Dylan (TM) -- An object-oriented dynamic language


Apple Computer
Eastern Research and Technology

Copyright 1992 Apple Computer, Inc.


Acknowledgments 5
Foreword 7
Preface 9

1. Introduction 15
Background and Goals 15
About this Manual 16
Manual Notation 16
2. Language Overview 19
Structure of Dylan 20
3. Syntax and Semantics 23
Lexical Notation 23
Conventions 25
Expressions and Programs 27
Multiple Values 30
4. Variables 31
Module Variables 31
Lexical Variables 32
5. Modules 35
Overview of Modules 35
References to Module Variables 36
Adding Variables to a Module 36
Using Modules 36
ReadOnly Variables 37
6. Introduction to Functions and Classes 39
Generic Functions and Methods 39
Classes, Instances, and Singletons 48
7. Assignment 61
8. Conditionals, Flow of Control, and Evaluation 63
True and False 63
Conditional Execution 63
Iteration Constructs 68
Simple Exits 71
Evaluation 72
9. Equality and Magnitude Comparisons 75
Equality Comparisons 75
Magnitude Comparisons 77
10. Functions 79
Methods 79
Method Dispatch 81
Additional Function Details 85
Reflective Operations on Functions and Methods 87
11. Classes 91
Coercing and Copying Objects 91
Reflective Operations on Classes 92
Sealing Classes 94
Slots and Slot Descriptors 94
Singletons 96
12. Collections 99
Functions for Collections 99
Functions for Sequences 104
The Instantiable Collection Classes 111
Operations on Arrays 113
Operations on Deques 114
Operations on Lists 115
Operations on Ranges 118
Operations on Stretchy Vectors 119
Operations on Strings 119
Operations on Tables 120
Operations on Vectors 121
The Iteration Protocol 122
Iteration Stability and Natural Order 123
Collection Keys 123
Mutability 127
Collection Alignment 128
Defining a New Collection Class 130
13. Conditions 131
Background 131
Overview 133
Specification 136
Examples 144
14. Numbers 147
Automatic Type Conversion 147
Numeric Classes 148
General Arithmetic Functions 149
15. Keywords and Symbols 153
16. Characters 155
17. Functional Operations 157
18. Miscellaneous Operations 161

Index 163

Next chapter: Acknowledgments