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Shows to Know: Lost
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:26:53 CDT - 483 reads

The Basics: Lest you have visions of a millionaire and his wife, a movie star, a professor and Mary Ann dancing in your head, let us say right up front: Lost is not your typical TV Land deserted-island series. There will be no coconut radios, no visits from the Harlem Globetrotters and no Ms. Castaway beauty contests. This series has former Party of Five's Matthew Fox starring as castaway Jack, a physician who takes charge when the airplane he's on crashes, stranding dozens of people somewhere between the U.S. and Australia.

What It's Like: The show was created by Alias' JJ Abrams, who proves once again he can hook you in the first five minutes and keep you hooked! As with the Alias pilot, Lost's first seven minutes are more exciting than an entire season's worth of action from many a bland network drama. And inevitably, the show provokes the what-would-I-do question in your mind, which will make you want to find out, of course, what these characters are going to do to survive.

Why We Like It: Part action-adventure, part mystery, part sci-fi, part soap opera, the Lost premiere has it all, including the promise of more great drama to come.

Favorite Moment (So Far): After awakening in the middle of a patch of trees, Jack bolts upright and tears off looking for fellow survivors. In quick succession, while ignoring his own gaping wound, he pulls a man with a leg injury from beneath a piece of the plane, resuscitates a woman who is turning blue and saves a pregnant woman from a piece of falling wreckage. And that's not even 10 minutes into the premiere episode!

What It's Up Against: NBC's dismal new drama Hawaii, the aging That '70s Show on Fox, 60 Minutes II on CBS and a third installment of the reality series America's Next Top Model on UPN. Lost's biggest competition is the WB's Smallville, which has the potential for big drama in its fourth season.

Chances for Survival: Better than the stranded castaways' chances for an immediate rescue--and probably better than their chances of escaping from the man-eating monster that lives on the island. Oh, did we forget to mention that?

Courtesy of E! Online

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Get `Lost' in pair of riveting new series
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:12:03 CDT - 538 reads

Anonymous writes "Hold on tight: The best new show of the season starts tonight with a bang.

``Lost,'' at 8 on WCVB (Ch. 5), begins like a disaster movie. A plane crashes onto a deserted island in the South Pacific, leaving 48 passengers struggling to survive.

But with ``Alias'' creator J.J. Abrams at the controls, tonight's pilot (concluding next week) is the fall's most thrilling and tantalizing.

A man (``Party of Five's'' Matthew Fox) in a business suit awakens in a jungle. He runs through the thick foliage to a beach where he finds the flaming wreckage of the jumbo jet he was traveling on. The surviving passengers wander in various states of shock, anguish and pain.

We soon learn that the man, Jack, is a surgeon. He helps those in need and then searches for the cockpit to retrieve a radio transmitter that holds the only hope for rescue."

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'Lost' finds fresh adventure in familiar story
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:11:57 CDT - 504 reads

Anonymous writes "By Robert Bianco, USA TODAY

Oh, the joy of losing yourself in Lost.

A plane crash. An uncharted island. A tiny band of frightened survivors. Out of these familiar adventure-story components and a host of pop-culture conventions, Alias' J.J. Abrams has fashioned a totally original, fabulously enjoyable lost-at-sea series. Once again, he has taken an outlandish Saturday-serial setup and imbued it with real characters and honest emotions, without sacrificing any of the old-fashioned fun.

Shot in Hawaii but set in lands unknown, Lost follows the plight of 48 survivors of what well may be TV's most frightening plane crash. Now they have to survive life on an anything-goes, sci-fi island where it's bad if they're alone and worse if they're not.

Lost probably owes its place on the TV schedule to the popularity of a certain island-based game show. It owes its soul, however, to the same great stories that inspired Survivor— such as TheMysterious Island and Lord of the Flies.


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'Lost' a real find, even split in two
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:11:52 CDT - 536 reads

Anonymous writes "Just when you thought ABC had found its way by developing "Lost," one of the best series of the new season, the network shoots itself in the foot by scheduling it all wrong.
"Lost," premiering tonight at 8, stars Matthew Fox of "Party of Five" in a tightly wound, fabulously filmed drama about a group of survivors stranded on a remote island after their passenger jet crashed several time zones off course.

The version sent to critics for preview was a tautly structured two-hour pilot, a superb movie-length thriller that generated momentum, mystery and importance as it went along.

It's the sort of program ABC should have premiered as a two-hour Sunday movie, or at least televised on any other night in one complete sitting.

The beginning hour of "Lost" gives you first impressions of the characters and the island; the second hour shreds most of those first impressions, and makes you look at almost every person, and everything else, in a different way.

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Review: ABC's 'Lost'
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:11:45 CDT - 561 reads

Anonymous writes "In all my years of writing about television, I've come to find the hardest thing to do is tickle a viewer's imagination.

Sure we can all be captivated by the latest procedural drama's intrigue or be smitten by the stylings of the newest comedy's brand of humor, but only in the rarest of cases do we feel challenged to think outside the box and genuinely wonder about what we've seen onscreen.

"Lost," ABC's new drama from J.J. Abrams ("Alias") and Damon Lindelof ("Crossing Jordan"), falls into that rarest of categories.

A jaw-dropping sequence kicks off the series as a man (Matthew Fox) awakens on an island to the dreadful awareness that he's survived a catastrophic plane crash. As he makes his way to the beach we watch the chaos of the survivors as they scramble to safety and to cope with the extraordinary event that has occurred.

Right from the start, there's a genuine sense of fear and uncertainty in "Lost" that I can't recall seeing on the small screen before. All of the survivors actually behave as one might expect: most simply freeze up and can't cope while others refuse to accept what has happened. Those that can move past such feelings, such as Fox's character, seem to just compartmentalize it for the greater good. Overall, it's just plain fascinating to see a series press emotional buttons you don't see every week on television.

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`Lost' and found: A riveting new drama on ABC
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:11:33 CDT - 494 reads

Anonymous writes "The first scene in "Lost" is almost unbearably dreadful, not just for what you see but also what you fear you might see.

A bloodied young man awakens in a bamboo grove, then stumbles to the nearby oceanfront to confront a horror he shares with many: a jet crash, with pieces of the huge, doomed craft strewn across the island sand and passengers everywhere injured or crazed.

The man, Jack (Matthew Fox, "Party of Five"), happens to be a doctor who makes house calls. The camera follows as he makes his heroic rounds at wholesale triage.

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Will 'Lost' find TV success?
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:11:26 CDT - 503 reads

Anonymous writes "Motorists making their way along the narrow road that hugs Oahu's Mokuleia Beach tend to immediately shift into rubbernecker mode. There, wedged in the sand like a marooned whale, is the charred carcass of a jumbo passenger jet. As people slowly drive by, their eyes become saucers and then their jaws drop, oh, about three notches.

And that's when security guard Kimo Amantiad begins to have some fun.

"I sort of mess with their heads," he says, smiling. "I tell 'em it crashed just last week, and about 20 people died. Smoke and explosions and everything. They get real quiet for a while ... and then I break down and tell 'em the truth."

Such a kidder, that Kimo. The truth is it's just an extravagant film set for "Lost," a gripping new ABC action-adventure saga about 48 crash survivors stranded on a spooky tropical isle. If the struggling network has its way, the show will become a humongous hit, which theoretically would make it tougher for a mischievous security guard to pull off his ruse.

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TV Review: 'Lost'
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:11:19 CDT - 539 reads

Anonymous writes "LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - ABC could just as easily have called this program "Marooned" because the characters in it are not only lost, as the title states, but also isolated on a remote South Pacific island. Whatever they call it, though, it's a rollicking good adventure drama, starting with a pilot episode that plants the seeds from which inviting stories should sprout.

The opening scene shows Jack (Matthew Fox) regaining consciousness in the midst of imposing jungle vegetation. In an instant, he remembers he was on an aircraft that plummeted from the sky. Although injured, he quickly makes his way to the beach nearby, where he finds other dazed survivors, a large piece of the fuselage and other debris.

It soon becomes apparent, however, that this is no benign "Gilligan's Island" and that this game of "Survivor" will be played out for the highest of stakes. Instead of a millionaire, a movie star and a professor, there's a fugitive, a former member of the Iraqi guard and a member of a rock band well past his glory years.

There's actually a lot more than that -- 48 survivors in all, about a third of them destined to be regulars in the series.

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Lost should be found
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:11:13 CDT - 671 reads

Anonymous writes "n J.J. Abrams’s castaway saga Lost, a has-been rock star delivers the series-defining line: “Guys, where are we?”
Viewers, bruised and battered by reality-TV and CSI clones, will relate.

Quite simply, Lost is an ambitious, unruly anomaly in the current television landscape — a mystifying, mysterious triumph of big-screen thrills and intimate details that shouldn’t exist in the world of The Swan and Wife Swap.

But it does — and while it does, allow a lowly television critic to gush.

This is the best pilot I’ve since in three years — since 24 and Abrams’ own Alias premiered — and the only show worth rooting for this fall. The Sept. 22 premiere at 9 p.m. on ABC (the first half of the two-hour pilot) finds 48 survivors of a transpacific flight that has crashed on a tropical island coping with both each other and their ominous new environment

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ABC’s new show is an amazing adventure
Posted by gertiebeth
Friday, October 08 @ 10:11:06 CDT - 497 reads

Anonymous writes "ABC's new drama Lost has all of the ingredients of a thrilling show. It comes complete with an amazing cast, frightening special effects and a fresh premise that sets it apart from all the other shows on television. It is one of the few adventure shows on television, and an excellent one at that. Lost is sure to capture the attention of those ready for some fun and adventure.

The premiere of Lost captures the viewer's attention in the first five seconds. Jack (Matthew Fox from Party of Five) awakes, confused and bleeding heavily in the center of a forest. He emerges from the jungle to a beach with pieces of an airplane everywhere and dozens of people running around in a panic. Jack, who happens to be a doctor, starts to take charge and care for the wounded, enlisting the help of the beautiful and tough Kate (Evangeline Lilly). It soon becomes clear they are all survivors of a huge plane wreck. Both the tail and the cockpit are missing, while the middle of the plane lies in smoldering wreckage all over the beach.

As the show continues, the few remaining survivors left have to deal with the loss of their loved ones and also the increasingly scary prospect that no help is coming. Jack becomes the clear leader of the group, insisting that they travel to the missing cockpit to find a radio to reach help. Kate volunteers to help him, as well as Charlie (Dominic Monaghan from Lord of the Rings), the goofball of the group who has, among other things, genius comedic timing and a British accent."

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