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Maurice Weiner

From Outcyclopedia, the free and queer encyclopedia.

Maurice Weiner was the Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles in the 1970s. In a much publicized incident in February of 1976, he was arrested for groping an undercover vice officer in a public restroom. Weiner was convicted for lewd conduct and later resigned from office.

Entry added 12 February, 2005. All text is available for use under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License. (see Copyrights for details).

DISCLAIMER: This is not an adult site, and does not contain any pornographic images or material. Any references to sex or other adult material or behavior is made from a purely academic standpoint. Images used on this site are credited whenever possible, and any whose copyright status is in dispute will be gladly removed or credited upon request. Not all persons listed on this site are or were openly homosexual, but reasonable conclusions about their sexuality may and has been made from diaries, letters, and other writings and accounts made by them and/or those who knew them. Several others are heterosexual and are included here for the impact, whether positive or negative, they have made on queer culture and history.