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Regester Larkin
Regester Larkin
Risk Communication Crisis Management Management Training
Risk Communication
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All brand PR, corporate PR, marketing and advertising is worthless if your organisation has a bad reputation. When an issue emerges or a crisis hits, reputations are on the line.

Accidents can and do happen. Fires, explosions, crashes, contaminations, product recalls and food scares feature frequently in the media. And in a world of increasingly risk-averse, litigious, socially aware and environmentally conscious consumers, potentially difficult issues emerge.

How organisations deal with the ‘reputation risk’ that such issues and crises present affects how they are perceived for years to come. Business partners, charity partners, employees, investment managers, politicians and consumers are all now prepared to discriminate on reputation.

To do, and to be seen to do, the right thing when issues emerge and crises strike can save money, market share and customers. Most importantly, it can save your reputation.

A specialist reputation management consultancy, Regester Larkin has helped some of the world’s largest companies and most high-profile public sector bodies successfully manage internal and external issues and crises ranging from accidents and fires to sustained NGO campaigns and intrusive media attention.

Regester Larkin offers integrated reputation management solutions that comprise the following three main elements: 

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