Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
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govt should act tough on homos

Last Updated: May 2, 2006

Page: 1

Source: The Monitor

May 2, 2006: Using Daily Monitor to mirror the society is a right thing to do as Ugandans continues to grapple with an invisible moral infection of homosexuality.

It is unfortunate that gays and lesbians in Uganda are silently fighting to obtain recognition and acceptance into society, exploiting the government's loose policy to declare a serious crackdown against homosexuals.

News about an on-going move to start a gay Church in Uganda is regrettable and lamentable.

The intolerance of Anglican leaders in Uganda was seen when they condemned the consecration of a gay bishop in the United States in August 2003 and sparked off a heated debate about homosexuality and the Church in countries where morality is cherished.

For this case, the Church stood firm even when homosexuals preferred the amendment of the Bible. Religious leaders in Uganda still detested gays and lesbian flocks.
However, government's policy to protect morality remains in abeyance despite Dr. James Nsaba Buturo's endless preaching against homosexuality.

There is a need for concerted efforts to stamp out homosexuality through strengthening policies against the practice. It's unfortunate that to some people, they still think being a gay is a human right.

It is rather shocking that some Ugandans found it brave and worthy that the gay community in Uganda was contemplating a political status by threatening to form a political party of their own.

The Bible is emphatic in its denouncement of the practice and the Quran is equally opposed to homosexual conduct. The Roman Catholic Church has taken an institutional stance of opposing homosexual relations. All of this speaks of a stiff religious opposition to homosexuality in Uganda, yet the government is yet to strengthen its policies against homosexuality before Uganda is considered a breeding place for immorality.
One can then only imagine the degree of controversy and retaliation to an initiative that seeks to create the gay Church in Uganda without government knowledge.

Yasiin Mugerwa

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