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Nasheed Lyrics

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

playing now: Wada


اودعكم بدمعات العيون *** اودعكم وانتم لي عيوني

اودعكم وفي قلبي لهيب*** تجود به من الشوق شجوني

اراكم ذاهبين ولن تعودوا*** اكاد اصيح اخواني خذوني

فلست اطيق عيش لا تراكم *** به عيني وقد فارقتموني

الا يا اخوة في الله كنتم *** على الماساة لي خير معيني

وكنتم في طريق الشوك ورد ا *** يفوح شذاة عطر من غصوني

لئن نلتقي في الارض يوما*** وفرق بيننا كاس المنون

فموعدا غدا في دار خلدا*** بها يحيا الحنون مع الحنون

يا راحلين عن الحياة

يا راحلين عن الحياة وساكنين بأضلعي هل تسمعون؟؟

توجعي وتوجع الدنيا معي

لئن نلتقي في الارض يوما وفرق بيننا كاس المنون

فموعدا غدا في دار خلدا بها يحيا الحنون مع الحنون

Wada' (Farewell)

I bid you farewell, with tears in my eyes,
I bid you farewell, with you in my eyes,
I bid you farewell, with flames in my heart,
From which my sorrows of longing pour forth. [Repeat]

I see you leaving, and you do not return,
I almost cry out, “My brothers! Take me!”
I cannot bear a life in which my eyes
Do not see you, and in which you have left me.

O my brothers, you were
The best helpers in my calamity,
You were a rose in a path of thorns,
Your fragrance diffusing from the branches.

If we do not meet again one day upon this earth,
And the cup of Death has separated us,
Our meeting tomorrow will be in an Eternal Abode,
In which those who love one another are raised.

I bid you farewell, with tears in my eyes,
I bid you farewell, with you in my eyes,
I bid you farewell, with flames in my heart,
From which my sorrows of longing pour forth. [Repeat]

If we do not meet again one day upon this earth,
And the cup of Death has separated us,
Our meeting tomorrow will be in an Eternal Abode,
In which those who love one another are raised. [Repeat]

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