Spiritual Timing

All clutter wastes time. Unnecessary objects and unhealthy relationships take maintenance. Here, the focus is time clutter which is caused by unfulfilled emotional and spiritual needs.

Time clutter appears in many forms:
  • Overdoing--doing more than we need to do or are capable of doing in a healthy manner.
  • "Experience greed"--wanting to try everything, not being selective.
  • A need to be needed. This often results in being over-available to others and neglecting our own needs.
  • A way to silence self-hating thoughts.
  • A device to avoid confronting problems.
  • Busyaholism, which causes adrenaline highs.
  • Inability to refuse invitations for fear of missing something.
  • Perfectionism--to prove that we are okay.
  • Overachieving to impress people about our importance.
  • A "busyness" stash--an overloaded schedule. This is equivalent to hoarding stuff. It insures that we will always be distracted.
  • Information overload--feeling that we must keep up with every new development.
Because we believed our problem was poor time management, many of us consulted experts... We filled the time "saved" with even more activities and the result was less time.

What we lacked was not time, but spiritual timing. In turning our life, our will, our day, over to our Higher Power, we can cooperate with that timing by following these methods:

REST: The quality of our day is determined by how much natural restorative sleep we've had, not by events...

AVAILABILITY: Being rested and living with broad margins are welcome mats for our Higher Power...

Ways of leaving space for God:

Taking long, solitary, familiar walks; doing mundane tasks that underoccupy our mind; puttering aimlessly.

Simplicity. By decluttering and living at need level, we eliminate outgrown selves and develop our spiritual resources...

Decelerating. We allow time to contemplate our Higher Power's will and await that click of rightness...

Selectivity. Before adding any new activity, we can ask: Will I enjoy doing it?


This includes these realizations:
  • There's only the spiritual reality of divine order... there is only now.
  • The world is a hologram, with every part connected...
  • Every event is part of a larger pattern of which we can't see the beginning or the end...
  • We may have created a Higher Power in our own image...
EMERGENCE: When we're rested, available, and receptive, wondrous things happen...
RECOGNITION: As time passes, things coalesce...
With this method, each moment has greater impact...
Quality spawns quantity...

And, as we use our own time wisely, we discover friends who won't waste ours...

Our lifelong problem wasn't time scarcity; it was lack of spiritual connection... Our Higher Power is now our time manager.

The above is an excerpt from the complete pamphlet.
If you wish to receive a complete pamphlet, or all eight (8) pamphlets, see our literature ordering page.
© 2002 - 2005 Clutterers Anonymous WSO  -  Approved by CLA WSO Literature Committee, June 2002

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