10 Best Images Competition

10 Best Images Entry Form

Personal Details

Please complete the form below. When you have finished click the "Continue" button.
In keeping with the traditions established by the POV Team we wish the content of the final CD to be rich and diverse, in order to achieve this the upload forms ask for some detailed information. We suggest that you read the following three documents before completing the forms - Project Overview, Themes and Styles, and Copyright Information.
Click here If you have already registered.
First/Christian name: Second/family name:
Which events would you like to upload in this session?
- Cover Competition.
- 10 Best Images.
- Tutorials.
Your email address:
Which is your country ? How would you categorize your POV experience level ?
Your nickname: This must contain no spaces or punctuation though an underscore "_" is permitted, you may want to use your first name and an initial, try to make it something unique and fairly short:
Your Webpage:
- By clicking this box you agree to be bound by the above copyright.

 I made this