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Turning in the Widening Gyre

December 11th, 2007 · 12 Comments


I love watching the Sunday Big-Boat Races at NYC. From high above you get a truly remarkable view of the tall ships as they maneuver over the race course, jockeying back and forth for position. But that’s not really what I want to talk about today. I want to talk about something much more serious… The End of the World.

courtesy of D. Spitz 

The first leg of nearly every race at NYC is an upwind beat from the Bismark Sea start line that crosses Bougainville Strait and proceeds into New Georgia Sound. The course is limited on starboard by Vella Lavella Island and on port by the End of the World (EOW). As shown in the diagram below, it usually takes a few tacks to make it to the first mark.

Since this narrow, upwind leg happens immediately after boats cross the start line, several boats are commonly in a parallel, overlapped position as they get close to end of each tack. Under ISF Rule 19 (room to tack at an obstruction), if a skipper is heading toward a fixed object (like Vella Lavella Island) and can’t maneuver because another boat is blocking the way, the skipper can demand that the blocking boat change course and provide necessary room to avoid a collision.  

End of the World at NYC 

However, except for Christopher Columbus, few RL sailors ever need to contend with the End of the World. The EOW is unique to SL waters, and it often does not act like a fixed obstruction, since objects (including boats) can bounce off the EOW edge without loss of momentum. The problem of how to handle the EOW is an ongoing discussion on the Forum, where opinions vary. Myrrh Massiel argues that Rule 19 does not apply, since:

“The only limitation imposed by an edge-of-world is constraining a boat’s movement to 180 degrees of arc.
Any boat whose root prim origin point reaches the edge-of-world can still sail freely and at full speed on any tack parallel to or within the sim border, even while maintaining full contact. Any boat whose root prim origin point reaches the edge-of-world can still freely alter course, gybe, heel, etcet, to full effect - even if the transom, bow, mast, boom, or crew extend well beyond the edge-of-world in the process.
Tacks beyond an edge-of-world still maintain their full velocity component parallel to the sim edge, with no friction or maneuverability penalty.
Additionally, edges-of-world are much more difficult to gauge visually from any distance, and are easily confused with conventional sim borders, particularly on slow-res days.
This makes for a fundamentally different navigation challenge than conventional hazardous obstructions, far more vague and far more forgiving, both.”

Agreeing with Myrrh, Mark Twain White offerred a more succint, and curiously tautological opinion that “Land is land, and the End of the World isn’t.”

The issue came up again in the Rules for the Tako Cup 2007, where MarkTwain handled the unique nature of the EOW by deciding:

In Tako Cup fleet races there will be an imaginary (or actual) line 20 meters from the edge of the EOW. All rules are turned off in that zone and any boat venturing into that zone does so at its own peril.

NYC continues to use the 20m “zone” ruling for many fleet races, including the Big-Boat series. To illustrate the point, the following picture (A) is from last week’s race, showing three Larinda Schooners fresh off the start line and heading towards the EOW and the first tack point. Gemma Vuckovic is in the lead, with Hpathe Boucher just windward and overlapping Gemma’s stern; Har Dyrssen brings up the rear, in hot pursuit.

In A, Gemma’s getting near the EOW and wants to tack so she can continue beating upwind towards the mark.  At that moment, Gemma is leeward to Hpathe and she has Right of Way. Unfortunately, under the ISF and SL Sailing windward/ leeward Rules, Gemma can’t force Hpathe to tack; she only has the right to luff Hpathe into the wind. If the SL Sailing Rules actually considered the EOW to be an obstruction, Gemma could demand Room! and tack to avoid hitting it under Rule 19.

 EOW a

Watch what Gemma does next here:

In B and C below, Gemma just crosses the line into the 20m zone defined by MarkTwain above. According to the recent Tako Cup decision, within that 20m gap Gemma is in an End-of-World twilight zone without rules where, to quote Yeats,  ”things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, mere anarchy is loosed upon the world …and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned.”

(OK, OK; maybe that overstates the case just a bit…)

In any event, in the Zone Gemma’s got no rules, so she can bring her boat about. As the pictures show, the instant she’s across the line she spins the helm and skillfully flips sail onto to a port tack. More important, she audaciously does that directly in front of Hpathe, within inches of his bowsprint. Hpathe is forced to slam the helm over hard, straining to avoid a collision. He makes it clear, but the forced maneuver causes him to fall astern and leeward of Gemma, as shown in G

 EOW b c

Nice sailing, Gemma!

Although the “20m no-rules zone“ is a  pragmatic  solution to the EOW rules issue, I think most sailors would agree it is a pretty uncomfortable fix, and it sidesteps several of the real issues and problems the EOW presents. For example, two key points that need further discussion are:

  1. Since under some conditions a boat can bounce off the EOW border without loss of momentum, is it legal for a sailor to use that effect to speed turns while racing? and
  2. Since under some conditions a boat can ’scrape along’ the EOW edge (set a heading for wind= 35, for example, and push against the EOW edge to force the boat along a more windward course), is it legal to ‘game’ the EOW and completely avoid tacking in a race? And (grin) if you think all this sounds too serious, let me add Pensive Mission’s question from the Forum, which was never adequately answered:
  3. Does Rule 19 apply if Pensive’s Tako hits an extra-slippery iceberg on shock absorbers? (believe me, these issues keep me awake at night) 

If you think about it,  since “anything goes,” problems #1 and #2 are made worse by the 20m EOW free-fire zone ruling in Tako Cup 2007. 

On the other hand, if went back and just considered the EOW to be an ordinary ”obstruction,” then under Rule 19 and possibly Rule 14 (Avoiding Contact) it’s pretty clear that hitting the EOW for any reason would be a no-no. A boat that intentionally hits the EOW or causes another boat to hit it would be subject to a penalty call.

Actually, treating the EOW as a regular obstruction would even answer Pensive’s iceberg question. (Hey Pensive? That iceberg? Bad idea! Stay clear!)

I think SL sailors agree we should always try to adapt RL sailing rules and methods to SL in the most direct and simple manner possible. By that standard,  the big dark blue thing north of Bismark and Bougainville? Call it what you will… but it looks like an obstruction to me. If you apply that same “Simple, direct, real” standard, in my view Myrrh’s opinion above, the one where she argues the ‘EOW is not an obstruction,’ well… in my view her opinion falls flat. Let me hasten to say I think her arguments are very well taken and I think they are, indeed, valid. However… I think her points are focused on technical issues and ‘gaming’ the system. Concern over such issues is important, but I think it makes far more sense for us to concentrate on our real goal; a world-wide sailing community that join together to construct and critique a sailing emulation. That’s the goal, as we all share jokes and tinker with ideas to adapt the ISF Rules in a way that fits the emulation framework.

Oh, geez… I forgot…

 one final thing… that race above with Gemma, Har, and Hpathe?

It was full of great sailing and tacking duels. Har Dyrssen went on to win that race, but that’s a story for another day.

courtesy of D. Spitz

Tags: Big Boats · Heard on the Dock · Tactics, Tips & Rules

12 responses so far ↓

  • 1 MarkTwain White // Dec 11, 2007 at 5:16 pm

    Jane, Jane. Jane [rolling his eyes in mock indignation] ;) , While you go into great detail on the weakness of the “no obstruction” solution we used in the Tako Cup and still in use at NYC, you didn’t report on WHY we used this admitedly less than perfect solution. Fortunately readers can follow the link provided to the original discussion. There they will read that the counter point to the issue is that if EOW is an obstruction then you can REALLY game the situation by simply starting leeward of the starboard fleet and when you arrive at EOW and call for ROOM you can effectively roll the fleet. THAT was the main reason we decided not to treat the EOW as an obstruction, it was just too obivously a place where you could “game” the rules.

    As stated in the orginal discussion, you have to ask yourself the question, in RL without an EOW would you prefer to be the boat starting to leeward of the entire fleet? You would not because you can’t roll the fleet that way and you will just be the boat in the most disadvantaged position the farthest from the center of the course.

    What your article undelines however, is that there is no GOOD solution to the EOW problem.

    However by revisiting this EOW rule you DO bring to light that there is a new factor in your current example of the delimma. The 20m no rule zone seemed to work pretty well with those little Takos. However with schooners we have the issue that 20m is a lot less room to manuever.

    When the old maps reached the furthest limit of knowlege of the sea they were often illustrated with sea monsters. “There be monsters there”. Sooooooo……

    There be monsters there

  • 2 SURF // Dec 12, 2007 at 5:45 am

    i remember being disqualified a long time ago over this very problem in the AC heats :)


    i protested rule 19 too

    it is the end of the world in that once trapped against it other who should give room have an advantage and can exploit this by not only no be able to take your wind but can also tack and then move in fron tof the trapped boat

    sure you may not lose momentum like a dead stop but it is the Equivilent to being draged along the side of the quay or breakwater you are moving yeah but your fibre glass is splintering and there is a potential hole risk - and in RL could cost lives

    in SL this is not a problem but for authenticity sake rule 19 should and must stand for the EOW

  • 3 MarkTwain White // Dec 12, 2007 at 6:55 am

    NYC could always drop their current practice of using the same EOW rule we used successfully in the Tako Cup and see what happens. Perhaps no one will figure out they can game the system and roll the fleet. ;)

  • 4 MarkTwain White // Dec 12, 2007 at 8:17 am

    i remember being disqualified a long time ago over this very problem in the AC heats.
    i protested rule 19 too

    As I recall that incident led in part to the launching of your successful career as the official SL Sailing videographer. Remember? :)

  • 5 Epicurus Emmons // Dec 12, 2007 at 8:46 am

    I remember putting forward a solution that you are entitled to room once you bounche of a EOW and not before. Since a boat that bounches can not dissapear it is logical to give some room. Perhaps we can make this a gentlement (ladies) agreement instead of a official rule.

  • 6 Armchair // Dec 12, 2007 at 10:28 am

    The tactical advantage of starting leeward would be to rely on the windward boats not colliding with you, a risk that will surely be found not to be worthy.
    At NYC, the competitors respect the EOW as an obstruction, not because of rules, but because of inherent understanding (common sense).
    A SLailor to leeward might see the situation arising and start to head up SLOWLY to give the other boats a hint that the EOW is coming near and to exercise Leeward rights, usually the windward boat is waiting for the leeward boat to show signs of needing to tack, and then would tack themselves.
    A windward boat would be better to avoid the situation, and tack earlier to avoid bad wind shadowing or possibly exert wind shadowing; and also to possibly have Starboard ROW at the next juncture.
    In RL, a boat that starts to leeward in light/medium breeze has a good chance of giving the windward boat bad (disturbed) air, (lee-bow wind effect) , because the leeward boat can bear off for more speed when needed and accelerate, while the windward boat cannot.

  • 7 Cory Copeland // Dec 12, 2007 at 11:40 pm

    Probably the easiest solution to the EOW problem could also provide an excellent spectator platform.

    What i am referring to is building a 2m wide dock all along the EOW to the North of the NYC start line.

    This will eliminate the unique non RL situation found in SL and allow the rules to be adjudicated with ease. The dock is an obstruction under rule 19. In addition, you can not bounce off of it or sail against it maintaining upwind velocity.

    Finally, it would be the best place to watch the action unfold.

  • 8 SURF // Dec 13, 2007 at 4:01 am

    As I recall that incident led in part to the launching of your successful career as the official SL Sailing videographer. Remember? :). Mark

    yeah - thats your fault too LOL ;)
    so you all know who to blame :))

  • 9 SURF // Dec 13, 2007 at 4:04 am


    What i am referring to is building a 2m wide dock all along the EOW to the North of the NYC start line.

    thats brilliant - worth doing make it with slanted sides like a break water with cobbles :)

    i think rule 19 would apply to that WHADDYA THINK X)

  • 10 Jane Fossett // Jan 1, 2008 at 7:15 am

    Thank you for all the comments on EOW above. I have a whole series of thoughts on the points raised. I agree it’s a somewhat complicated issue, and it doesn’t look like it will get any better with Havok 4.
    Bottom line, however, I really like the solution suggested by Cory and Surf: build a breakwater at the EOW. Breakwaters would allow us all to sidestep many EOW sailing issues, and breakwaters are certainly a common obstruction in real sailing and small-boat racing.

    I guess I also particularly like the “philosophical” idea of a breakwater solution. I mean, a real-life breakwater protects boats from the dangers of the vast, unruly ocean outside. A prim breakwater would do the same for SL Sailing, keeping our boats safe from the unknown horrors that might exist beyond the Edge of the World.

    Here’s one of my favorite breakwaters, over at Suzanne Zeluco’s place in Caddo:

    Suzanne Zeluco's breakwater in Caddo

  • 11 Jane Fossett // Jan 3, 2008 at 7:53 am

    Here’s a quick-and-dirty fix that seems to solve the problem, as far as I can tell:

    Several places worried about EOW issues already have phantom “20 meter EOW warning lines.” The lines are subtle, and warn that you are approaching the EOW. Sailors are familiar with the lines and look for them.
    However… if you make the lines “non-phantom” and move them over to the actual EOW… you solve the EOW problem. You end up with a visible border that behaves like any other prim barrier.
    This fix doesn’t add more prim, it doesn’t degrade the ocean view, it works in a consistent fashion at multiple sailing places, and it takes under one minute to make the adjustment.

    NYC and other clubs may decide to do something more elegant, but this simple fix works for me!

    Move the 20 meter line!!!

  • 12 Jane Fossett // Jan 7, 2008 at 12:58 pm

    Last night the Big Boat Races encountered the new EOW reef in Bismarck Sea and Bougainville Strait.
    The first race proved to be a quick “learning curve” since the fleet is used to seeing a 20 m warning line and crossing it. Without the line, there was a not-too-subtle pile up as skippers learned to adjust their tack points.

    Pile up at the first turn

    Once that was over with, the remaining races went smoothly, with sharp turns and many close finishes. That EOW? It’s now just a bad memory (well… at least in those two sims).

    big boats beat windward in Bougainville

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