Last updated 7:09AM PST October 12, 2007
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On Saturn's moon Titan, bring an umbrella (2007-10-12) CHICAGO (Reuters) - The daily weather forecast on Saturn's largest moon Titan appears to be a steady drizzle of liquid methane, at least around the bright, exotically named region known as Xanadu, U.S. researchers said on Thursday.

Scientists map Chinese genome, now look at pandas (2007-10-12) BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese scientists have worked out the first complete map of the Chinese genome and are now turning their attention to a national treasure -- the giant panda, a Beijing newspaper reported on Friday.

More collaboration needed after HIV vaccine flop (2007-10-11) LONDON (Reuters) - AIDS researchers must step up collaboration following the failure last month of a key experimental HIV vaccine, the new head of a global group coordinating the hunt for an effective shot said on Thursday.

Bring an umbrella on Saturn's moon Titan (2007-10-11) CHICAGO (Reuters) - The daily weather forecast on Saturn's largest moon Titan appears to be a steady drizzle of liquid methane, at least around the bright, exotically named region known as Xanadu, U.S. researchers said on Thursday.

Tree-frog inspires new super glue (2007-10-11) HONG KONG (Reuters) - Inspired by the toe pads of tree frogs and crickets, researchers in India have created a form of sticky coating that is both strong and reusable.