
Noah Jones

Noah Jones is a great addition as an animator here at FableVision. He loves to draw, eat nachos, and play chess. He's no longer afraid of horses. One of his feet is a size and a half larger than the other. He snorts when he laughs really hard.

He grew up outside of Chicago and had a friend there whose father worked in refrigerator sales. He was able to get these gigantic refrigerator boxes for Noah's friends to play in. They had this game where each would put a box on and run as fast as possible into one another. Somehow they were all able to avoid massive head injuries.

After entering a monster drawing contest in the fifth grade, Noah decided he wanted to draw for a living. He graduated from the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland, Oregon with a degree in illustration. The following autumn Noah moved east with his family (you should meet them, they're so much fun) to Maine. After working at a mind-numbingly boring office job, Noah eventually stumbled across FableVision which he found to be the perfect outlet for his creativity. Now he spends his days drawing bug-eyed children, monsters in their underpants, and medically-trained hot dogs.

This summer he married his sweetheart, the lovely Diane Jones - children's librarian extraordinaire. He couldn't be happier.

Noah can be reached at Noah@Fablevision.com.

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