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Reliability, can it be easily managed to minimize downtime?
Get the Facts. Windows or Linux?

As you weigh the costs and risks of Windows and Linux, consider this: More and more independent analysts and leading companies find that Windows Server System outperforms Linux on TCO, reliability, security, and indemnification. Get the facts, and make the decision that's right for your business.

Featured White Papers and Research

IDC (March 2006): "Understanding Unix Migration: A Demand-Side View" by Matthew Eastwood. This document summarizes the results from a recent survey of 400 Unix/RISC customers regarding their plans for Unix migrations and provides insights and analyzes the impact on the Unix/RISC server installed base.


IDC (February 2006): "Microsoft Competencies: Partner Pathway to Business Performance" by Matthew Lawton and Stephen Graham. This Executive Summary by IDC has found that Microsoft partners with Advanced Infrastructure Solutions, Information Worker Solutions, and Mobility Solutions competencies outperform the Linux benchmark in key business performance areas. IDC highlights the reality of what impacts your bottom line. Read the study today.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Microsoft Corporation (December 2005): "Common Criteria Certification: Microsoft Windows Platform Products." Learn how the recent Common Criteria certification of Windows platform products, combined with Microsoft’s focus on the Security Development Lifecycle, offers customers an even greater level of assurance in product security and quality.

Featured Case Studies

Targeting the solution for use ultimately by tens of thousands of shops in the Teleflora network spanning the United States and Canada, company executives have chosen Microsoft® technologies for development and deployment even though the larger and more influential florists in the network are operating in a SCO UNIX or Linux environment. Watch the video 750 KB or 1.5Mb.

Tommy Hilfiger

(December 2005) Read how Tommy Hilfiger migrated from Red Hat Linux to Windows Server launching its new website in just six months while gaining new business capabilities and saving an estimated 25–30 percent in IT operating costs. Read the case study. Watch the video 750 KB or 2Mb.


(September 2005) Read how Rayovac chose Microsoft Windows Server 2003 over Red Hat Linux to run its SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) solution, not only saving Rayovac just under $1 Million but also minimizing risk and ensuring reliability by utilizing existing processes, skill sets, and technology partners. Read the case study. Watch the video 750 KB or 1.5Mb.


Microsoft Launches New Site for the IT Pro Community

Port 25 is open. Read about the people, insights, and analysis from the Microsoft Open Source Software Lab at http://port25.technet.com. Send us your feedback and ideas. We want to hear from you.


Why They Chose Windows Server

IT professionals across several industries share the reasons—from TCO to indemnification—why they selected Windows Server System. (3:16) View clip.


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