1995 American Championships - Lake Placid, USA - Feb 18 & 19, 1995

    4 heat
 1.  Orvie Garrett 3:53.37
 2. Jim Shea 3:54.07
 3. D. Gallagher 3:56.85
 4. Chris Soule 3:56.93
 5. Jim Torrico 3:57.91
 6. Don Hass 3:58.79
 7. Greg Hagaman 3:58.22
 8. Peter Brisbois   3:58.58
 - Terry Holland -------
Results are incomplete.  I do know that Terry Holland set a new track record of 57.97 in the first heat and crashed in the second heat.
Davenport Skeleton Sleds - last modified March 23, 2002