Waiting for Attention… or something like it

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Waiting for Attention… or something like it by ZDNet's Steve Gillmor -- A week ago, attention seemed to be on a lot of minds at the O'Reilly ETech conference. I had interesting conversations with a number of people, watched the light bulb go off in some, and came away with the feeling that things were on the move. But its newfound visibility is bringing some negative energy [...]

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<p><a href="http://blogs.zdnet.com/Gillmor/?p=74" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: Waiting for Attention… or something like it"> Waiting for Attention… or something like it</a> by <a href="http://zdnet.com">ZDNet</a>'s Steve Gillmor -- A week ago, attention seemed to be on a lot of minds at the O'Reilly ETech conference. I had interesting conversations with a number of people, watched the light bulb go off in some, and came away with the feeling that things were on the move. But its newfound visibility is bringing some negative energy [...]</p>

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