rdfdata.org: new entries http://www.rdfdata.org Newest resources added to rdfdata.org rdfdata.org: new entries http://www.rdfdata.org/img/logo32x32.jpg http://www.rdfdata.org http://www.rdfdata.org/data.html#i152 Web Kanzaki calendar files 2005-03-04T15:50:00Z New York comedy appearances, classical music tours, museum events. In English and Japanese, and files point to an XSLT stylesheet that formats data in a calendar grid. http://www.rdfdata.org/data.html#i151 Web Kanzaki image metadata 2005-03-03T15:30:00Z RDF files point to XSLT stylesheets for display in Mozilla and Internet Explorer, often with clickable image maps implemented. http://www.rdfdata.org/data.html#i150 Weblog archives at Happy John Software 2005-03-02T14:28:00Z A series of RSS 1.0 files. http://www.rdfdata.org/data.html#i149 Metadata for Jip de Kort's photos 2005-03-01T14:40:00Z Add ?tmpl=image-foaf to the URL for an image, such as http://www.kwark.org/Gfx/2005/2005Week08/dscn9091.Kariboestraat.jpg.html, to see RDF of the metadata for the image. (example) http://www.rdfdata.org/data.html#i147 picdiary.com picture metadata 2005-02-28T14:50:00Z Pictures by Matt Biddulph, metadata in RSS 1.0. http://www.rdfdata.org/data.html#i146 Metadata for Morten Frederiksen's photos 2005-02-25T15:10:00Z all.rdf file is a starting point for scuttering. http://www.rdfdata.org/data.html#i145 HTTP header registry 2005-02-24T15:55:00Z Created by Mark Nottingham. In n3. http://www.rdfdata.org/data.html#i144 AKT Research Map 2005-02-23T14:30:00Z "The AKT Research Map describes research activities that have been carried out within the AKT project and the progress and relevant information about these activities."