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>Argetina Bands




(2003, CD-S and 12")

The long time delayed new Amon work is here with us at last. After the release of "The Legacy" on Eibon and "Mer" on "Blade" in 1999-2000 there wasn't any significant output from this project except a few compilation tracks.
Andrea Marutti, the one behind the Amon mask, has always preferred "quality" rather than "quantity" in his music, and that is for sure one of the reasons for his long silence. As it has already been for some of his previous releases, the making of "Nona" was disturbed by unexpected events. The first version of this work was lost forever when the master tape got damaged and became unusable. New recordings were taken but technical troubles kept on delaying the mixing... Was it worth the waiting? We would say so. "Nona" takes inspiration from a case of xenoglossy (the ability to speak in an unlearned and unheard foreign language, often associated with past-life recall, states of trance or hypnosis and mediumship) discovered in Great Britain around the early Thirties when a woman in state of trance expressed herself in a language which was recognized as ancient Egyptian. This voice from the past was called "Nona" or "The One Without a Name". The music has obviously much in common with Amon's previous releases, but according to the need of a change expressed by the author, it introduces new elements and could be easily filed both under Dark Ambient and Avantgarde.
The Amon sounds palette was never so rich in the past. Despite this fact the final result appears like it was stripped down to the essential but surprisingly retains its thickness. "Nona" is available in two different versions: a CD-EP and a 300 copies limited edition 10" vinyl.
The CD-EP contains one 21 minutes long track while the 10" vinyl has about 14 minutes of music on each side. Both the formats include exclusive material and slightly different versions of certain tracks.

2003. Press information

