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50s-60s | 70s-80s | 90s-00s

During the 70s and 80s, local production by the ABC took a giant leap forward, and saw the start of programs that would forever shape Australian life and culture. Significant restructuring during the early 80s allowed the new corporation to focus more clearly on its television interests and introduce new innovative programs.


In the early 1970s, the ABC began to commission co-productions to counter the high cost of local TV production, including the popular Ben Hall, Rush and Seven Little Australians. In 1972 the successful comedy Aunty Jack began, and the long-running and highly popular music show Countdown began in 1974.





The television licence fee, which had provided funding for the ABC since the start of television in Australia, was abolished in 1974, turning the government into the primary source of funding. However, this was also the year the first ABC Shop was opened, creating a new source of commercial revenue which would be directed straight back into the broadcaster.

Colour television was introduced in 1975, and the ABC logo was thickened in order to make greater use of colour in on-air presentation.


This Day Tonight was replaced by Nationwide in 1979, and ran until the hour-long news and current affairs program, The National, began in 1984.

A new act of parliament changed the 'Commission' to 'Corporation' in 1983, signalling the start of a significant restructure to make the organisation more relevant and cost-effective. Radio and television were split into separate divisions, and an overhaul of management, property and finance began. Sir Talbot Duckmanton retired as General Manager of the ABC in 1982, and the following year Geoffrey Whitehead became the first Managing Director of the new Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


Hearing impaired viewers could read what was being said on TV for the first time in 1983 as the ABC introduced a teletext service in Sydney and Melbourne.

The hour-long news and current affairs program, The National, was replaced by the current format of thirty minutes of news followed by The 7.30 Report in 1987. During the 80s Lateline and Media Watch were also added to the ABC's current affairs lineup.


An initiative to increase Australian drama was announced in 1987, and saw the amount of Australian drama on the ABC treble in the next few years. G.P., The Alien Years, Police Rescue and Captain James Cook were just some of the new programs to launch.

An award-winning series of station identifications were introduced on Australian Day, 1988, to celebrate the Australian Bicentenary. The first set was titled "Natural Textures of Australia", with a following called "Man Made Textures of Australia".

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All audio-visual items available for download on this webpage remain copyright of the Australian Broadcasting Corportation.
Special thanks to Taylor Syme, Fintan O'Mahony, Winston Yang, Bruce Eade and Adam Petro for encoding videos on this page.

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