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Grid Action
Border Security

Security of Critical Networked Infrastructures PDF Print E-mail
The Action Security of Critical Networked Infrastructures (SCNI) aims at facilitating the description, assessment and governance from the security point of view of networked infrastructures, including information systems, communication networks, electricity and other energy networks and water networks. The main interest is in cross-border and European-wide issues.
The action concentrates on the cybersecurity and topological aspects of infrastructures and their interdependencies, and studies their vulnerabilities (at the technological and system levels), the potential malicious threats that might affect them, the related detrimental attacks, and the countermeasures that can be put in place for securing those systems. It also studies the conditions and potential means for making decisions on security matters, estimating the impact of these decision, and facilitating the interaction among the stakeholders.

The focus is on providing policy makers and the stakeholders of critical infrastructures with information and instruments for a better understanding of the risks, for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the security issues, for the determination of the security condition of systems. From the technological perspective, the action studies the security of industrial control systems (e.g. SCADA, protection and defence systems, monitoring systems), of communication infrastructures (e.g. Internet protocols and WAN), and their application in concrete industrial environments (e.g. electric power).

SCNI Contact: Marcelo MASERA
Keywords: critical infrastructures, critical information infrastructures, control systems, telecommunication systems, security, cybersecurity, security risk assessment, security information exchange, vulnerability, malicious threats, malicious attacks, interdependencies, risk governance

Grid Coordination Action

The vulnerability of the electrical infrastructure appears to be increasing due to rising demand, hectic transactions, a growing number of stakeholders, and the complexity of controls, as made patent by the recent major blackouts in Europe and North America. Although these events do not seem to have been influenced by malicious acts, existing vulnerabilities could be exploited by malicious threats in the future.

The GRID Coordination Action seeks to establish consensus at the European level on the key issues involved in power systems vulnerabilities and on the relevant defence methodologies, in view of the challenges driven by the transformation of the European power infrastructure. GRID aims to assess the needs of the EU power sector from these perspectives, so as to establish a Roadmap for collaborative research in view of the forthcoming 7th framework programme. The objective is twofold:
  • Establish the most urgent and significant R&D; challenges to be tackled at the EU level;
  • Raise awareness of the security concerns at the policy, industrial, and academic level.
The GRID Coordination action has its own website at: http://grid.jrc.it/ >.

SCNI Contact: Alberto STEFANINI

Security of Critical Networked Infrastructures PDF Print E-mail

This action will develop the following activities:

  1. models and methodologies for the analysis and evaluation of networked systems, their weaknesses, potential malicious actions that can be deployed for attacking them, and the effectiveness of countermeasures;
  2. tools for observing networked systems, evaluating their status and detecting anomalies in support of early warning;
  3. tools for data sharing and information exchange, for the construction of assurance cases for infrastructure systems, and structures for the risk governance of infrastructure.

The studies look at the assessment of the protection and prevention from an all-hazard perspective; however the emphasis is on malicious attacks. The action manages and performs experimental work in the Cybersecurity laboratory.

The work of the SCNI Action has two main aspects:

More details about SCNI can be found in the respective sections of the Security of Critical Networked Infrastructures Website.

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