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LimeWire 4.0.6 popular

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Downloads: 23,237,145
Publisher: Lime Wire
Date added: May 27, 2004
License: Free
Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
Uninstaller included?: Yes
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Publisher's Description

LimeWire is the world's fastest P2P file-sharing application. It enables the sharing, searching, and downloading of MP3 files. LimeWire also lets users share and search for all types of computer files, including movies, pictures, games, and text documents. Other features include dynamic querying, push-proxy support for connecting through firewalls, the ability to preview files while downloading, advanced techniques for locating rare files, and an extremely intuitive user interface.

New in version 4.0 are numerous enhancements designed to improve search and download performance and to refine the user experience. New search drill-down menus helps users find the content they want faster than ever before. By excluding bad sources, LimeWire makes use of all good file sources to improve download speeds. Also, added international grouping means files of any language now can be shared, searched for, and found quickly. Review of LimeWire

From its start as a post-Napster clone to its leading role as the quintessential Gnutella client, LimeWire has been one of the highest-profile P2P applications. Version 4.0 further ups the ante with a combination of new features, an updated interface, and better network performance.

On the surface, the refined and zippier Java interface houses a few new features, such as a connection-quality meter and a button matrix for zeroing in on specific file types. The search interface now features a progress bar, and file information, such as artist and album, is more clearly displayed. Though the improved network performance gave us considerably more search results than previous versions, we didn't notice much improvement in download speed or file availability. We liked the What's New feature, which lists files recently added to the network. The check box to filter out adult content also was a nice touch.

The new features and overall functionality make this by far the most mature version of LimeWire. Despite a few performance flaws, this new version offers a breath of fresh air in the P2P category.

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