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Home | FAQ | FAQ: Acupuncture

Frequently Asked Questions: Acupuncture

What is Acupuncture?
How does acupuncture work?
How does modern science explain acupuncture?
What health conditions could be treated by acupuncture?
What does acupuncture feel like?
How many treatments will I need?
Is acupuncture safe?
Do I have to believe in acupuncture for it to work?
Are there any "DOs" and "DON'Ts" on the day of treatment?

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a medical procedure that consists of the gentle insertion of hair-thin, disposable sterile needles at strategic body points to treat various health conditions, stimulate the body's healing response, and promote physical and emotional well-being.
It originated in China more than 2,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest and most commonly used medical procedures in the world. In the past two decades, acupuncture has grown in popularity in the United States. An estimated 8.2 million U.S. adults had never used acupuncture, and an estimated 2.1 million U.S. adults had used acupuncture last year.
How does acupuncture work? Back to Top
The ancient Chinese believed that there is a universal life energy called Qi (pronounced “chee”) present in every living creature. This energy is said to circulate throughout the body along specific pathways that are called meridians. As long as this energy flows freely throughout the meridians, health is maintained, but once the flow of energy is blocked, the system is disrupted and pain and illness occur.
Acupuncture works to restore normal functions by stimulating certain points on the meridians in order to free up the Chi energy and reestablish its natural flow through the meridians. Acupuncture treatments can therefore help the body's internal organs to correct imbalances in their digestion, absorption, and energy production activities, and in the circulation of their energy through the meridians.
How does modern science explain acupuncture? Back to Top
The modern scientific explanation is that needling the acupuncture points stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain, or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body's own internal regulating system.
What health conditions could be treated by acupuncture? Back to Top
While acupuncture may be most popular for its effectiveness in alleviating pain, it has a much broader range of applications. The World Health Organization recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of many medical problems, including:

• Digestive disorders: gastritis and hyperacidity, spastic colon, constipation, diarrhea.
• Respiratory disorders: sinusitis, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, recurrent chest infections.
• Neurological and muscular disorders: headaches, facial tics, neck pain, rib neuritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, various forms of tendonitis, low back pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis.
• Urinary, menstrual, and reproductive problems.

Acupuncture can be effective as the only treatment used, or as the support or adjunct to other medical treatments for many health disorders.
What does acupuncture feel like? Back to Top
The actual insertion of the acupuncture needles is done very quickly, and most people feel a slight pricking sensation during insertion. Once the needles are in place, patients report a “tingling, numbing or warm sensation.” This is a desirable sensation is known as “attaining qi.”
How many treatments will I need? Back to Top
For most conditions, a series of several treatments is required in order for you to achieve maximum benefit. After an initial evaluation, the acupuncturist should provide you with a treatment plan that includes the modalities to be used as well as the frequency and duration of treatment. A normal series of treatments is from 6 to 12.
Is acupuncture safe? Back to Top
Acupuncture is safe. Relatively few complications from the use of acupuncture have been reported to the FDA in light of the millions of people treated each year and the number of acupuncture needles used. Because the treatment does not involve the use of drugs, patients do not have to worry about adverse side effects. However, there are certain conditions you should notify your doctor such as hemophilia or if you have a pacemaker.
Do I have to believe in acupuncture for it to work? Back to Top
No. Acupuncture is used successfully on cats, dogs, horses and other animals. These animal patients do not understand or believe in the process that helps them get better. A positive attitude toward wellness may reinforce the effects of the treatment received, just as a negative attitude may hinder the effects of acupuncture or any other treatment.
Are there any "DOs" and "DON'Ts" on the day of treatment? Back to Top
To make it easier and enhance the value of a treatment, the following guidelines are important:

• Wear loose, comfortable clothing for easier access to acupuncture points
• Do not eat an unusually large meal two hours before or after your treatment.
• Do not over-exercise or consume alcoholic beverages within six hours before or after the treatment.
• Plan your activities so that after the treatment you can get some rest, or at least not have to be working at top performance. This is especially important for the first few visits.
• Continue to take any prescription medicines as directed by your regular doctor. Substance abuse (drugs and alcohol) especially in the week prior to treatment will seriously interfere with the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments.
• Keep all your appointments, as each visit builds upon the previous ones.

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