." Seamus mumbled. "Mam? Did I ever tell you about the guy Iım in love with? No? His nameıs Dean. Dean Thomas. Eyes like heaven and a voice to match. Gorgeous body. I love him, Mam. He donıt love me though."
"The next time you call me Ma, Finnigan, Iıll pull your fingernails out with tweezers. God, boy, you alright?
Seamus nodded, and his eyes suddenly bulged. "Dean-o?"
"Yeah, Shay. Itıs me. And guess what, idiot?"
"What?" Seamus looked strange- possibly because he just accidentally blurted out to Dean that he loved him- (even though he thought Dean was his mother...)
"I love you, Shay. Fool."
"Kiss me?"
"When youıve brushed your teeth."

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