A TimeLine of psychological ideas
Marcos Emanoel Pereira

 Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil

Go to the first page (from 600 before our era to 1899)

Go to the previous page (from 1900 to 1949)

From 1950 up to our days


Second edition of Boring's A History of Experimental Psychology

Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswick, Levinson & Sanford publish  The
Authoritarian Personality

Theodor Newcomb publishes Social Psychology

George Homans publishes The Human Group

Alan Turing publishes Computing machinery and  intelligence

Robert Bales introduces the Interactional Process Analysis

Established the Mexican Society of Psychology

Established at the Central University of Ecuador the Institute of

The Israel Psychological Association is established

The International Union of Psychological Science (IUPS), later International
Union of Psychological Sciences
(IUPsyS) is

The Interamerican Society of Psychology is founded in Mexico

The Institute of Psychology Chinese Academy of Science is founded

Egon Brunswick publishes The conceptual framework of psychology

Salomon Asch publishes Social Psychology

Frederic Bartlett publishes Think and to Conceive: Experiments of
Practical psychology

The Spanish Psychological Society is established

The Japanese Educational Psychology Association is established

The American Association of Psychology publishes the first Code of
Ethics of Psychologists

B. F. Skinner publishes Science and Human Behavior

Leon Festinger and Daniel Katz publish Research methods in the
behavioral sciences

C. Hovland, I. Janis and H. Kelley  publish Communication and
persuasion: psychological studies of opinion change

The Sociedad de Psicologia del Uruguai  is established

A postgraduate school of psychology at theUniversity of Madrid
is established

Iraj Ayman establishes the Testing and Vocational Guidance Unit at the
U.S. Technical Operation Mission in Tehran


The  Brazilian Association of the Psychologists is established

In the journal Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicotécnica a law project about
the formation and the regulation of the psychologist's profession is published

Gordon Allport publishes The nature of prejudice

Leon Festinger postulates the theory of social comparison process

Abraham Maslow develops a hierarquical theory of human personality
in the book Motivation and Personality

B. F. Skinner demonstrates at the University of Pittsburgh a  machine
designed to teach arithmetic, using an instructional program

The journal Acta Psiquiatrica y Psicologicade America Latina is
established in Argentina

The Sociedad Peruana de Psicologia is established

Social psychologist Richard Crutchfield publishes the article
Conformity and Character

George Kelly publishes Psychology of Personal Constructs

Lee J. Cronbach and Paul E. Meehl's article Construct Validity in
Psychological Tests
was published


Established the Federacion Colombiana de Psicologia (Colombian
Federation of Psychology)

Established the formation in psychology at the Universidad San
Marcos at Peru

The Journal of Analytical Psychology is established in London

South-African psychiatrist David Cooper arrives in England

A  psychology department  is established at the University of
, Australia


Jerome Bruner and collaborators publish A study of thinking

George A. Miller publishes in Psychological Review his famous article
on the
magic number seven

Salomon Asch publishes his studies about conformity

U. T. Place postulates in the article Is Consciousness a Brain Process?,  
the first  modern statement of the identity theory

Swiss psychiatrist Ludwig Biswanger publishes Three Forms of Frustrated
existence: Extravagance, Idiosyncrasy and

The journal  CeskolovenskaPsychologie (Czechoslovak
Psychology) is founded

Law No. 198 regulates the clinical practice of psychologists
in Egypt

Leon Festinger publishes Theory of the Cognitive Dissonance

B.F. Skinner and Charles B. Ferster publish, after five years of
collaboration, the book Schedules of Reinforcement

B. F. Skinner publishes Verbal behavior

H. J. Eysenck publishes The effects of psychotherapy: an evaluation

L. Cronbach publishes The two disciplines of scientific psychology

The Instituto deInvestigaciones Psicologicas is founded at the
Universidad de Costa Rica

The Finnish Psychological Society  is established

Allen Newell, Marvin E. Shaw, and Herbert A. Simon's article Elements
of a Theory of Human Problem Solving, the  first exposition of the
information-processing approach in psychology

Herbert Feigl publishes The 'Mental' and the 'Physical'

Howard A. Rusk publishes Rehabilitation Medicine, in which his suggests
that approximately one-half of physically disabled adults would require
psychological services to attain a reasonable adaptation

Donald Broadbent publishes Perception and Communication

Offered in France a doctorate with an option in psychology

The Czechoslovak Psychological Society and the Slovak
Psychological Society  were founded

The Pattern Completion Test (PATCO), devised by the South African
National Institute of Personal Research, is applied  to nomadic
Bushmen during the first and second(1959) Kalahari expeditions

Wolfgang Köhler publishes Gestalt psychology today

John W. Thibaut and Harold H. Kelley's book The Social Psychology of
Groups was published

J. P. Guilford's article The three faces of intellect  was published in the
American Psychologist

Noam Chomsky publishes his revision of the book Verbal Behavior
previously published by B. F. Skinner

J. J. C. Smart publishes the article Sensations and Brain Process

Iraj Ayman establishes the Iran's first psychological department at the
National Teacher's College in Tehran

In Tananarive, Madagascar, the C.C.T.A/C.S.A. Meeting of
Specialists of the Basic Psychology of Africanand Madagascan
Populations is held

G. Sperling publishes its famous article about the sensorial memory

Robert Watson publishes the article History of Psychology: a
Neglected Area

Milton Rokeach publishes The open and the closed mind

First school of professional psychology is established in Mexico

The Japanese Social Psychology Association is established

First edition of Journal of Humanistic Psychology

Carl Rogers publishes On becoming a person

The Handbook of Clinical Psychology, edited by Benjamin Wolman,
was first published

Rensis Likert's book New Patterns of Management , a landmark in
organizational psychology, was published.

Michael Argyle and Janet Dean's article Eye-Contact, Distance, and
Affiliation   was published in Sociometry.

Hans Toch publishes Legal and Criminal Psychology , the first
psycholegal textbook

A psychology program is established at the University of las Villas,

Creation of  bachelor courses and  the profession of psychologist

The University of São Paulo hires Fred Keller

Michael Murphy and Richard Price found the Esalen Institute
at Big Sur, in California

The Psychological Association of the Philipinnes is established

Pedro Parafita Bessa creates the course of Psychology at the
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Sigmund Koch publishes Psychology: a Study of a Science

Neil Smelser publishes Theory of Collective Behavior

J. A. Ritchie publishes in Wellington, New Zealand the book The
Making of a Maori: A case study of a changing country

Fred Keller, Carolina M. Bori, Rodolpho Azzi e J. G. Sherman
install the Department of Psychology of the Universidade de Brasília

Stanley Milgram publishes Obedience to authority

Emergence of humanistic psychology as "third force" in psychology

T. W.Wann edits Behaviorism and Phenomenology: contrasting
bases for modern psychology

The Union Cubana de Psicologia  is established

The Sociedad Salvadorena de Psicologia is established

The yugoslav historian of psychology Kruno Kristic publishes in
the journal Acta Instituti Psychologici Universitatis Zagabrensis
the article Marko Marulik. The autor of the term  “psychology”

The Association of Romanian Psychologists is established

The military regime dissolves the Department of Psychology of the
Universidade de Brasília

Roger Brown publishes Social Psychology

Robert Zajonc analises the process of social facilitation

The Journal for the History of Behavioural Sciences is founded

A conference held in Swampscott, Massachusetts,establishes the
field of community psychology

The Asociación Panameña de Psicologos is established

T'Sao Jih-chang translate Woodward and Schlossberg's Experimental
Psychology  into Chinese

The Pakistan Journal of Psychology is established

The first laboratory of experimental psychology in independent
sub-saarian Africa  is established in Zambia

J. J. Gibson publishes The senses considered as perceptual system

Jerome S. Bruner's book Studies in Cognitive Growth was published.

Saul Sternberg's article High Speed Scanning in Human Memory  was
published in Science

First master's program in humanistic psychology is established in the
psychology department of the Sonoma State College

The first federal legislation to protect animal research subjects,
The Animal Welfare Act, was enacted

Established the Sociedad Paraguaya de Psicologia

Psychology as banned as a university subject, the Institute of
Psychology in Chinese Academic of Sciences is closed and the
publication of psychology journals and books is ceased in China

The iranian psychologist A. A. Siyassi publishes in Persian the book
Science of Mind or Psychology from the standpoint of education

The Australian Psychological Society is established

The journal Revista Interamericana de Psicologia/Interamerican
Journal of Psychology is established

Rollo May publishes Psychology and the Human Dillema

Hilary Putnam suggests the idea of multiple realizability of mental

Robert Watson establishes the first history of psychology PHD
program in the world

The department of psychology at the Universidad Autonoma
de Santo Domingo in Dominican Republic is established

Ulric Neisser  publishes Cognitive Psychology

Abraham Maslow publishes Toward a Psychology of Being

The  International Encyclopedia of  the Social Sciences is

Established the Colegio de Psicólogos de Chile (union of

Lourdes García-Averasturi establishes in Cuba the National Group
of  Psychology

David Armstrong publishes A Materialistic Theory of Mind

Cheiron, the International Organizations for the History of the
Behavioral and Social Sciences
is established

The Department of Psychology at the University of Hong Kong
and the Hong Kong Psychological Society is established

The Psychological Association of Iran is established

The Korean Journal of Psychology is established

The Pakistan Psychological Association held its first meeting in

A department of psychology is established in the University of


Gregory Bateson publishes Schizophrenia and Family

Albert Bandura publishes Principles of Modification of the Behavior

Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson publishes the second edition of the
Handbook of Social Psychology

Joseph Wolpe publishes The practice of behavior therapy

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross publishes On the Death and Dying

Ruben Ardila founds in Colombia the Latin American Journal of

The Revista Argentina de Psicologia is established

Lewis Brandt and Wolfgang Metzer publish 'Reality,' What does it mean?

The Association Humanistic Psychology creates the Humanistic
Psychology Institute as an educational and research institute

The french psychologist Francois Lapointe publishes in the journal
American Psychologist the article Origins and evolutions of  the
term psychology

First International Invitation Conference on Humanistic Psychology
in Amsterdam

Stanislav Kratochvil publishes in Czechoslovakia Psychotherapy:
Approaches, Methods and research

R. Shepard & J.Metzler publishes the article Mental rotation of
three-dimensional objects

B. F. Skinner publishes Beyond Freedom and Dignity

H. Rimoldi establishes the Interdisciplinary Center of Research in
Mathematical and Experimental Psychology

Italian psychiatrist Franco Basaglia publishes The Denied Institution

The Psychological Practices Act  governs the psychological practice
in Zimbabwe

A. Newell & H. Simon publish Human Problem Solving

Ron Harré and Paul Secord publish The Explanation of Social

R. A. LeVine and D. T. Campbell publish Ethnocentrism

J. Israel and H. Tajfel publish The context of social psychology

J. R. Eiser and W. Stroebe publish Categorization and  social judgment

The Swiss psychiatrist Medard Boss founds in Zurich the Institute
Analytic Existential of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic

Established the Faculty of Psychology at the National University of
Mexico (UNAM)

Karl von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz and  Nikollaas Tinbergen receive the
Nobel Prize in recognition of their studies on the behavior of the animals

A psychological licensing law was adopted in Norway

The First Annual Convention of the American Psychology-Law
Society is held

The Journal of Black Psychology  was first published by the Association
of Black Psychologists.

The Egyptian Association for Psychological Societies publishes the
first volume of the Egyptian Yearbook of Psychology

The Medical, Dental , and Supplementary Health Service Professions Act
governs the profession of psychologist in South Africa

Paul Feyerabend publishes Against the Method: Outline of   an anarchist
theory of knowledge

Mary Henle publishes Gestalt psychology and gestalt therapy

The Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Psychology  is
established at the Alberta University , Canada

The first college program in Community Psychology is offered by the
psychology department of the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras

The Associacion Dominicana de Psicologia (Dominican Association
of Psychology) is established

William Sahakian publishes History of Psychology

The Latin American Association of Social  Psychology
(ALAPSO) is established

V. Sexton and H. Misiak publish Psychology Around   the  World

J. Ehrenwald publishes A History of Psychotherapy

Psychology is recognized as a independent school at the
University of Havana

The Colegio de Psicólogos de Bolivia is established

Ulric Neisser publishes Cognition and Reality

M. Billig publishes Social psychology and intergroup relations

R. Schank & R. Abelson publish Scripts, Plans, Goals and

Alan Gauld & John Shotter publish  Human action and its psychological

Joseph Rychlak publishes Psychology of Rigorous Humanism

Sheldon Stryker distinguishes between psychological and sociological social

An article by a group of psychologist at Beijing University suggest
the revival of psychology as an academic discipline

The Law of Psychologists regulates the profession of psychologist
in Israel

Nixon and Taft publish Psychology in Australia: Achievements
and Prospects

Kelley and Thibaut publish Interpersonal relations: A theory of

The Laboratorio de Psicologia at the Universidad de Los
Andes , Merida, Venezuela is founded

The journal Boletin de Psicologia  is founded in La Habana,

The Federacion de Psicólogos de Venezuela is established

The Columbian Society of Psychology is established

A new universitary law reduces the time of study of psychology in
Czechoslovakia from 5 to 4 years

The Chinese Society of Psychology is refounded

J.J. Gibson  publishes The ecological approach to visual  perception

Lachman, Lachman & Butterfield publish Cognitive psychology
and information processing: An introduction

The journal Revista Chilena de Psicologia is founded

The journal Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik published two issues
(1979/1980) on Psychology and Fascism containing several studies on
psychology in Nazi Germany

The Belgian Federations of Psychologists  is established

The Greek Parliament promulges a law specifying the qualifications for
the profession of psychologist





José Miguel Salazar dies

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