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>Argetina Bands



"...Un Segundo"

(El Angelito Editor, 2002)


Formidable second work of the trio Mexican Cabezas de Cera that will be, with all security, one of the best disks in the year.

Cabezas de Cera made it another time. It was able to conjugate those two words again that so well graficaron the sensations taken place by the music locked in their album premiere: fascination and perplexity.

For second time, in "… un segundo" Mexican heroes marvel granting to their music a new dimension again, reaching points of high instrumental quality and compossitive, getting something that seemed impossible: to leave small to their predecessor, although you don't believe it. And truly this is something that represents a great creative effort in all sense for an artistic proposal so elaborated as his. The result is an interesting group of themes that they already support its structure in the well-known formidable instrumental versatility of which they make gallic these big musicians.

But unfortunately for that that had been totally subdued by this trio, "… un segundo" is a too short disk in its duration, leaving us when concluding with desires of listening more than its music, staying within our reach as only possible solution to repeat the dose of last of "… un segundo" as many times as be necessary as only way of satiating our desire of more than its music.

With total security we can say that we are in presence of one of the big disks of the last times arisen by this side of the world. A great replete work of subtleties and panting melodies that they go capturing slow but indeed our senses in a not very habitual way, catching us emotionally with their lines of genuine art. Cabezas de Cera achieve with attractive easiness to express all their creative universe with a forcefulness that would be the envy of several consecrated.

In this point we should say for those that don't still know to Cabezas de Cera that their more outstanding characteristic this given by the use of not very habitual instruments inside the progressive rock, which confer to their music a very wide range of sounds and textures, to first impression, the great attractiveness of the trio.

Cabezas de Cera have conceived an overwhelming, very elaborated work and of great attractiveness.

A firm second step that brings near them to the summit of the progressive Latin American.

Sergio Vilar

