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Welcome to the WWR Story Board.
By posting or reading fiction on this site, you agree that you are 13 years of age or older, or that you have parental permission to do so.

Please register your account and follow the instructions to upload your stories.
Please note that your story MUST be approved by a moderator before it can be viewed by the general public.
The WWR is delighted to host Lupin centered fiction for your enjoyment, however we are not a story betasite nor a formal fan fiction site. Fan faction is just a small part of the WWR.

1. The Alphas reserve the right to remove any story posted for any reason. If your story was removed, please e-mail the registry to find out why.
2. Rate your stories. Our website is not restricted, but we ask that you do not upload any fiction of an NC-17 rating. Any stories containing an over use of profanity or gratuitous sex will be removed. The WWR does not accept Author Fiction unless it is a "Soup Chronicle". As a personal preference of the Alphas, the WWR does not accept Hermione/Lupin or any other Student/Teacher relationship.
4. Please be sure to put your story in the appropriate category. If you can not figure out where to put it, ask.
5. Use common sense, be nice, and play hard.
6. Since this is a new system, we expect some problems.

The Fixed FanFiction Archive!
I have spent some time fixing & remodeling the FanFiction Archive! Some of the updates to the system are:

1. A new and improved user interface.
2. The ability to upload Text (.txt) & HTML (.html) files.
3. The ability to edit the story with HTML code.
4. The system now accepts e-mail addresses that contain strange characters.
5. E-mail addresses are no longer publicly visible.
6. The ability to update your member information and story information with better efficincy.
Darksied9 on 06/09/03 - 08:05PM

Interesting Info
We have 142 stories and 257 authors in this archive.

Fanfiction Categories
Full Moon Fics (69)

Remus Lupin is the main character and the plot is focused on him.

Half Moon Fics (32)

Remus is a main character, but it?s not necessarily his plot.

Quarter Moon Fics (7)

Remus is in this story at some point, but not too much.

Featured Stories
Splinters by InFabula (G)
A conversation between Remus and Sirius following their chat with Harry abo...

Recently Updated/Added
The Twelve Days of Christmas by deemarie (Restricted)
Ginny Weasley has returned after 4 years missing. Can she regain her relat...

Mirrored by Alphie (Restricted)
The infamous Liam fic!...

Charlotte's Choice by Allemande (G)
A companion piece to Defence Against the Dark Creature, this short fic tell...

The Boy Who Cried Wolf by Gryffinjack (G)
This is a PARODY about how Remus Lupin received the bite. It is a fracture...

Hair of a Dog by Starbuckx (PG-13)
When Sirius and James hex Remus with a mustache, much fun ensues, and there...

All writings on this site are copyright the WWR.net unless specifically noted for the protection of intellectual properties. Where noted, the fanfiction and reviews are the sole property of the author and may not be reproduced without their express permission. Several characters and location references in stories archived here are the property of J. K. Rowling & affiliated entities, and are not be used with permission.