Yes, the summer of 2004 was the end of the official Dexcons - at least, the cons in which Dex did all the work.

The memories. The band. The photos.

Dexcon VII, pt. 1, by Alestar:
"The night happens for hours..."

Dexcon VII, pt. 2, by Alestar:
"A woman comes up in the lobby and asks what sort of shindig is going on, and Doqz tells her we're from the circus. Like, he really says that to her. I tell her we're a writer's convention. She, confused, says, "oh, well, you all look very nice." "

Dexcon Report by Matt Nute:
"Given that I garnered such cooperation while wearing my "YOU SUCK" shirt, I can only place the blame on my good looks and charm."

What I Did On My Summer Vacation, part 1 by 'rith:
"More pimpage will, of course, be imminent."

What I Did On My Summer Vacation, part 2 by 'rith:
"Dinner was fabulous, although oddly again the two martinis failed to have any effect--I wonder if my late-blooming super-power is immunity to alcohol. Phooey."

Random Observations by Min:
"The conga line in general was Much Fun. Next time, however, I shall NOT attempt to dance with G-D heeled shoes."

Ten Days Domenika Marzione:
"You can say your name (or pseudonym) as many times as you like, but people will still pronounce it the way they've been doing it in their heads when they read it."

write club: the stories

And again, we have workshop stories.

99 Flavors, by Matt Nute, 'rith and Lise.

All About the Pac-Man, by Cynjen, Azzy and JB.

Closet, What Closet?, by Alestar, Dex and Chandri.

Dishes, Rollerblades and Duct Tape, by Frito, IndyJ and Mitai.

Have You Heard the One?... by Brucha Meyers, Red Monster and Mike Smith.

Missing From The Picture, by Minisinoo, Redhawk and Buttercup.

A Proper British Breakfast, by Benway, Carmen, and Epona.

Small Favors, by Seraph, Tapestry and Poi.

Structural Damage, by Hex, Ashlan and Alicia.

The Straw and the Camel, by Domenika, Jim Smith and Pebblin.

There were two other stories written this year, however they were also saved improperly and thus are sitting out there in the world, inoperable. Rossi, Gerg, Duey, Doqz, Smitty and Twiller are the missing authors; the missing stories are:

Bobby Drake, Demolition Inc., by Gerg, Duey and Doqz.

Walking the Dog, by Rossi, Twiller and Smitty.

other stuff

Dexcon, The Movie - courtesy of Greg, we have several movie files from this year, most notably, dancing. Oh, the dancing.

The username and password are both "beer".

Created on 2005-04-04 15:36:41 by lise
Updated on 2005-06-02 01:19:51 by lise
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