write club: the workshop

Three years running Dexcon has had a workshop component on Saturday afternoon, with exercises, speakers, discussion, and of course, co-writing under the gun. Dexcon V was the first year with a workshop component, and coincidentally around the same time as Fight Club came out in the cinema.

The first rule of Write Club is you do not talk about Write Club.

The second rule of Write Club is you DO NOT TALK about Write Club.

The third rule of Write Club is if someone presses save, goes dry, blanks out, the fic is over.

The fourth rule of Write club is only three writers to a laptop.

The fifth rule of Write Club is one fic at a time.

The sixth rule of Write club is no Mary Sues, no muses.

The seventh rule of Write Club is that fic will go long as they have to, or until they hit the word count.

The eighth rule of Write club is if this is your first night at Write Club, you have to write.

Created on 2005-06-05 17:59:19 by lise
Updated on 2005-06-12 15:13:37 by lise
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