the rules

The following are the rules of DexCon. In addition, guests are expected to abide by all normal laws and ordinances of the city of Toronto, and the Canadian government.

1. THE GOLDEN RULE. You remember, that 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' thing? Well, that's the main rule of DexCon. Everyone is here for a holiday, and deserves a nice time. Therefore, DexCon is an official truce area. Leave the internet fights, message board flames, and attacks home for four days. I expect everyone here to act like adults. So, if there is someone you don't like, avoid them. If someone annoys you, walk away. If they are harassing you, come talk to me and it will be taken care of.

2. ZERO TOLERANCE. Very important. You start a fight, you swing a punch, you're gone. I don't care how justified you may or may not have been. I have yet to have a violent incident at DexCon, and I will not start now. Zero Tolerance also applies to illegal substances. Drugs also mean an instant removal from the convention.

3. TANSTAAFL. Or 'There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch'. We tend to group up on bills, and every year, we have a few people who leave without paying a full share. Tax in Canada is 15%, and 15% tip. That means you have to add that on your contribution to the bill. No one leaves until it's settled.

That's it, basically. Now, for things like minors in the bars, etc, I have a very simple rule: if you get caught and removed, then that's your problem. Any thing that is a criminal offence will be immediately reported to the Toronto Police and handled via them.

Now, what happens if you break one of these rules? Very simple. You may be spoken with and warned. You may be forced to own up and make an apology to the offended parties. In serious cases, I will remove you from the Con immediately, and without remuneration. That means you will be removed from the hotel/hostel and asked not to try and interact with the rest of the Con in any way. Minors will be taken to the airport and returned home at their parent's expense. You will also be banned from future cons.

However, in the seven years and the 155 people of this con, I've only had to ban one person and handle one small case of harassment. Fortunately, almost everyone at the con respects the rules and each other. These rules are in place as a deterrent.

So, come out, have fun, and let everyone else have fun too! Sign up here.

Created on 2005-04-28 19:34:12 by lise
Updated on 2005-05-05 01:15:51 by lise
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