Contents Introduction
Feed Reference Model Geometry
Patch Model Geometry
Model Excitation
Running The Patch Simulation
Running The Reference Simulation
Post-Processing In LC
Can These Results Be Improved?
Appendix - LC Model Files


This document describes a procedure for analyzing the response of a patch antenna using LC, with emphasis on the mechanics of how this type of work is performed, rather than the final results.

The antenna consists of a simple rectangular patch, and is modeled as an infinitely-thin perfect conductor. The antenna is excited from beneath via a round coaxial feed.

To obtain the performance characteristics of the antenna, two models were built and simulated. The first model is a continuous coaxial conductor alone, to serve as a reference. The second is the full model, containing the patch on top of a dielectric substrate and the coaxial feed beneath. The full model result is normalized by the reference model result to obtain the S-parameter response of the structure.

Thanks to Keith Kelly and Ian Rumsey of Ball Aerospace & Technologies for providing this example.

Feed Reference Model Geometry

The feed reference model is very simple, with a wire extending through the center of a teflon-filled hole in the outer conductor. The wire is excited by an LC current source, which is simulated as a current loop around the conductor. The current source is defined to wrap closely around the wire, which results in the loop excitation one-half of a cell outside the wire, within the teflon insulator.

Both the center conductor and the teflon insulator are modeled with circular cross-section. In the simulation, the center conductor occupies a single (square) grid cell, due to the coarse grid resolution. The teflon insulator is staircased in a similar fashion.

If the grid cell size was even larger, the simulated center conductor would degenerate into an infinitely-thin wire. This representation may still result in an accurate simulation. However, if the teflon insulator is meshed too coarsely, it may degenerate completely, resulting in the outer conductor shorting with the inner conductor in the simulated model.

As shown in the model top view, there are two cells of teflon around the outside of the center conductor. This leaves sufficient separation to prevent the teflon region from degenerating, and even approximates the circular cross-section.

Two probes are also added to the model to record the response. A current probe is positioned on top of the source region, and a voltage probe is placed between the two conductors.

The PML absorbing boundary condition has been used to absorb the signal as it moves along the center conductor and to the edge of the grid, effectively extending the model indefinitely without discontinuity.

Feed Reference Model Top View
Top View
Feed Reference Model Side View
Side View

In the images, metal is shown in blue, teflon in yellow and gray, and the probe regions as green.

Patch Model Geometry

The patch model adds a dielectric substrate on top of the coaxial conductor, which has been extended to provide a ground plane. The center conductor of the coax extends up through the dielectric layer and makes contact with the patch. A region of air has been added above the patch to allow it to radiate.

Patch Model Side View A close-up side view of the patch model.

The current source along the coax has been red/white highlighted.

Again the PML absorbing boundary condition has been used, to prevent reflection of the energy radiated by the patch from re-entering the probe region.

Model Excitation

A smart choice for the current source waveform can reduce the amount of computation required to run the simulation by limiting the number of time steps needed. In this model, a modulated gaussian pulse with a center frequency of 9 GHz is used. A high (1/e) frequency of 15 GHz is set to provide a large bandwidth. This is useful so that a wideband result can be obtained. This source requires 477 time steps. After the excitation is complete, more time steps are needed to allow the signal to propagate through and radiate from the antenna.

Source Waveform A frequency domain view of the modulated gaussian source waveform.

The same excitation is used for both the reference model and the patch model.

Running The Patch Simulation

The number of time steps required for the patch model cannot be easily estimated, due to the ringing caused by the patch. In LC, it is simple to start the simulation, monitor its progress, and extend the simulation if necessary. An initial guess of 1000 time steps proved to be insufficient, so the simulation was extended several times, eventually to 3000 time steps (about 2 ns). By that point, the ringing as seen by the plot of the current probe had fallen to a small magnitude. The simulation required 13 MB of memory and 26 minutes of CPU time on a 150 MHz SGI O2.

Patch Simulated Current The current flowing along the center conductor calculated in the patch model simulation.

Running The Reference Simulation

For the reference model, the View Source Waveform dialog shows that the source waveform lasts for 300 ps, and the Run Simulation dialog shows that each time step is 0.667 ps, so at least 450 time steps (300/0.667) are required for a complete simulation. To make the post-simulation processing easier, the reference simulation was run for the same number of time steps as the patch model. Because the reference model has been carefully trimmed down to the smallest practical size, the memory requirement for the simulation is minimal, and the run time is just a few seconds on an SGI O2 workstation.

Reference Simulated Current The current flowing along the center conductor calculated in the reference model simulation.

Post-Processing In LC

A number of tools are available from within LC for analyzing the results from a simulation. These functions are grouped together under the Analysis selection on the main menu. Some of the analysis features work from items created in the Define Pulses dialog, which allows you to group probes together and window them in the time domain. Other functions use the probe data directly, and some can also manipulate raw plot file data.

Obtaining The Coax Impedance

Step Pulses dialog To calculate the impedance of the coax feed, the values recorded by the voltage and current probes are used. An LC pulse is defined in the Define Pulses dialog, coupling the voltage and current probes together. Then the Step Pulses dialog is used to display the results from the pulse calculation. For this structure, an impedance of 44 ohms is obtained.

Finding The Reflected Waveform

The reference current probe can be subtracted from the patch current probe to obtain the reflected waveform. This can be done within the Plot Calculator dialog. Since we are using probe data from two different models, the probe data file names are used in the Plot Calculator, rather than the probe names themselves.

Reference Simulated Current This plot shows the reference probe (red), the patch probe (blue), and the reflected waveform (green).

Frequency Domain Response

The frequency domain response for the current probes can be plotted with the Plot Pulses dialog. The reflected waveform was saved to a file, but a file cannot be directly given to Plot Pulses. Therefore, we have to create a dummy probe that is defined to save its value to the plot file we created in the Plot Calculator, then define a pulse that references this dummy probe. The pulse we define can then be plotted in Plot Pulses.

Frequency Domain Response The reference probe is red, and the reflected waveform (diff_f) is blue.

Sometimes the Define Calculations dialog can be used to avoid having to create dummy probes. An LC calculation is an algebraic combination of one or more probes within a simulation. Since the reflected waveform was created from a calculation involving probe data from two different simulations, Define Calculations can't be used.


S11 can be obtained from the frequency domain probe data. One way to do this is to enter the calculation directly into the Plot Calculator. The desired calculation is 10 * log10 ( diff_f.xy / ref_f.xy ). To work around a bug in the current version of LC (version 2.5), this must be done in two steps: first the division, and then the conversion to decibels. The result shows substantial transmission occurs around 7.5 GHz.


Another way to do this same calculation is to use the Plot S-Parameters dialog, only selecting S11. Again, since we are combining data from two different simulations, this feature can't be used as designed. It's possible to use the dummy probe and pulse definition created earlier along with the reference pulse to obtain S11.

Can These Results Be Improved?

Both increasing the mesh density (i.e., reducing the cell size) and running the simulation for a longer time would improve on the results.

Reducing the cell size would improve the geometric fidelity, which is especially lacking in the round coax. The memory required for the simulation rises dramatically as the cell size decreases, so this approach has practical limits. Also, since the time step size is proportional to the cell size, more time steps are required for a model resolved with a finer mesh to reach the same point in simulated time. This effect can be somewhat reduced by tuning the source excitation.

Running the patch model for a longer time would include still more of the patch response in the final solution. Although the ringing had been reduced substantially by 3000 time steps, the variation was still visible in the plots; this is a visual clue that some error has been tolerated in the interest of a shorter run time. By including more simulated time, the ripple in the reflected waveform frequency domain plot (and the S11 plot) can be reduced.

S11 S11 calculated after 10000 time steps.

A much sharper and deeper resonance is apparent.

Appendix - LC Model Files

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Copyright © Cray Inc.
Maintained by Kevin Thomas (
Last modified Thu Jul 9 08:45:40 CDT 1998