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Published by Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) -



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Published by Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)

Vol. 3 No. 4 - December 1996, Sha'baan 1417

Practical Lessons from Hadith

Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Anger is from Shaitaan and Shaitaan has been created from fire. Since water extinguishes fire, therefore, when one of you is overtaken by anger let him make Wudhu’ (Abu Dawood).

In another narration it is mentioned, ‘The one who becomes angry while standing should sit down. If his anger has still not cooled down, then he should lie down’. (Ahmad, Tirmidhi).

It is extremely clear in the light of the above Ahaadith the extent to which Shariát has prohibited us from succumbing to the dictates of our anger. An individual in anger loses control of himself and is extremely likely to do something which he will later regret bitterly.

One cannot enumerate the number of incidents where women and children have been maimed and marriages have been broken, etc. because some person or the other lost his temper. How beautifully one writer puts it ‘A moment of patience at the time of anger saves one from years of regret and sorrow’. This same message is more elaborately put forward in a Hadith of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) where it is mentioned ‘He who can overpower others in wrestling is not really a strong man. True strength is in that individual who can control himself at the time of anger’ (Bukhari).

Becoming angry is a natural occurrence and therefore, anger in itself is not prohibited in Shariáh. However, we are prohibited from allowing our anger to consume us to such an extent that we act irrationally and oppress others. In fact the ability to swallow up ones anger and forgive others has been specially mentioned in the Holy Qurãn. When a person develops such awareness of Allah Taála that even at the time of anger, he remains conscious of Allah Taála; then he will be greatly rewarded as is borne out by the following Hadith: ‘If a person swallows his anger despite being able to act according to the demands of his anger; then Allah Taála will call him in front of the entire creation on the day of judgement. The Hoors (Maidens) of Jannat will be lined up and he will be allowed to choose whichever one he desires’. (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi).


Al-Jamiat - Volume 3 No. 4

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