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Town Hall, Mulberry Place
5 Clove Crescent
London E14 2BG


Your ward councillor(s)

Local election results 2006

Your MP

George Galloway MP

Tower Hamlets representatives at the European Parliament

Tower Hamlets mayor

Tower Hamlets Partnership (THP)

You are in Local Area Partnership 3, which covers St Dunstan's and Stepney Green & Whitechapel

Whitechapel area map

Nearest services & amenities

To find out what council services and amenities are available close to you, use Find My Nearest to find it on the map.

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Libraries & Idea Stores near you

Local leisure centre

Local services

Your local one stop shops are in: Spitalfields and Bethnal Green

Your local service centre is: Stepney & Wapping

Local recycling centres
Find out your doorstep recycling day

Useful links