...the bodies of nine migrants have been recovered near Ragusa on Sicilys southern coast. they were aboard a boat that ran aground in stormy weather. at least 100 people have been rescued from the boat. (18.Nov.05)

european caravan against the fence: no-one is illegal

28.Oct.05 - "Social groups and selforganized spaces, social communicators, european citizens born here and there, neighbourhood associations, assemblies and migrant forums have decided to go form different European places in a caravan towards the fences in Ceuta, so that our "basta" is heard in a loud voice. Towards the fences as the scene of a crime perpetrated in the name of the European democracies. Towards the fences as a symbol of a border regime that is not only made up of physical barriers and surveillance areas more and more militarized, but also of a system to access to the rights that creates "first class" citizens and "second class" ones (as well as "non-citizens"), provoking authentic labour and social "apartheids" that cut off and precarize the social bond and fill it with fear towards the others. [read more]

fadaiat 2005 - 17-26 june 2005 tarifa/tanger

29 october: european day of action

21.Oct.05 - The collective attempts by more than four thousand migrants to cross the borders between Africa and Europe have shown the brutality of the European border regime. In the last two weeks ten people were shot dead by border police. Since then, Moroccan authorities have rounded up and "deported" more than 2,500 people, and abandoned them without food and water in the Sahara Desert. More than 36 people have died there so far.
The news of the past two weeks shows only a small part of the brutality at Europe’s borders, where hundreds of migrants drown every year crossing the Straights of Gibralter, suffocate in trucks, or are blown up by landmines in the fields between Greece and Turkey. [read the call]

deaths in Nador, deportations into the desert

10.Oct.05 - Testimonies by subsaharian migrants speak of 36 deaths and an indeterminate number of disappeared. After the mass attempts to enter the Spanish exclaves Ceuta and Melilla in the last weeks several thousands of subsaharian companeros, including many injured people, have been abandoned in the middle of the desert without water or food by the the Morcoccan authorities
This is a historical crisis, and all europeans are part of it, as it is the European space which is being defended and European policies of externalization and militarizations which are being deployed. The situation is extremely urgent. Read on for the testimonies by different migrants with explainations of last days events. [testemonies]

morocco/spain: deportations & death

08.Oct.05 - On 6 October 2005 six more migrants were shot at the border between Morocco and Melilla. The same evening Spain started with deportations of non Moroccan immigrants to Morocco. While migrants from countries other than Morocco had generally been admitted to Spain so far because of the lack of a repatriation agreement, Morocco now stated with deportations of migrants towards its southern borders [read: into the desert]. Both, spanish and moroccan authorities use massive violence against immigrants in the process. [read more]

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