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DarthWiki: Complain About Shows You Dont Like
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TVTropes is a masturbatory, self-obsessed shitpit for people incapable of enjoying narrative media on its own merits
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We all know that Complaining About Shows You Dont Like is verboten on the main wiki. This is the wiki's bearded evil twin. So go ahead. But if you haven't actually watched any of these shows, you're just going to make an ass of yourself when others call you on inaccuracies. You have been warned.

Oh, and justifying edits abound here, too.

This does NOT give you free rein to start insulting personal beliefs, political beliefs, or to be racist. This is not a page to start flame wars.


Anime and Manga
  • The Angelic Layer manga sucked because it was too short. I like a little character development with my action, thanks.
  • Fucking last year or so of the Naruto manga. The best thing about it is the fantastic secondary characters and great setting, but nothing's expounded upon in the setting, and we haven't seen anyone except Shikamaru since the timeskip. Hell, after her fight with Sasori, Sakura's barely gotten any attention. I want to beat Kishimoto over the head with the Bleach manga to try and get the method of using secondary characters well into his head.
    • Fuck yeah. First we get told that Sakura is now an Action Girl, then she kicks some serious ass. What happens next? She retards to a whiny Neutral Female again, complaining about how she can do nothing for Naruto. Fuck Kishimoto, this is outrageous!
    • This is worse than the drop in quality of Houshin Engi, instead of building a vibrant world Kishimoto instead steamrolls the thing so instead of Naruto and the Leaf Village trying to bring peace to the world by uniting it in friendship, they instead turn it into Sasuke being an asswipe because that's whats popular now (Death Note, Code Geass).
    • And the worst part of it is that I have a hell of a lot less to complain about than some. Shikamaru's my favorite character. Fans of anyone else have been completely shafted.
    • The best thing about Naruto are all those people who pull their hair out in desperation because "OH NOEZ, SASUKE LEFT KONOHA, THAT BASTARD".. Even those who hated him before, calling him "Emo Sasuke", got butthurt because of it "Emo Sasuke -> Sasugay" and that's just ridiculous.
    • Good lord, the Naruto fandom. They're either whining that Sasuke - a main character - is actually getting too much screentime or they're pairing him up with Naruto. I'm not sure which side is dumber.
      • Yes, but there's a difference between a main character and THE main character, and Sasuke doesn't seem to notice it.
    • Naruto x Hinata was never more likely to happen than Naruto x Sakura.
      • Seriously, get over it already, stupid shippers. Nartuo X Sakura is more obvious than anything else and your Perverse Sexual Lust for Hinata won't change that fact! Although I would be positively surprised if Kishimoto breaks that fucking crap Official Couple trope.
      • I don't even read this manga, and I pray he doesn't do that. It's obvious even to non-fans that he planned on them getting together from the beginning, and he shouldn't change that for the shippers.
      • I agree and disagree. He shouldn't change it too appease the shippers, he should do it too stop the cliche. This manga/anime series is so chock full of cliches you could see anything that happens from 500 miles away! You know, their called plot twists for a reason, maybe if he could actually use them to make something better and not just popular then it wouldn't be an inferior DBZ with ninjas!
      • Exactly. If Hinata and Naruto get together, that would be awesome. I wouldn't care about the show enough to be a shiptard, it would just be a surprising cliché-break. By the way, I bet Sasuke will make a Heel Face Turn. Oooh, if Kishimoto brings that I'm gonna laugh so hard. I can already smell it. The show is so sickingly full of cliches and then them attempting to hang a lampshade on it makes it even more annoying. Seriously, first the say "This is not one of those scenes where the main-character gets super-strong in no time" and then they do exactly that. Every. freaking. time. And now, what, he's training again with the old frog and get's super-strong. And what, now he's gonna go Beyond The Impossible after what the frog told him? Fuck you Kishimoto, fuck you. On the other side, if Kishimoto makes Sasuke go good again, I can watch an awesome Flame War. I still follow the manga because I'm curious about the story, but other than that, it's a massive piece of fail. Remember that time with the Haku-Zabuza/arc.. Remember that that was both sad and badass? Yeah, those times are over.
      • This troper is rather puzzled that anyone could actually believe Sasuke WON'T go back on the good guys' side eventually. The manga is about Naruto, whose goal in life is to become Hokage, the leader of the Leaf village. Naruto stated himself that he would be unfit of such title if he wasn't capable of saving his friend and bringing him back. So Yeah
    • Fuck Naruto, period.
  • Anyone remember when Bleach was original? Oh yeah, it was before Rukia got kidnapped, they introduced Loads And Loads Of Characters and it became Dragonball Z with "spiritual pressure".
    • Silly, it's not that. It's "Dragonball Z with giant magic swords" instead of kung-fu. It it wasn't even really original. For a while it was just "Yu Yu Hakusho with more likable characters".
      • I wouldn't even go that far. I found Yu Yu Hakusho's characters infinitely more likable than Bleach's.
      • This Troper's favorite arc was probably the beginning part of Bleach. I still like the other parts, but I think that the show could have really gone somewhere unique had it chosen to stay in the living world instead of going into the spiritual world and becoming similar to Yu Yu Hakusho.
    • Also, the Soul Society sucks in every conceivable fashion and makes less and less sense the longer you think about it. It's the worst thought-out setting I've ever seen in anime. Yes, heaven is a shitty city with no supplies of food, streets that go nowhere, and everyone who dies is forced to live in Japanese heaven regardless of race, creed, and culture. This is one of the few settings where people would be better off if there wasn't a freaking afterlife and they just skipped to the damn reincarnation.
      • Also pretty much every person in a position of authority is a asshole.
      • This Troper wonders how in the heck Mayuri still has his position. You would think Uryuu would say something to someone about what Mayuri told him. I am sure someone like Unohana would have listened to him.
    • Speaking of Loads And Loads Of Characters, when are any of them going to fucking die? Really, it's like only hollows die, not the Rape The Dog evil Soul Reavers. You know what, he should go back to writing Zombie Power!
      • Oh no, don't wish post-Bleach Kubo Tite on Zombie Powder! I love that series! Given what he's done to Bleach, I'm pretty sure he'd only ruin ZP if he picked it back up at this point.
    • Anyone else hate Uryu as much as I do? I mean, he's portrayed as some kind of badass smart guy with magic arrows, but in reality all he ever seems to do is fuck everything up! I mean, the whole contest with Ichigo when he first shows up as a character is bad enough, but he practically hogs the Idiot Ball throughout the entirety of the Bount arc. "Durrr, everyone is stronger in the Soul Society, so I should let the bounts go there!" Not only does he completely forget that Bounts absorb Reishi and that everything in the Soul Society is made of the stuff, he forgets even after he himself took advantage of that fact in the Soul Society arc! I honestly think Orihime is smarter than him.
  • Why do people kiss Gundam 00's arse so much? It's horribly overrated and has one of the most unlikable groups of so-called "heroes" in any show ever.
    • Because anything would look awesome after the atrocity that was Zeta Gundam.
    • Ditto Gundam Wing, which seems to have been made solely for the Yaoi Fangirls.
      • The entire cast of Gundam Wing except Duo was horrible. With Wu Fei sitting on top as the reigning champion of sucking ass. That is all
    • Third, have you seem Tieria Erde? The only reason why he doesn't have boobs is becuase of above, also why do the Arabs look like everyone else with a tan?
      • That's an improvement over Gundam Wing where the only important Arab was a blond haired blue eye pretty boy who made a reference to non-achoholic beveridges. Also to quote MAHQ his father looks like a space pirate.
      • Quatre has the name "Raberba" indicating that he is a Berber Arab, who are in fact blond. Also, he most likely makes reference to non alcoholic champagne because he's Muslim and not allowed to drink for religious reasons.
  • The first season of Code Geass was a refreshing change of pace, with great, unique mecha combat, an interesting and original story, and great characters. The second season has been a pile of shit with the cast turning into either serial dog rapists or naive idiot losers. Charles' plan is a complete ripoff from Evangelion, and Lelouch's plan makes no sense because his actions are just plain contradictory. Some claim that you need to look between the lines, but if you do, all you see are Unfortunate Implications. I liked it a whole lot better when the women where shown as strong willed human beings instead of target practice.
    • Jesus, yes. And that's not even counting the clusterfuck of "This is a joke, right? They didn't seriously'write that into the show," that came with the revelation of Schneizel's master plan. This troper fully admits that it's primarily trainwreck syndrome that's keeping her watching at this point.
    • Not to mention a protagonist who immediately gets OMGWTFBBQPWNED every single time a named character so much as approaches him in battle. I mean, I'm not saying I expected Lelouch to be like Rambo or something, but still! A hero needs to be able to have a backup plan for when STRATEGY!!1 doesn't work. Watching Cornelia wail on him in Stage 24 was so painful I think I almost vomited.
    • And another thing; R2 godmoded Kallen so much as to make her unlikeable. I can only watch her relentlessly plow through everything in her path without taking a scratch so many times before throwing my arms in the air and yelling, "OKAY, I get the point, she's supposed to be Bad Ass! Now, enough already!"
    • Not to mention the terrifying amount of filler. Do they really think we care what the protagonist does at his boring school when he isn't leading a rebellion?
      • It's even more idiotic when you consider that the writers supposedly rushed R2 due to development issues. One could ask if cutting all the retarded filler out would have improved things.
      • If they axed the filler than maybe they wouldn't have just dropped plot points like the origin of the Geass cult and Suzaku's relation to the Geass.
      • Yes, hell They should have just removed Lelouch (via his Dad's Mind Rape) and made him Zero full time and stop using Geass, getting things done by how much a Ham his is.
      • The worst part is that the entire cast is derailed into a bunch of retards during those episodes. Would the actual Villeta ever agree to wear such a slutty outfit? She acts like she's in a god damn hentai video in the last one. I keep on expecting Lelouch to ask her to remove her clothes so he and Rolo can gangbang her. Shirley turns into a ditz, C.C is a moron addicted to Pizza, Lelouch becomes an uncoordinated idiot, when Kallen is the smartest person in these episodes you have a problem.
    • This troper would actually start watching Code Geass if it weren't for all that utter gayness the show has (I also hate the random fanservice that is squeezed in). Call me homophobic, but.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??
      • Okay. "You're homophobic." What, all the jiggling breasts in Baywatch and slutty outfits on Buffy are fine, but let two fully clothed guys have a pillow fight and it's "ARE YOU KIDDING ME"?
    • After thinking about it after a while I hate the ending with a passion. So Lelouch's plan was to have everyone hate him, so how does he do this? He frees the Numbers, and stops a madman from destroying the world. Oh wait never mind now he has Damocles and now everyone hates him so much that the Britannians are no longer evil racist. He could have least massacred someone to make himself look bad, but since its Lelouch he can't do that because his too busy being a pompous ass with Feed Me lines. Then to top it all off he dies, so instead of helping rebuild the world he puts it in the hands of his crippled sister, Ohgi whose only act of leadership was rebelling than handing the Black Knights to a psycho, and his idiot best friend whose the handler of the previous mentioned psycho, whose basically a brainwashed zombie.
    • Plus Japan is in even MORE ruins than it was before, and odds are same for Europe and the Middle East. All the goverment the Numbers had must be destoryed, so they're all fucked. Nice job flushing the world down the crapper hero.
    • Hey wait a second, first season of CG, good? It wasn't ever good to begin with. Everything about it sucks: the nonsensical storyline, the loathsome characters, the fugly character art, the pathetic attempts at humor, and this was all evident even in the first episode of the first season. How can people like CG so much?
  • Death Note. It's like someone had a good idea, then scanned a Manual of Generic Plot Devices, and picked a couple at random to "add drama". Two ridiculous MartyStus one-upping each other in increasingly stupid ways, with a plot that races between comically narmy and pure filler. It might've been better if L had taken, I don't know, more than one episode to basically figure out who's Kira. Then there's the Mello/Near arc, which is just... ugh.
    • This troper likes the ending to the manga and laughs at all the butthurt teenagers who whine about it.
      • There are people who dislike the manga-ending? Now that's just sad.
      • Yes there are. Mostly Light fanboys who are upset their hero got his shit ruined.
      • I have seen a lot of people hate the ending, mostly because they don't understand that Light is the fucking villain. Your not supposed to root for the madman who wants to become a god of his ideal world. Also This Troper doesn't care what anyone says about Near but his awesome for the fact that he mocked Light while playing with hand puppets. He shattered the auidience expectations of Light by showing Light as the loser he is.
      • They also claim the way Light acted during his big death scene was "out of character" even though this is the same guy who when he freaked out, he didn't just slam his fists on a table, he went completely awol quite a few times, orchestrating ridiculous plans that just ended up overcomplicated things and leading to his capture.
      • Well said, both of you above. Seriously, what the fuck was with the anime ending? First, Mikami kills himself with a pen and a jet of blood bursts out of him like he's been hit by a sniperbullet and has high blood pressure. It's idiotic. Second, what the hell did they do with Light? He ran with like 5 bullets in his body.. On a fucking sunset.. Was that supposed to be dramatic or something. A FUCKING SUNSET LIKE IN SOME STUPID ROMANCE SHIT.. Okay, back to the manga ending. They showed how pathetic Light actually was, because he can't do shit without having control. So he begged like a dog for Ryuk to kill them. This is the point of it. They wanted to show that Light isn't unbeatable, but a pathetic loser. What do the fans do? "Uuuh nuu I want my smexy Light dying in dignity because he's got so pretty hair! I also agree with his idiology, because he's cute!! Who the fuck cares if people die for minor crimes, as long as I can cuddle him!" Please kill yourself. Also, Ryuk's pwnage of Light was a lot more badass in the manga.
  • The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya is the most overrated piece of shit I have ever seen. All of the characters except for Yuki are terrible, the comedy-oriented episodes aren't funny in the least, the plot development episodes drag out a story that wasn't that great to begin with, and the worst part of all is the Haruhiists, who put trekkies to shame.
    • The guy who wrote that above is Uwe Boll.
    • I hated the whole "Airing the Shows Out Of Order" gimmick. Having a character whom I haven't seen before just pop up and do something important makes me feel like I stupidly skipped an episode or that I wasn't paying enough attention to the ones I watched. It serves no useful purpose except to confuse the audience!
    • Listen, TV Tropes, I don't care what your collective mind thinks, but not everything in this boring drivel is a subversion. Not everything is a homage. Not every piece of bad pacing here is intentional. Most importantly, don't tell me to find answers to everything in the books. I don't care squat about them. The anime is a separate continuity. If something in it doesn't make sense, then it doesn't make sense, period — no matter what's written in the obscure source material that only Japanese and tropers read. Most importantly, stop claiming Haruhi is God, for her own sake. Nowhere does it canonically state that.
      • Actually, Itsuki wonders if she is at a few points.
      • To everything you said, GOD begs to differ.
    • You know what tropers? For all of your utterly ridiculous hand wringing in the show's It Just Bugs Me page about how Haruhi is/isn’t a sociopath/narcissist/criminal/rapist/molester, you can’t deny one simple thing: she’s an asshole. Period. She’s exactly the kind of self-important, bossy, obnoxious loser who nobody likes in real life and the only reason otaku worshipfully spend money on anything with her face on it is because they harbor pathetic fantasies of having a pretty girlfriend who is as socially inept and deliberately off-kilter as they are.
      • This Troper remembers nobody trying to deny that Haruhi is a Jerk Ass. The entire point of the series is to show Haruhi start the process of growing out of that.
      • Yeah because the whole "airing episodes out of order" thing and the ensuing plotholes it causes sure do make that clear and coherent.
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion. Boring, pretentious, incest-inspired, pseudo-philosophical emo claptrap containing meaningless (and I mean meaningless) symbolism and a needlessly nihilistic Wangst ending.
    • I hate all those fanboys who make a Justifying Edit every time they see something about NGE that is "wrong". Ridiculous. Rei is already enough to hate the fandom, just look at this wiki. Try to find a trope of Rei, where it isn't said that she was "supposed to be creepy" but the fans (see the Self Deprecation?) are all dense retards for fetishizing her. I bet that no one even knew Rei was intended to be creepy before reading it somewhere. Because Fanservice, acting like The Woobie, tons of Fetish Fuel and so on is soooo creepy. We all should burn in hell now for not seeing the "brilliant deconstruction" that lies behind that.
    • The over 9000 endings are shit. Just because the Otakus pull their hair out in desperation from seeing End Of Evangelion doesn't mean you have to create over 9000 alternate endings. You totally saw it coming: If that show is the "brilliant deconstruction" you present it as, stop peeing your pants because of the ending.
    • Not everything is a deconstruction in NGE! Shinji is not a deconstruction of You Suck! HOW is that trope even possible to deconstruct, you morons? And how can Rei Ayanami be a deconstruction of the Emotionless Girl and the Ur-Example? GET YOUR FACTS TOGETHER, IDIOT TVTROPES.
      • With all the complaints about the Neon Genesis Evangelion entries here, this troper wonders why it hasn't occurred to these people to simply edit the articles themselves, or at least bring it up on their respective talk pages. Maybe they desire to keep the Flame Bait or something.
      • Oh as if I'd mess with that stupid Fan Dumb and their copious amounts of Justifying Edit's. Indeed, that is a lame excuse for me being too lazy/dumb to edit anything, but it's partly true. I seriously don't want to mess with "them". It Just Bugs Me that everyone of those "apparently intellectual people who understand the plot and the meaning" can't even see what they deconstruct and what not. Yes, as terrifying as that may sound to you fanboys, even NGE plays certain tropes straight. OMFG how boring!
    • If you get anything out of a philosophy degree, it's a finely-honed bullshit detector. Mine goes off every time I read about how Hideaki Anno was sad and depressed because he was misunderstood. When he says "I didn't mean anything by the western religious symbolism, I just thought it was cool," I read "I didn't give a shit about raping other people's religions." When he says "I didn't make things clear because I wanted to make a story you had to think about," I hear "I didn't give a shit about plotholes because the fanboys will do it for me." When he says he wanted to make Rei a deconstruction, I get that he's an overrated imbecile who couldn't do a damn thing right except for all the stuff he was trying to do wrong. Dude, accept it... you totally failed. With all that said though, this Unknown Troper would totally do Rei.
      • Yeah. Especially when you compare Revolutionary Girl Utena, which uses a hell of a lot of the same symbolism except that the dude writing it UNDERSTOOD THE ORIGINAL MEANING OF IT.
      • I am not agaist "raping someone's religion" per se, since one man's theology is another man's bellylaugh, but at least try to do it a bit smarter than just using ome imagery without knowing the meaning.
      • Who wouldn't do her? After all, she's nothing more than a blowup-doll. Also, the last episodes are nothing more than a fucking bad attempt of this retard of a creator to put down his shitty views and beliefs, simply stating "Dude, everyone in the show wants to be accepted! ACCEPTANCE!! IT'S IMPORTANT!! With acceptance, life could be so much better! Now that I'm out of my fucking depression, I'd like to share this with my asspie fans that I actually loathe, because the only reason I made this flaming piece of crap is so I could do a Take That. I'm butthurt because Otakus kiss my feet!" - Hey, if I'd want to read what you think about life and the universe, I'd read your fucking diary.
      • And then he has to be a pissy loser and make End Of Evangelion as a Take That to the audience he's disgusted with for not appreciating his true genius (and I daresay that when an artist's work is completely misunderstood by his whole audience, maybe the fault doesn't lie with them, y'know?). It's ultimately horribly sad and depressing... but Evangelion fans are used to that, so many ended up preferring it to the "true" ending because at least shit happens with this one: some kickass giant robot fighting, Asuka showing her boobies, and Rei being naked through almost the whole thing. God forbid anybody actually enjoy such things.
      • Yeah seriously, I found it funny how he got all angry when his moronic Fan Dumb was bitching about the 2 last episodes (Which, as above mentioned were practically the diary of Anno's idiotic thoughts). "UH NUUUH, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE GREATNESS! I HATE YOU! I HATE MY OWN FANS". Seriously, shut the fuck up Anno. You're not above the minds of them. In fact, you only started reading some books about psychology when you were rolling on the last episodes and then thought you could push it in somewhere, just to play intellectual. And let's not even get started how he wanted to "change anime forever" and so on and so on. In the end, I can conclude that Anno basically Rodney McKay, but without the intelligence and even more whinyness.
  • Gasaraki: Its makers attempted to portray war realistically within a mecha combat setting. Unfortunately, war in Real Life tends to involve stultifying politics, long, boring meetings and even longer stretches of tedious waiting. Seriously, who knew a series about aliens and ancient dance-powered mechas could be so relentlessly dull?!!
  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes—987 of whom die horribly before you've even had a chance to remember their names. (Not that you could anyway, without a scorecard...)
  • Hey remember Astro Boy? Great series-you know for kids? Osamu Tezuka was into this really cool Fleischer Brothers inspired style at the time, so even though the animation was stiffer than the stalker in Salma Hayek's closet, it had a lot going for it graphically. Sure the dub sucked harder than a black hole, but asynchronous editing hadn't been invented, so the actors had to sit in a room and time themselves to the flaps. Of course it's going to be awkward. Then some genius in the 1980's gets the idea to remake it. Animations a little better, but still stiff (this is anime after all), but they lost that cool abstract-Fliescher distortion. Then-OH MY GOD THEY'RE TALKING. The dub is SHIT. Not metaphorically. The only explanation for such an awful dub is just complete hatred of the idea of having an audience. Astro Boy was Synonymous with the Idea of Japanese animation for decades, both in Japan and in America! Your telling me they can't find an Actor who understands how a human being putts stresses on syllables or a writer who can write lines that could possibly be acted in the first place? Oh and the music is from a Stock Library. I even know which one, that's how stock they are. Musicians need to eat too, assholes! So, believe me when I say-from my heart-fuck you leadership at Manga Entertainment. Fuck you for not paying your workers a goddamned thing and letting them distribute this direct insult to Astro Boy fans all over the world.
    • Also, with less vitriol, I'd just like to say come on Noboru Ishiguro. Did you ever watch the series or read the comics you are remaking? Where's all those cool drawings from the original? Or are you so obsessed with making your little people walk smoothly you forgot what makes animation worth watching in the first place? And-Jesus-you can't even do that. In the first episode-the first episode!-a character has to walk off screen in order to turn 90 degrees. Yeah, no one will notice that.
  • Wedding Peach is an incredibly misogynistic show. It's completely derivative and the writing is terrible.
    • Alternatively, there is no misogyny. It's just so loaded with The Power Of Love, it's enough to induce vomiting.
  • The anime "inspired" by Ragnarok Online, Ragnarok The Animation. A plot made of pure Idiot Balls and Villain Balls, the swordman character goes from Inefectual to Jerk Ass after hanging class, the Acolite Girl receives a lesson while changing into priest who she inmediately forgets, and there are a lot of squiky rape and lolicon implications around the lady Mage. Every frigging character of nominal importance besides the Team Rocket is a big Wangstfest this side of The Woobie. The only character who has someting near of a real Character Development (read: not pychotic brusque chsnge of personality just because) is the Bratty Half Pint greedy Merchant girl, who begins genuinely annoying and gradually becomes mature and more sympatetic, even snapping off her wangst. And is such a shame because, besides the whole Power scale issues, the series perfectly adapted the game mechanics.
    • Do remember, though, that while - in This Troper's opinion - done amazingly well, and subtly, Ragnarok Online itself had lolicon, BDSM and rape implications scattered about here and there. Injustice, Parasite, Sohee, Moonlight Flower... to just begin the list.
  • Bokurano and Narutaru suck massive dick.
    • I hate shows like that, they don't do anything. They don't make me feel sad, they don't scare me, they don't change my view on life. Those 3 are the only possibilities I can come up with, why anyone would want to make some shit like that. Tear Jerker, Horror or pseudo-philosophical bullshit. But Deus Angst Machina shows fail to meet any of the 3. Plus they are boring.
  • I'm surprised no one has bashed Elfen Lied yet.. Gigantic piece of crap with no plot or character development, just pointless gore and loli fanservice. No, the retarded characters like that nice-guy protagonist with no sexual intentions (Like every seinen, oh wait, shonen protagonist) or those "Aw so pitiful!" massmurdering loli's are just.. Shitty, nothing else to say. Narm doesn't even begin to describe it. The only reason to watch that show is to laugh at the naked children being slaughtered to bits.
    • You've forgotten the incredibly contrived plot points, the characters' selective amnesia and occasional Character Derailment, the Fetish Fuel (worst offender: the girl who pees her pants all the time for no reason), Yuka acting like a spoilt kid, and Nana's whininess / crying "PAPAAAA" all the time and wanting to marry him.
    • God, yes. The whole plots around Nana, Mayu and Kurama's daughter are so outrageous. The story with Mayu's stepfather in the manga was so horribly detailed, it kind of felt like "Guys, incest is very wrong! But it's goddamn sexy and I'll totally wank to the scene!". Downright creepy.
    • I think of it like Happy Tree Friends with better animation. It's a lot of fun that way.
    • For god's sake, wangsty over-the-top "drama" does not make a story complex. "Tragic pasts" and all this Deus Angst Machina faggotry does not make the characters 3dimensional and well-developed. Especially not when you constantly throw in naked loli's peeing their pants. It would be acceptable if the anime wouldn't consider itself so "damn serious and meaningful" all the time, with all their Ominious Latin Chanting. Sorta like MD Geist, which also takes itself way too seriously when the bad quality is obvious. This anvilicious attempt to show Humans Are Bastards must have been written by a drunk child, as bad as it is.
  • StrikerS sucks. First they add a whole bunch of new characters, then don't develop them, and have like 7 episodes of training. Guys, having twice the episodes does not mean you can have half the plot. And decide for fucks sake whether or not Yunno is a main character or not, and if she isn't, a minnor character doesn't work as part of a love triangle. Also, the whole limiter thing makes no sense.
    • Also, Jail Scaglietti is a boring isane villain with no motivation or characterization, unlike the interesting antagonists of the previous seasons. Also, Subaru is annoying. The whole "Vivio grows old and fights Nanoha" was cliché bullshit. The only good thing about Striker S was seeing the original characters kick some ass, especially Fate.
  • Maria-sama Ga Miteru is not God's gift to yuri. It's light, mindless Class S fluff that bleeds character stereotypes and contrived situations out the ears, and the only reason it's even so popular is that it's marginally better than the majority of yuri out there, most of which is just as god-awful as all those mind-numbing shounen-ai anime. The terrible state of shoujo-ai/yuri/shounen-ai/yaoi anime sometimes just makes this troper want to curl up with her stack of Utena DVDs and cry herself to sleep.
    • The shitty quality of 98 percent of the world's confirmed yaoi/yuri has led this troper to actually PREFER unresolved sexual tension, ho yay and subtext. You can't write porn for a fandom that's porn. It's boring. A tearjerking backstory does not a tearjerking series make. Fricking boring.
    • Ironically, the whole series was meant to be UST.
    • Some UST is fine, but this show is taking it to infuriating levels. So okay, the girls aren't really interested in boys, but it's so unrealistic that they would so much self-restraint after leading each other on for so long. Even the one truly outed lesbian in the show, Sei, does not show any incentive to bring things to a next level, even though she is surrounded by beautiful, willing girls. Bullshit! And no, the flashbacks involving her one-time stint with Shiori don't really count since that is, you know, over.
  • One Piece has ugly, unappealing design and dumb characters with 'trajik' back stories to make them look deep. The author can't plot worth crap, and now has to deal with a mountain of loose threads that will probably take more than a decade to clean up...provided he doesn't pad the story even more. The obsessive fandom is idiotic for devoting all their time to a story that won't be over until most of them are in their thirties/mid twenties, effectively wasting their youth. The crap with shipping is the worst, though. The shippers find evidence for their OTP's in their butt cracks and don't notice the story isn't that romantic in the first place. "OMG THEY'RE SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!!IT MUST BE LOVE!" or "OMG I THINK HE'S HAWT SO SHE MUST THINK HE IS TOO!" Shut the fuck up. The artist isn't going to pander to your fangirly fantasies. Not everyone agress with your squishy pre-pubescent ideals for love. Meanwhile, the anti-romance people are just oblivious/emotionally retarded enough to not notice that the artist was never actually that subtle about where the tiny bit of love in the story is going, especially with how the Idiot Hero main character and the stupid, psychotic red-headed bitch he hangs out with are probably going to be screwing like bunnies by the end. (probably through some horrifically contrived way typical of manga.)
    • Sanji's jokes aren't funny. That is all.
      • I like OP but I don't like how Oda draws women. They're either cartoonishly ugly or sticks with boobs who may or may not have the same face.
      • Hell yes. What's even worse about his women is how most of their actual fighting ability is laughable or underutilized. (Watch fans try to justify why Boa Hancock is still a tough badass even though her greatest powers so far are being pretty and picking on pathetic baby animals. It's fun.) The most telling thing is how the one girl with solid fighting skills appears maybe once every few years, and by all common sense is probably going to end up being the sheath to Zoro's sword.
      • Oh Hancock can do more than just that. She also the amazing to.....turn people into stone with her beauty. Or to put it in simpler turns "GET A BONER AND DIE NO JUTSU!!!".
      • But don't worry, they get better. And she blows surprisingly non-lethal projectile kisses!
      • Seriously One Piece fans, just admit that your favorite comic is friggin' sexist and stop fighting it.
      • No one gives a flying fuck about it.
      • Yeah it's women are lame fighting wise. But then again lots of other fighting manga women are lame. There are exceptions.
  • This troper loved the Gravitation manga and pimped it every chance she got... until she got past Volume 5. Volumes 6 and 7 were good but lacked the compelling mix of comedy and drama of the ASK arc. The manga really began going off the rails starting with Volume 8 when it became clear that the mangaka had only plotted the series up to the end of Volume 5. The plot became increasingly more random and stupider in an inversion of Cerebus Syndrome, extensive Flanderization caused Shuichi to lose any depth outside of his Mad Love for Yuki and Tohma to become increasingly creepier, the gradual but steady defrosting process of Yuki's character was suddenly overturned and replaced with Tsunderification which made the Love Martyr aspects of Shuichi's flanderized character even worse, and the Art Evolution that reached its peak in Volume 5 went horribly wrong in making Shuichi look younger and younger until his relationship with Yuki could be mistaken for Shotacon and everyone's faces began to look the same in the last volume. She will not even touch Gravitation EX because Shuichi doesn't even remotely look or act anything like a guy in it, and is thankful that at least the Gravitation anime maintains consistently decent quality and characterizations throughout.
    • On a side note, it's mighty hard to stay a Yaoi Fangirl when the only series you can find that has well-done Character Development, a realistic and well-paced Will They Or Wont They, and likeable, rounded main and side characters throughout is FAKE. She'd give her eyeteeth to find another Boys Love work with characters that actually grow and are presented as human beings at least 80% of the time (she can enjoy some Fetish Fuel, but not if there are no personalities to latch onto outside of "girly uke" and "raping asshole seme").
      • This Troper recommends Sakende Yaruze, (licensed English title Shout Out Loud). It has an actual plot involving a father re-uniting with his estranged son, the kid's hockey, the father's voice actor work etc. Hm, I guess I should be complaining about something. Speaking of yaoi, I hate "yaoi art style". I wish yaoi manga were drawn more like the kind of art you see in shounen, instead of looking so creepy and overly elongated or effemenized. There's some good doujinshi out there, but most yaoi art is so ugly and not hot.
  • Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Incredibly overrated show that is just plain old-fashioned boring. When your whole premise is that the characters do "awesome" things and there's little to no plot or character development to break up the action, that sort of shit gets stale very quickly. And congratulations to Gainax for doing a Reconstruction ten years after it had already happened. I wonder if they'll do a Silver Age-esque Superman show next?
    • I wonder why everyone thinks it's meant as a Reconstruction. Yeah it's over-the-top and breaks through the idealistic side of the scale.. But seriously, why the fuck would that make it a Reconstruction. Gao Gai Gar was deliberate, so it fits. People are just throwing around words again.
  • Clamp is absolute balls. They re-use the same themes over and over and over again (HELLO FATE AND TRUE LOVE) and their most recent manga have jumped more sharks than I ever thought possible. If they gouge out one more eye, use the phrase 'special person' one more time or do another Crossover or another author insert I am going to burn all my copies of X and laugh over the bonfire, no matter how badly I want to see it finished. And you know what? Their art sucks balls, too.
  • Hellsing should have been canceled at Volume 8. After that it goes straight down the shitter and never gets back up again.
    • No, not canceled at Volume 8. Hellsing should've never been published to begin with. All it is is a half-assed ripoff of Castlevania and Devil May Cry that tries way too hard to be cool.
      • Hellsing first premiered in 1997 while DMC was released in 2001, I'm not even going to bother wondering what Castlevania has in common with Hellsing aside from both having characters named Alucard. Also I don't remember Alucard beating up enemies while eating pizza, so I don't see what makes DMC better at trying to be cool. So yeah your post is retarded.
      • Despite not even reading Hellsing, I can point out several things wrong with your assumption. They're all original characters, and it doesn't resemble Castlevania in any way.
  • Wolf's Rain...just Wolf's Rain. Bullshit premise, one-dimensional characters, boring go-nowhere plot. How do people sit through more than five minutes of this shit?
  • Full Metal Alchemist totally sucks and I hate it.
    • Good for you asshole. Its always quaint to meet someone bereft of taste.
    • Depends. Are you talking about the Anime or Manga?
  • Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is clearly shows just how much Mr. Takahashi-sensei will sell out under pressure. If a character isn't a bland and boring Expy of a first-series character (Yusei=Yami Yugi, Atlas=Kaiba, etc.), then they are uber-annoying Scrappies that just grate on your nerves, and the whole dystopian New Neo City setting and instances of corrupt policemen, dueling biker gangs, and random violence are clearly only there to give a big fuck you to 4Kids in their attempt to Bowlderize and Macekre it into oblivion by making the show too Darker And Edgier for them to even try (though that hasn't stopped them, apparently...). Oh, and the whole concept of Duel Monsters on motorcycles is just dumb, no matter how much you try to play it up. The only thing even remotely interesting is the whole Signer/Dark Signer conspiracy, and even that is starting to wear a bit thin, what with the Dark Signers thus far seeming to be more interested in personal revenge against a particular main or secondary character than whatever world domination/damnation plot they were working on.
    • It's cardgames on motorbikes. Really now, it doesn't need more of a description to be on this page.
  • Pokemon is a franchise that gives most of us warm fuzzy feelings from our childhoods. But for this troper, it's hard not to absolutely hate how, even after almost 600 episodes, the cartoon is still absolutely mind-numbingly unintelligent, sometimes even hitting the caliber of Teletubbies. Where do I start? The same plot that is used for every single episode, the same story that is used for every single season, the complete lack of any character development that extends beyond just one episode, the irritating presence of Team Rocket, The atrociously bad they-just-didn't-care changes in voice acting, the fact that Ash remains a 10-year-old after 10 years... I mean, look. If you're going to have a series that runs that long, at LEAST acknowledge that the longest-time fans of the series are adults now, and we'd love to see something that's as intelligent as we are now. Could we possibly have a Darker And Edgier reboot? Please?? No? Fine, be that way. I'll go play Mystery Dungeon...
    • Dude, the Pokemon anime is a *surprise, surprise!* a children's show. If you want "Darker And Edgier" Pokemon, go read some crappy fanfics.
      • That's the point, it's been ten freaking years, it's a simple fact that people don't stay children for that long. Many series (especially of the video game variety) succeed in growing up with their fanbase. Why not this one?
      • Hmm.. Maybe because new episodes are made for a new generation and not for the "vetaran-viewers" who still watch it when they're already grown-up and complain that noone has been raped and killed yet.
    • The only good thing that has ever come out of new Pokèmon is Dawn/Hikari (Because she's hot and a more interesting character). Otherwise, I can't see how anyone would still watch that crap. Old Pokemon used to be epic, though. Who doesn't get goosebumps when he hears the very first opening theme?
      • raises hand
      • Dang, it took this long for the Fan Dumb to show up. I quit taking both complaints seriously after the mention of voice actor changes which conveniently ignore the anime's Japanese roots and the blatant Nostalgia Filter, which is ironic considering many of the show's complaints are targeted towards the first few seasons and said complaints have been remedied in later seasons. And yes, this qualifies as a complaint against Pokemon's Unpleasable Fanbase. Now I just have to wait for some idiot to cry "Bring Misty Back!"
      • Sorry if I'm not allowed to dislike the new voice actors, but I didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. There are these things called emotions, they're hard to control, especially with things relating to childhood memories...
      • Eh, at least nostalgic Pokemon fans are nothing near as bad as Star Wars fans.
  • A friend of mine loves Trigun and thinks it's one of the deepest things she's ever read with tons of character development and etc, etc, so I tried to read it and like it. embodies everything that disappoints me in the typical action manga. Admittedly, the world is kinda cool (western + sci-fi = awesome), and there's a reason why Vash's coat is so popular—his character design is great. But in terms of the characters themselves, I found them boring and uninteresting. There's definitely more depth than something like...I don't know, the typical fighting anime, but somehow the mangaka can't use that to make me actually care about the characters and their emotions. And the art...oh gosh, the art. As long as things are standing still it's okay, but as soon as people start moving you're turning the manga every which way to try to figure out what the heck is going on. And since so much of the important dialogue takes place during action sequences, you can't just skip them, either. But after a while, I couldn't deal with the confusing artwork and gave up. Even with clear art I think the manga would've been mediocre, at best.
    • Needs more hatred.
      • This Troper agrees with the first person that the art can et VERY confusing during the fight scenes. I eventually learned to just flip through and enjoy them after a while, even if I can not tell what in the heck is going on in a lot of them. I actually think some characters get more Character Development in the Anime than in the Manga, such as Meryl and Millie.
      • This troper has trouble following the action in any manga he's seen so far, except Dragonball (seriously). There can only be so many blurs and speed lines before the reader becomes completely lost about what the fuck he's looking at, and ends up faking comprehension, and thus far the Trigun manga was the worst. I recommend imagining your own kickass action scenes using the anime as a reference whenever possible.
      • At least in the Kenshin manga I can understand vaguely who's fighting. Trigun looks like someone drew an awesome fight scene and then spilled black ink on the page. I could only even tell who won the fights by looking at the next page and picking it up from context.
  • Lolicon is gross.
    • No. *fap fap fap*
  • The Kirby Anime sucked.
  • There is no Metroid e-manga, dammit. The closest we come are the wordless arts in the GBA games. Can't I at least ignore the stupid thing in peace?
    • The Samus in the manga is lame. They make it seem like she has a sad, tortured existence. Also she's a animu Barbie.

Comic Books
  • This troper despises the character of Superman. He's bland, he's a Marty Stu, he gets New Powers As The Plot Demands, and he has the stupidest weakness ever. It would have been okay if they had just stuck with the idea that he has Super Strength on Earth because his home planet had much higher gravity, but he was ruined forever when they decided to give him flight and immunity to bullets, thus turning him into a Boring Invincible Hero of the worst kind. And that was before they gave him all of those other random, pointless powers that just made him look ridiculous. Whenever he teams up with other superheroes, he becomes The Freddy and he has to be powered down so that he doesn't overshadow everyone else. The only reason anyone is still interested in this character at all is because of the Grandfather Clause.
    • This troper thinks Superman only still exists so the superdickery site can exist as well.
    • First of all, you are incredibly behind the times. New Powers As The Plot Demands went out with the Silver Age and hasn't been seen for years. Complaining about it now is like holding a 2008 protest against Hitler's invasion of Poland. Second, Superman's strength being a result of Krypton's higher gravity makes even less sense than him being solar powered. If his strength were the result of a difference in gravity then he should become progressively weaker as his body acclimates to the lower gravity environment, just like what happens to astronauts in space. At least the solar-powered explanation can be Hand Waved by pointing to some mysterious aspect of Superman's Bizarre Alien Biology, but there really isn't any way to explain why a gravity-powered Superman doesn't degenerate into a normal non-super-man. You Fail Biology Forever.
    • I actually find Superman a lot more interesting than, say, any Image character. His whole schtick now is being like Spock: roiling cauldron of emotions kept under rigid control, and Xenu help anybody nearby when he lets loose.

  • Idiocracy. OH LOL WE'RE ALL BEING TURNED DUMB BY CORPORATIONS!!1 Thanks for giving us another fucking mindless sheep viewpoint, Judge.
    • Did you not read the warning at the top of the page? Watch the movie first. In Idiocracy, humanity doesn't become stupid because of corporations. It's because stupid people outbred smart people. A smart and considerate person would put off having kids until the time is right...and with the way the world's going, that might be never. Meanwhile, a stupid person could easily be a grandparent by thirty.
      • That simply makes it a case of You Fail Biology Forever as well as making it a rip-off of the now sadly-dated classic SF story, The Marching Morons.
      • It's an especially bad ripoff because they omitted the idea of a few elites running the world behind the scenes. This troper kept waiting for them to explain who flies the planes, who builds the buildings, who programs the computers, who monitors the stock market, who manufactures the guns, and most importantly how anyone is still alive if nobody can figure out how to grow food and everyone drinks some stupid sports drink instead of water, BUT THEY NEVER EXPLAINED IT. Apparently in the Stupid Age society will still function reasonably well, everyone will have access to incredibly advanced technological conveniences that never require any highly-educated personnel to fix them because they're so resilient they never break down, and basically no one will really want for anything. Broken Aesop anyone?
  • The Day After Tomorrow would have to be the WORST disaster movie in existence. A bucket load of PC vomit in a poorly researched movie about a second Ice Age. The characters were as deep as tea spoons and the physics more inaccurate than a Star Wars movie. Utter shit.
    • And An Inconvenient Truth is just a taster of the nonsense we would have got if Al Gore had been elected.
      • Of course, the other choices were George Bush and third-parties.
  • Donnie Darko is a load of plotless, pretentious wank with a highly unlikeable main character and a bunch of cliched plot devices manhandled in.
    • No you are.
    • The titular protagonist should also be noted. Typical Wangsty rebellious teen.
    • I watched the movie, immediately deduced the standard interpretation, discarded that as stupid and assumed I'd missed the point.
  • I can't stand Home Alone. When you were young and saw the trailers for this thing, you probably thought it was going to be two hours of non-stop hilarious slapstick, right? Wrong. The slapstick was pretty much relegated to the very end of the film—the rest of the movie was spent setting up the scenario, and it took way too long to do it. Also, Kevin was a spoiled little snot whom I found hard to root for. His family seemed a little too mean to him at the beginning of the movie for those scenes to have any semblance of credibility——hell, the entire family itself was a bunch of self-absorbed, bickering idiots and I kept hoping that their plane would crash into the Atlantic so Kevin (and we, the audience) could be rid of them forever. How anyone could perceive this movie as heartwarming when it's filled with so many unlikable characters is a mystery to me.
    • I loved it as a kid. I came back to it grown up and realized how boring it was. I think the earlier appraisal came from the wish fulfillment of being... "home alone."
    • The sequels are even worse. It's basically three or four more movies that are EXACTLY LIKE THE FIRST, right down to using most of the same gags!
      • No, no. The second movie is a complete rip off of every plot element and gag from the original. The third is came up with a plot that didn't make any sense on any level, with no humor to speak of. I refuse to admit a fourth HA exists.
  • The 40 Year Old Virgin really bugs me with its implication that people who don't want to have sex are immature, naive, or have something seriously wrong with them.
    • ...You mean they aren't?
      • No. They aren't. In some ways it's easier to be gay in this culture than it is to be Asexual. People will accept that you don't want to fuck the same kinds of (consenting adult) people that they do, but tell them you don't want to fuck at all and they'll look at you as though you've got lobsters crawling out of your ears.
      • Amen to that. The strongest proof Freud Was Right would be comments like "you mean they aren't?"
      • Oh yeah? Try being gay AND asexual. I'm a girl. I like being touched by girls. I like cuddling with girls. I like looking at girls. I have no particular desire to have sex with them. I consider men okay as friends, but I prefer to keep them physically at arm's length and find the notion of sex with them deeply icky. I've had people tell me that makes me straight.
  • Juno was terrible. It seemed like it was trying to win some "indier-than-thou" competition.
    • Not only that, it was terribly overwritten and showed how low the standards are now that people like Diablo Cody can throw up on pieces of paper and win awards for it. That one scene with the doctor was horrible, resulting in nothing more than a straw man. It's hard to relate with a character so perfect. Let's be honest here- Juno is perfect. The pregnancy doesn't even count as a mistake; in fact, less attention is given to the pregnancy throughout the movie. It exists merely as a symbol of her status as an outsider. In real life, people like Juno would be ignored and hated by everyone, due to how snarky she is.
  • Chekov's "The Seagull". Oh God. A cast of irritating, categorically unlikeable egomaniacs, who spend so much time telling us why they're depressed it makes Evangelion look like the dance of the sunshine fairies. It is the only work of fiction I have ever read where wanted to strangle every character. Every. Single. One.
    • Ditto Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard. I understand that True Art Is Angsty, but gawd, how about writing a play that doesn't make me want to tie a bungee cord around my neck and jump off of a roof to escape the sadness and despair? (And that goes for you too, Henrik Ibsen...)
  • Batman Begins was a boring, overrated, pretentious mess that had wooden acting, horrible fight scenes, and no interesting characters. And Christian Bale's Batman voice is pure Narm, no matter how you look at it.
  • The Dark Knight was a terrible clusterfuck of a movie. Bad acting, typical Rape The Dog Joker with absolutely zero shock to anyone who's seen typical boring Jerkass villains, nothing interesting between all the crap scenes, wooden acting, crappy action scenes, bringing Gordon back from the dead in a scene so obvious, a retard would recognize he's the masked SWAT member the camera doesn't focus on, and worst of all, "LOLZ IM LEVING U FOR TURNING ON ALL DA CELLPHONES TO SPY ON EVERYONE!1ONE" Worst excuse to leave ever. Worst villain ever. And Dent wasn't expanded on enough.
    • Dent was fucked over with a stupid bitch girlfriend instead of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
    • Dent wasn't given enough screentime. They could've actually used Two-Face, but like every other superhero movie they had to make him the villian's sidekick...ugh...
      • And not to mention he was just there to add attempted drama to an already fuckwitted movie... then gets killed off. When the trailers and ads made on him. And it's too bad, his character was better than the crappy Joker Ledger played.
    • I hated it because it removed EVERYTHING personal about Batman. Gotham City no longer is the dark, personal place it always is, it's just a big american city. Joker no longer is someone "created" by Batman that's been his archenemy forever, it's just some lunatic thug. Harvey Dent no longer has been Bruce Wayne's friend forever, he's some guy he met two days ago. And SONAR DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. You can't turn mobilephones into magical radars just by being rich. If it aimed for realism, it failed by making Batman a superhero with gadgets. It if aimed to be a superhero-movie, it failed at everything else. Nolan's only good movie was Memento, and that was because it thrived on being badly cut and edited.
      • I especially loved the part where he magically installed voice recognition software on every phone in Gotham, then had every one of said phones transmits all of this analysed data to wayne manor in real time. Disregarding the sheer implausibility of getting the same software to run on every single mobile phone without anybody noticing, but apparently the network can handle every phone connected to every tower operating at maximum capacity all at the same time. Oh and how every phone was CAPABLE of running the voice regonition, AND THE SONAR, ALSO BEING FED IN REAL TIME TO BATMAN. It was a ham-fisted attempt to bring a privacy vs terrorism discourse into a superhero film, and it failed due to sheer stupidity. Oh and the guys voice when he's batman sounds fucking horrendous. It was supposed to make him sound tough, but all it did was make him sound like he had throat cancer.
    • No fucking kidding. The Joker's Hannibal Lecture to Dent was about as convincing as a George W. campaign speech (no really, kill everyone responsible for your girlfriend's death except me!), and Joker's repeated Not So Different speeches were all pretty much, "HI, LET ME SPELL OUT THE THEMES OF THIS MOVIE FOR YOU IN CASE IT WASN'T QUITE CLEAR." Subtlety, please? Not to mention that the movie had zero emotional impact because they didn't bother to develop any relationships outside of Joker/Batman (not speaking in the slash sense here, take that as you will) and Batman's "big choice" in saving Dent over his ex-girlfriend is rendered completely meaningless by the fact that he shows almost no remorse over her death, and Dent's relationship with her was so underdeveloped that you can't even drudge up any sympathy for him, either. In general painting Batman as the "Dark Knight" and flooding the movie with a dark atmosphere was completely MEANINGLESS as Batman never once slipped from his moral high horse, the prisoner's dilemma ended with everyone ALIVE, and Batman saved the fucking day in the end. So what if everyone hated him? That's the definition of heroicism - doing something for a noble cause instead of getting credit! Jesus, Hancock dealt with that idea better than Batman (if in reverse), and gave it way more of a emotional, down-to-earth, and realistic spin.
  • The American Godzilla film is a complete disgrace to the franchise. Not only does it replace the REAL Godzilla with a pregnant CGI lizard that is somehow LESS realistic than the Japanese Godzilla, but the monster is also killed by missiles...FREAKING MISSILES! Since WHEN has the Japanese Godzilla been killed by missiles?.
    • Don't forget that Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich actually thought THEIR version of Godzilla was better than the original Japanese version. Yeah, right...
    • Am I the only one who's noticed that the American Godzilla film basically rips-off scenes from Aliens, King Kong, The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, and Jurassic Park.
      • You mean to tell me those baby Godzillas were NOT Velociraptors?
      • Not only is the remake an insult to Godzilla as a monster movie, it totally subverts the message of the original movie. Godzilla represents the all-consuming destructiveness of war! Japan had just been thrashed in a war, which gave the film a sincerity that Taco Bell vehicle could never even dream of. It also helps that Ishiro Honda was, you know, a competent director. Anyway, how do we defeat the unstoppable juggernaut that was formed from man's own cruelty? With an invention that has the potential to be even more destructive, because science is not good or bad, but morally complex? No, with ordinary weapons, then we worship our omnipotent military. Because no one can never truly be in danger. You heard me correct, they made a monster movie where the monster can't be taken as threat even on a basic level.
    • My only complaint: Needed more city smashing.
    • I don't like how the Godzilla fanboys seem to mostly only hate the American movie simply because it isn't a direct remake of Toho's brainchild. While there are good arguments to be had, against it (most of which were fixed in the Animated Adaptation, which - ironically - no fan I've seen even bothers to mention when they start bitching about the American movie, despite the cartoon being better received), they're two completely different beasts, and should be acknowledged and judged as such. Even The Angry Video Game Nerd disappointed me with his vitiolic fanwank of a review of the movie, especially considering he gave a far better (and more fair) review of Batman and Robin, despite being as big of a fan of the Caped Crusader as he is of the gigantic lizard. And besides, Ameri Zilla can pwn any other Toho beast with his sonic roar in Godzilla Unleashed, so there.
      • The American Godzilla WAS NOT IN GODZILLA UNLEASHED! The monsters used in the games were Godzilla 90s (AKA Heisei Godzilla), Godzilla 2000, Godzilla 1954, Obsidious, Anguirus (Who has a sonic roar but is NOT the American Godzilla), Varan, Kiryu, Mechagodzilla II (AKA Heisei Mechagodzilla), Mechagodzilla, King Seesar, King Ghidorah, Mecha-King Ghidorah, Mothra, Battra, Orga, King Seesar, Krystalak, Biollante, Baragon, Megaguirus, Megalon, Gigan, and Rodan. The ONLY time the American Godzilla was used in a video game, as far as This Troper knows, is in a VERY obscure Sega Dreamcast game that was ONLY available in Japan.
      • This Troper would like to point out that the MAJORITY of Japanese Godzilla fans were hoping for a unique twist on the franchise in regards to an American Remake. However, there's a BIG difference between "fresh and new" and "Having NO respect for the original franchise". We were NOT hoping for a shot-for-shot perfect remake. We just wanted a GOOD Godzilla movie produced by Hollywood. Unfortunately, someone let Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich take control of the situation...
      • Right, which is why every Godzilla fanboy I've talked to has stated they hate the American version because he's not like the Japanese version. I'm sorry, but the fans need to grow up and stop swinging around their bias around and actually research what happened; they tried to make it more like the original, but it just would not work, especially with the more realistic take they were going for in the monster. They couldn't even find a happy medium, since everything they tried just looked stupid on the big screen (for instance, they originally modeled Godzilla off of the original, but the result looked - ironically - too much like a guy in a rubber suit to be believable). What you see in the finised product is what ended up working, pure and simple. You can't even say that they had no respect for the original franchise, because they tried to have it, and it just didn't work. None of the fans want to hear that, none of the fans acknowledge that several of their complaints were fixed in the Animated Adapatation, they just like to rag on the American version for not being like the Japanese version. And, frankly, I'm getting sick of it.
      • Again, I state, there is a DIFFERENCE between "Doing something different" and ''Having NO respect for the original franchise. Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich clearly are the latter since they constantly insult the Japanese Godzilla (To make an analogy, that would be like someone insulting one's grandfather while trying to date his grandchildren) without realizing that it's because of the HUGE SUCCESS of the Japanese Godzilla that Hollywood even consiered a remake. And, I'm sorry, but MORE realistic? How on EARTH is a giant hemaphrodite iguana MORE realistic than a radioactive dinosaur? If anything, GINO is LESS realistic than the Japanese Godzilla (Seriously, ask anyone who understands physics and/or biology WHY it's IMPOSSIBLE for a 60 meter ANYTHING to run 480 kilometers per hour). Oh, and the special effects....SUCK! Yeah, Jurassic Park was made FIVE years earlier and it had FAAAAAR better CGI effects than the American Godzilla. Also, the reason WHY they ended up with GINO is because Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich said that they could make a Godzilla-remake WITHOUT the huge budget required for other remake suggestions...The ONLY evidence of the scrapped remake ideas are a few scripts, models, and storyboard art. THAT'S IT!
      • When your film is more like The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms (Which, despite starring a claymation dinosaur attacking a model city, is still FAAAR superior to GINO) than a remake of Gojira, you KNOW you have a problem.
  • I'm really hoping for someone to explain to me how Pirates of the Caribbean exists, outside of a saturday morning cartoon. It's praised by it's unbelievably massive fan base as a "swashbuckling adventure" with great action, full of wit and humor, and a damn good franchise to boot. Statements like "Johnny Depp is god", or even "Keira Knightley is an actress" get thrown around, and everyone just sort of goes sure, why not?. Even as a 14 year old in the cinema, I thought the original movie was completely all over the place, trying to be way too many things at once, and ending up with a jumble of really weird scenes. Is is a childrens comedy? A romance story? A horror flick with ghosts? A movie actually about Pirates? Who knows? The most common answer being, who cares, it's just a movie. But with 1 billion dollars in box office receipts, multiple academy award nominations, and a spot on imdb's top 250, this is just baffling. Where's the rum, savvy? Fuckin parley.
    • I liked the first movie but hated the second and found the third somewhat of an improvement. I really dislike how Jack Sparrow ends up as such a Dirty Coward who constantly betrays his friends even though they keep risking their lives for him. Honestly, I thought he completely deserved the end he got in the second movie and really don't get how he even ended up surviving. It also bugs me how "fantastic" the series ended up being- the first movie was clearly set in the real world, even if not historically accurate and with supernatural elements. Then, the next two films have cannibals roasting people in a pot (which deserves its own complaint), a mishmash of mythologies, and a ridiculous presentation of the East India Company.
    • I wouldn't have minded a pirate movie that's about...well, pirates. Just having ordinary human pirates having adventures would have been good enough. Instead it was buried under a tide of zombies, fish-men, sea monsters, magic spells, and so on.
  • Friedburg and Seltzer are the worst writers in film history, being responsible for shitting out perhaps the worst lot of movies (The Scary Movies, Meet the Spartans, Date movie, etc.) this world has ever seen. They are an insult to comedy, parody and film as a whole, and it makes me sick to know they're making millions off of the tripe they pass off as comedy. Fart jokes, crotch-kicks, big boobs and people falling down can be funny every now and then, but doing it over and over again is insulting. They both need to die.
    • The worst part of Scary Movie was that it was a parody of Scream, which was a well written satire of the genre.
  • Have you ever seen the old foreign film The Seventh Seal? No? THEN DON'T.
    • Awww, but I like depressing, slow-moving, Shoot The Shaggy Dog stories shot in glorious Gray-O-Vision...
    • Jons makes up for everything. (The English subtitles are horrible. There is no way that can be an accurate translation of the original script. What's worse, it's the only version of the subtitling available. Most fansubbers these days do a better job).
  • Saw and sequels. Sorry, but no, it isn't ingenious. It has a Twist Ending, but what else? Empty Hannbal Lectures from an almost Nietzche Wannabe, alledgedly punishing people for their faults and instigating them to live. By killing them. Come on, most of the traps are simply unscapable! Jigsaw is not a genius, he's fucking insane! It's an awesome piece of Gorn, but horrible plot-wise.
    • Wasn't that the point, though? That he was simply a madman who thought he was accomplishing some higher purpose or whatever?
    • Final Destination is just as bad; pointless Shoot The Shaggy Dog story about how You Cant Fight Fate, even though the entire premise sets up the idea that you can Screw Destiny...and beyond that, it's just nothing more than an excuse to kill off people in ways that Itchy and Scratchy would likely censor. Seriously, I've seen better-made and more entertaining Gorn in the Furry Fandom (no, really, I have; at least they have the sense to recognize what it is, and turn it into a Snuff Flick fantasy than some bullshit "horror" film).
  • And then there was the burnt-out lightbulb known as Hancock. What makes this one especially painful is that it most likely would have made a decent film if it had stuck to its original premise, you know, the one advertised in the previews. After about an hour or so, though, they just couldn't figure out a way to string out the plot any longer, so they decided to introduce a completely new plot, which derailed all of the characters, made no sense whatsoever, and wound up making the movie too long. My one and only reaction after seeing that trainwreck was, "Wow. What a waste of time."
    • Hancock would have been better off as a short web film than as a feature length movie. To those curious, just watch the trailers. They show the only remotely good parts of the movie.
    • If watching Hancock, switch off after about the first 45 minutes and pretend the rest of the movie doesn't exist. Even then, you're in for a pretty mediocre experience.
    • This Troper hated the Mood Whiplash at the end.
  • And Jumper... Ugh. Where to begin?
    • Gould just started writing when he made the first novel - it's certainly not bad, but it's quite Anvilicious and somewhat plodding at times. Then along comes the movie...
  • How on earth was Simon Birch even made in the first place? The story is not only dull and completely unbelievable (Seriously, is it even possible for a kid that short to hit a baseball hard enough to kill an adult female human?), it's also got some of the worst moral lessons I've ever seen.
    • However, the biggest nail in the coffin for this poor-excuse for movie is Simon Birch himself. Yeah, we're supposed to sympathize with him because he's so different. But, really, ''how'' can you feel sorry for someone who acts like such a jerk all the time? He keeps saying that "God has a plan for him" (Sure, kid, and the Easter Bunny has a plan for me too...), which makes him think that he can get away with the stuff that he does. This includes trying to GROPE a teen girl's breasts during a Nativity Play in which Simon plays Baby Jesus (Yeah, like we needed ANOTHER reminder of the whole "God's Plan" concept), breaking into a Reverend's office, and even interrupting a church sermon.
      • This Troper actually thought Simon Birch was a Stealth Parody of the concept of "Different kid saves the day and humanity learns to be more tolerant" films. Unfortunately, this is not the case. We really ARE supposed to feel sorry for this unlikeable Jerk Ass.
      • Do not ever read the book it was loosely based on, A Prayer for Owen Meany if you think the movie was bad. It's about a million times worse. The symbolism is even worse - OWEN IS APPARENTLY A FREAKING VIRGIN BIRTH!!!! The Catholic church his family attended reasonably stated this was unlikely, and the titular character proceeds to rag on Catholicism every chance he gets. This troper read it for school and cumulated with a six page essay bashing every thing in the book she could. And she even likes lots of "literature" type books. She didn't think the movie was that great, but it improved on a horrible book a thousandfold. Oh, and the narrator is the biggest hypocrite in the world, saying things like "All Americans are closed-minded" with an apparently straight face.
  • Kill Bill . GRRRR. It's an overrated, bloated, boring fest of What Do You Mean Its Not Awesome and Author Appeal . I still can't believe everyone thought that this piece of Ludicrous Gibs with generic, uninteresting action, ZERO character development, and a pitifully dull, completely unnoteworthy and utterly loathsome Action Girl main character. Just watching the film makes me feel like Tarantino is sitting right beside me, poking at me constantly and going "Isn't that cool? Wasn't that awesome? Don't you really like it? LOVE MY MOVIE DAMMIT!!!"

  • Harry Potter is a load of shit. Case closed.
    • Harry Potter is decent but unoriginal, in an entertaining sort of way, until after Goblet of Fire. It jumps the shark so hard because it tries to be dark and edgy by killing off characters. But it never takes, because this is a world where people fight each other using tickling spells while still in life and death situations. It's like watching the setting of a Monty Python sketch suddenly try to be dramatic, and the whole series goes down the shitter as a result. Also, Harry himself is one of the few popular characters I've seen that manages to be bland, annoying, and mind-numbingly stupid. I hate that little bastard. And Hermione is a blatant Mary Sue.
      • Word Of God is that Rowling meant all along for the series to "mature" with its readers, when in fact the series hasn't matured so much as genre-shifted completely after it became an obvious goldmine. Until this Troper sees dated and signed documents to prove Rowling's intent, he calls bullshit on it.
    • She kills off every vaguely interesting side character, repeatedly explains that death is permanent for everybody in her little inbred wizarding world, and yet, when the whiniest most irritating protagonist in the whole wide world goes to the big platform 9 and 3/4 in the sky, it doesn't stick.
      • Even more frustrating, the whole fucking portrait thing undermines "Death is permanent". The portraits seem to have an awful lot of free will, but she insists "Well, they're really just repeating catchphrases" And speaking of death, trained, competent wizards and witches die left and right in the final battle, but all the fucking kids miraculously survive?
      • Not all the fucking kids. I imagine all the kids who were fucking were too distracted to fight back...oh, you meant the other kind of fucking. Well, Colin Creevey died. And that was about it. So Yeah.
      • But see, Harry Potter isn't a character. He's a plot device. She never said plot devices would stay dead. That said, this troper made a mental list of all the characters she found interesting in the franchise. Sirius Black, Mad-Eye Moody, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks. Sirius was the only one who even got to die on-camera, and it was the worst death ever.
    • Most of it can be seen as rather obviously plagiarising better works; though some may defend this, saying other popular series have stolen from less popular stuff, the fact remains that none of them do it quite as obviously as Rowling does. Tolkien took the bare roots of Viking myth and Wagner's Ring Cycle opera and created an entire world, down to flaura and fauna. Most of Rowling's characters - and many conversations - can be mapped onto those of Jill Murphy's books and TV series, The Worst Witch, which was to a T the same concept. Additionally, works by Neil Gaiman, Eva Ibbotson, Roald Dahl (the word 'Muggle' is from 'The Twits') and many other British authors can be found in Harry Potter's bubbling melting pot; even William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale is bastardised when Hermione is petrified in "Chamber of Secrets".
    • Uh, The Winter's Tale is a copy of Pandosto. And in any case, a melting-pot is an entirely valid method of writing - you try writing a seven-book series without accidentally/on purpose nicking other people's stuff.
    • What the fuck does anybody find at this goddamn SHIT story anyway? Boring plot and characters that behave like TKKG with magic. That still would have been ignorable, but seriously? The whole book is just a place where Rowling can write her traumas of childhood down because "BAAAAWW they bullied me!", so naturally, I have to make Draco Malfoy the king of evil and talk about him bad all the time. Seriously, fuck off Rowling.
    • The most annoying thing to me was how absurdly stupid some people were just so they could fuel the angstmachine. Sirius death is the single best example. "I'm up against someone who could kill me instantly with a single shot. He's not fucking around. Let's dance around and make funny quips while fighting him!". And I'm supposed to find it dramatic when he dies for being such a bloody moron?
      • Er, Sirius was fighting a woman...
    • I don't have much of an opinion on books 1-5, but the sixth and seventh were DREADFUL. Okay, so we're going to look into Tom Riddle's past? Hooray, finally some character development for the Big Bad! Oh, wait... turns out he was creepy and sociopathic even as a kid, and he hasn't changed one bit since. Lamest; villain; ever. Oh yeah, and the book's title? Turns out that whole "half-blood prince" thing has nothing to do with the plot, and NEVER WILL. Argh. No matter how useless that book was, though, the seventh was even worse: Almost half of it consisted of boring Padding with Epic Fail occasionally thrown in for good measure. And in the final climax, Harry-Stu did nothing heroic whatsoever, since Dumbledore had already planned the entire conclusion of the series in book five without even telling us. Terrible.
    • I suppose that some of the points are legit, but concerning Tom Riddle, does every villain need to have a Wangst-filled Backstory to be compelling?
    • Say what you will, but Ginny Weasley is a fucking Sue who Rowling changed completely between books four and five just so she and Harry could enter into a relationship. Seriously: suddenly beautiful and popular; a winning, outspoken personality; and incredible skills at Quidditch and magic? You can't say Rowling didn't pull that out of her ass.
  • You know the A Song Of Ice And Fire series? I hate it. Someone needs to tell George R.R. Moron that "realism" isn't "kill every single character you could possibly like so after a point you avoid getting attached to them in case they die." Also, if I wanted realism, I'd go read historical novels. Fantasy, by definition, is fantastic. And there's no point to his dumb rule that good guys can't kill bad guys. And I hate the fact all the fans of this series seem to think they are so much smarter and better than anyone who reads any high fantasy. While I don't like David Eddings either, I'm more willing to say that I read four books of his Belgariad hoping it would get better than the fact I read three of the books in this series. Also, the fact Jaime Lannister is a fan favorite deeply disturbs me.
    • I don't know where you got "good guys can't kill bad guys," because it seems to me that many of the "good" guys (not that anyone is really "good" in those novels) kill off plenty of bad guys. Such as Daenerys killing slavers or Jon killing Thenns. However, I agree with you 100% on the disgust with the fandom. As much as I dislike The Sword Of Truth and Goodkind's attitude in general, 40 forum threads of 100+ pages each lambasting the guy and his series is ridiculously over the top. And the fan worship of characters like Jaime Lannister is indeed disturbing.
      • I swear I read somewhere that Martin had that rule. And I agree with that. With any other author, they'd be calling Lannister Badass Decay, but Martin can do no wrong to them. Never mind the fact he doesn't even bother to incoporate half the actual qualities of medieval Europe in his stories...
      • I read most of his communications with fans and such, and I've never seen him mention that rule. But if he does have such a rule, then he doesn't follow it. Examples: Gregor Clegane killed by Oberyn Martell. The slavers (who are about as evil as you can get) killed by Daenerys. Shagwell and Rorge killed by Brienne. Biter killed by Gendry. The Tickler killed by Arya. Polliver killed by The Hound. Septon Utt killed by the Brotherhood Without Banners. Tywin Lannister killed by Tyrion. I'm also confused by your point - first you complain it's not fantastic enough, now it's not realistic enough? Which is it?
      • More like they can't have it both ways. the fans can't claim that it's realistic when about half of medieval Europe isn't incorporated, but can't defend that with the "it's fantasy" excuse. It's more about the hypocracy involved.
      • With all due respect, when fans say it's "realistic" they aren't saying it's historically or geographically realistic, they're saying it's realistic in that the fighting, weapons, and characters are treated in a more realistic manner. For example, no matter how good a swordsman is in ASOIaF, he can't hold off an army single-handedly. This makes it more realistic than the standard fantasy fare, although perhaps not so escapist or interesting for some. And with that, I will say that I think half the fandom is off-its-rocker nuts, but still love the books.
      • I don't hate people who love the books, by the way, although the fans with superiority complexes annoy me. I just needed to whine and this page helped.
      • The fandom's fucking love affair with Littlefinger. He isn't that clever, he's just a smug snake who is quick to backstab people at the most opportune moments. He has done more to fuck up the setting then any other character. His fixation on Sansa is down right creepy as well. Hell, at least Sandor never acted on his feelings, while Littlefinger wasted no time cracking on to the thirteen year old. And Jaime at least became sympathetic, Littlefinger has never shown anything other than a rampant greed in regards to everything, and never even a twinge of remorse. But the way the fandom goes on you'd think his 'love' for Sansa was as pure as fresh snow and all of his schemes are to help the small folk. They paint him as some kind of warped saint. A god damn Draco In Leather Pants to a disturbing degree.
  • Reading Lord of the Rings causes nothing but Hype Backlash that can break the neck of a lesser man.
    • Tolkien's style of writing takes a lot of the fun out of it if you ask me. Bogs down an otherwise classic story.
      • This. Tolkien wrote like a glacier.
      • Honestly, I like Lot R. It basically introduced me to written Speculative Fiction. Still, I think the series would have been improved immensely if it was about the length of 1.5 or 2 of the books. There's far too much material that's either unnecessarily descriptive or simply ancillary to the plot.
    • The entire second half of Two Towers. I know the transport of the ring is kind of important but the travelogue of Mordor is frankly boring. Compared to the stuff the rest of the fellowship manage to get up to, Sam and Frodo do not deserve that much focus.
      • But GOLLUM was in that second half!
      • Exactly. God, I wish he'd never come back. Annoying little frog.
  • Star Wars Expanded Universe. A tidal wave of cliches, hacky writing and dead horse re-run plots. A superweapon per-book, evil aliens who have no motives. Kevin J Anderson—'nuff said!
    • Sorry, you can't condemn the entire EU for those problems. Just 9/10 of it.
    • When one looks between the Expanded Universe and the prequel trilogy, they don't seem all that different sometimes. Only thing the prequel trilogy lacks by comparison is kilometer-long space mantas, but don't give Lucas any ideas. He'd CGI one up just for kicks.
    • Starwars EU claims that the stormtroopers are effective, their ships are powerful and long-ranged, and they have an arsenal that would put them as the major power in Warhammer 40000. THIS IS NOT TRUE. The stormtroopers are the most effective soldiers in that entire galaxy, and they cannot shoot worth a damn with their weak-ass blasters which can only cause blackened walls and damaged consoles. The ships have to get so close they can ram each other. The one and only superweapon the Star Wars galaxy ever had was the Death Star. THAT WILL NEVER CHANGE.
  • Twilight. I think this goes without saying. Sparkly fucking vampire death baby, people.
    • When I know more about the personality of the cars the characters drive than the characters themselves, you're in trouble. When I care more about the cars than the characters, then you're really in trouble. When you try to get me to care about the characters by endlessly repeating how endearinly clumsy the girl is and how gorgeous (seriously, every page he's on) the wangsty vampire is, then you're the author of Twilight.
      • Oh god, Twilight is terrible. I couldn't get through the first chapter of it, nor its semi-sequel narcissistic shitfest of attempted character development. It's all just bitching. The author tries to give her characters some character by having them complain about everything in their lives. The vampires are completely inaccurate, because vampires are supposed to be the soulless unholy demons of the night, which you are supposed to be terrified of, but then you kill them, not sparkly "beautiful" girly-men who have relationships but get all possessive and refuse to have sex, but then have it anyway and impregnate girls with their demon-spawn. Then there's the horrible contrived love story, which has all girls saying "Ooooh, I looOOOOOooove Edward!" These girls wouldn't know love if it bit them in the ass, and people are supporting this book because "It gets them to read." Seriously? I mean, I'd rather starve than eat shit, so I think people should just stay illiterate than read this piece of shit excuse for a romance/horror novel.
    • This troper had just gotten over how miserably the books were written despite fairly decent plot and characters when the film came out. I actually did enjoy the film, as mindless fluff with good looking men— stick your fingers in your ears and go la la la when the romance plot comes in and whatever— but hearing TROO FANZ squeal about how they raped the books and got rid of everything that made Twilight the new Shakespeare— because the filmmakers weren't as adept at READING THEIR MINDS for how they thought the characters should look, down to nail polish and tendencies to blush— was... no. Combination bitchy PMS'ing butthurt and sour grapes. Yeah, I thought the film was entertaining, if only because it's So Bad Its Good in parts, and I think the books are marginally viable excuses for first novels, but I think the FANS are bugfuck crazy.
    • While we're here, let's all give a great big "fuck you" to Anne Rice, for turning badass monsters of legend into Fetish Fuel. Twilight wouldn't have been possible without her.
    • Another thing: the author is bat-guano CRAZY. She thinks Eddie-poo is the perfect boyfriend...because, clearly, if he emotionally abuses, manipulates, and stalks you, he must be perfect.
    • Angel would kick Edwards's ass. Seriously, Buffy The Vampire Slayer is so much better than Twilight, it's pitiful. TWILIGHT SUCKS BALLS!
      • Heck, Count Von Count could pwn Edward.
      • And Count Ducklua could as well.
      • Count Chocula too.
      • Also Bunnicula.
      • Blackula could do it with his hands tied behind his back.
      • Don't forget Deafula.
      • Anybody with "ula" in their name could do it. Hell, Ulla from The Producers could do it.
      • When Scott Bakula can kick your arse, you know you've got problems.
  • I will never understand how half the stuff we had to read in high school English/AP Lit became "classics." Especially A Separate Peace, which is just fucking boring despite the massive Ho Yay.
    • I hated A Separate Peace oh so very, very much.
      • Word. *shiiiiver* Why is this book still assigned? Is it to make everything else look good in comparison?
    • A Separate Peace, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Cry The Beloved Country, the definition of an American "classic" seems to be "it's old".
      • Cry The Beloved Country can't be an American classic, since a South African wrote it. And all those books are only about fifty years old or so.
  • I thought Catcher in the Rye was a crappy novel about an obnoxious kid who needs some serious therapy (but, of course, There Are No Therapists), and teenage kids should not have to be forced to read such depressing crap. Really!
  • Neal Stephenson is not a fucking genius at cyberpunk or whatever bullshit he decides to write about. His novels are utter, boring shit that take forever to get to something interesting, and even then, his writing style(s) manage to shit all over it by rendering anything interesting dull or confusing. I read Michael Chricton, and even Stephenson's expospeak infodump sections manage to fail fucking hard. At least Gibson was able to dazzle me with great descriptions of cyberspace and tech. Before you hop all over me, I managed to get a quarter of the way into Cryptonominicon or whatever and The Diamond Age before putting down both books. The only interesting thing in Stephenson's books was a battle scene near the end and the opening chapter of The Diamond Age. Other than that, I'll cling to Gibson, thankyouverymuch.
    • The first chapter of Snow Crash is also very good. Alas, the rest of the book is just downright silly without being funny.
      • To be fair, only thing interesting breaking the drivel in The Diamond Age is an orgy scene, which is ruined by the girl exploding.
  • Let's not forget Charles Dickens. If you thought Rumiko Takahashi liked to milk a popular cash cow by dragging things out, she's nothing compared to the master. (This troper would also like to extend a vigorously shaken middle finger towards every 19th century hack novelist who felt it was necessary to cram their work with as much flowery, impenetrable language as possible.)
    • How anyone can understand Dickens's novels is beyond me. The only thing this troper could understand from Oliver Twist was an illustration of Oliver outside some dude's door. In fact, he found ITV's adaptation to make more sense, and that says a lot.
    • Try to take random excerpts from Charles Dickens and Bulwer-Lytton of "It was a dark and stormy night" fame. You can't tell them apart. It is pure happenstance that the one is a classic and the other is not.
    • I had to read Great Expectations the summer before my freshmen year of high school. Never again.
  • What about L'Etrangere, by Albert Camus? Fascinating philosophical novel probing the mind of a man who can't feel, or 117 pages of NOTHING?
    • Ugh, no kidding. How was I supposed to write an essay on that? There wasn't a point to it! ... Which is the point of existentialism, I guess. But still!
    • L'Etrangere was at least a passable story, but I got to read it alongside the two worst excuses for literature ever written - Ethan Frome, which can kindly take its pretentious poor-me-the-universe-hates-me attitude somewhere where the weather is not an Author Avatar, and Therese Raquin, which is basically Mac Beth with everything that was creative, noble, clever, illuminating, or worth reading about systematically excised. Supposedly Zola was trying to demonstrate how everyone is governed by their own humors in reaction to their environment? I should think that the fact that his characters are painfully flat, moronic, and thoroughly unlike actual people should readily dissuade you from that position.
    • First, it's L'Etranger, not "L'Etrangere". Also; it is the second most boring and lifeless novel ever. The most boring is Metamorphosis by Kafka - there's a reason he asked on his deathbed for all his manuscripts to be burned. And I've had to study both of them. Ugh!
      • Hey, at least you didn't have to translate it. That's the sort of thing that brings true hate.
    • I read it translated into English as The Stranger for AP/IB English 3. Is it sad that one day during English class, just to keep my sanity, I wrote an alternate ending to the book in which Captain Jack Sparrow, Anakin Skywalker, and I helped prep the protagonist, Meurseault, for his execution, only to help him escape during the execution and abandon him on a desert island?
      • It's really no worse than what we did at our table. We had to do the novel in French, and we had to make something artistic (a drawing, usually) for every chapter. What would inevitably happen is that one person would present their work, which we would ultimately destroy in insane collaborative efforts (i.e. we'd add and add to it) that sometimes resulted in crossovers. It made reading the book a lot more enjoyable, let me tell you.
  • Existentialist stories piss me off in general, always about wangst (oh noes i cant feel emotion anymore!!1one, as seen in "The Wall") or stupid shit that even the most hedonistic person wouldn't do (seriously, shooting a guy in the face because the sun is blinding you is a fucking stupid motive).
  • Dune, while it had fantastic ideas, is incredibly poorly written, with more Epic Fail than you can poke a stick at.
    • This troper actually liked the first Dune, but could hardly even bear to read the second one. Ugh, is there any way you could make your main character more annoying?
    • This Troper thinks that the first half of Dune, with the complex political Xanatos Gambits is one of the best books he's ever read. Then he second half happens. Despite (Because of?) his cool name, the Padishah Emperor is one of the most disappointing villains in the history of fiction. After Baron Harkonnen (and Paul De Vris)'s complex and ultimately successful machinations to dethrone the House Atreides, the Padishah Emperor comes in and kicks him out and brings in super soliders. AND HE LOSES. You know why? Because while Harkonnen only cared about the spice so he let the Fremen fight amongst themselves, the emperor has to control everything. He's stupid, full of himself, and a ridiculous straw bad guy. He exists to have the bad guy be someone who the lives up to the ideals that all the charachters claim makes a good leader and strong man - but he fucks everything up. True, if The Padishah Emperor was competent the Door Stopper would have been twice as long, and nobody wants that, but goddamn it was that poorly pulled off. That one bad egg nearly ruined the whole basket for me.
  • I seem to be the only person alive who doesn't like Neil Gaiman. Yes, he's quite a good writer, but the pretentiousness practically leaps of the page and tries to throttle you, particularly in his prose. Same goes for most of his screeenwriting (in particular, Neverwhere and Mirrormask). Style 1000, substance nil.
    • This troper hated American Gods, Gaiman's most popular work. Nice setting, but too bad the so-called protagonist has all the emotional depth of a teacup. Oh, and he does magic tricks. How... cute.
      • Eh, plot point for the magic trick crap. The thing keeping me going is how he writes it - pretty good, actually. Yes, I do wish Shadow wasn't as stoic.
  • I enjoyed Wicked the book, but every other attempt I've made to read Gregory Maguire's other books has ended in disappointment. Son of a Witch bored me to the point I stopped reading, taking too long to get to the plot. I'm trying to read A Lion Among Men but one, it's hard to recognize this jerk as the Cowardly Lion, and two, it doesn't seem to have much to do with the previous two books other than being in the same setting and mentioning Elphaba once. And Mirror Mirror... oh god. That book just plain sucked. A plot that ends up fragmented and confusing, the few interesting elements wasted, with a dash of deviant sexuality and bodily functions just for the sake of being Darker And Edgier. (Actually, gratuitous bodily functions seem to be a theme in all his writing. We don't need to know that the person you're trying to paint as a noble princess just pissed right in front of the heroes! There are other things to compare your character's crappy life to than being a literal piece of shit! Etcetera.) Let's not even get started on the "menstrual blood spray" scene...
    • This troper hated the book version of Wicked because she went into it originally thinking that it was tied into the books, (and hey, how cool would it be to see some alternate views on the witch from that?) only to find that it was apologist whining for plotholes from the movie instead. Petty, maybe, but it totally invalidated the book for me.
    • This troper was ok with Mirror Mirror, but she does find Maguire's gratuitous fluids and sex extremely off-putting. When Son of a Witch wasn't putting her to sleep, it was confusing her — Liir is OMG GHEY NAO for no reason? And what did it have to do with the story? Look, I'm all for homosexuality, but please give your pairing a point.
    • This troper hated Son of a Witch because it seemed to be post-modernist crap. Liir, like the book, has no real purpose and no direction. There's a reason, Mr. Maguire, that the hero is supposed to have some kind of goal.
  • The only reason for why Preacher and His Dark Materials reached such high acclaim is because of their blatant anti-christian propaganda and showing every atheists wet dream of seeing the pathetic christian god being conquered by the mighty, free thinking and heroic atheists.
    • I've never read Preacher, but I agree with this assessment of His Dark Materials and I'm a freakin' atheist.
    • You're clearly overestimating the audience. Some read because they never mature emotionally past the age of twelve and wanted to see swearing, fucking, Body Horror, and ridiculously detailed violence.
      • "Ridiculously detailed"? The art is so fucking shitty and undetailed, they can't even draw brains right.
    • The philosophical position described by God Is Evil isn't atheism, but rather dystheism. You also left out Lucifer and everything else listed at Rage Against The Heavens. But hey, at least the atheist wank-fantasies are understood to simply be fantasies and metaphors by their fans. Unlike in some fandoms.
    • His Dark Materials is touted as the atheistic equivalent of the Narnia series, but one enormous difference is that most of the Narnia books would make good, fun stories even if they weren't Christian allegories. Take the anti-religious anvils out of HDM, and you're left with nothing. Also, toward the end of the trilogy, the world-building falls apart because Pullman couldn't help throwing in anything and everything that he thought might be cool. It's like he accidentally sent his notebook of ideas and hooks for future stories to the publisher.
      • The only thing that really bothers me about HDM is the ending. Two children fall in love. The universe is automatically saved. And then they HAVE TO SEPARATE FOREVER because visiting each other would DESTROY THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. Open window. Stab Spectre. Step through. Close window. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's not that difficult, Will.
  • The Mercedes Lackey oeuvre. I've actually learned a lot about how not to write from her: "see, this is how exposition is awkwardly shoehorned in so that it sticks out like a sore cliche"; "this is an attempt at characterization that reveals more about the author's values than the character's"; "this is what we call a Mary Sue"; "here's a cardboard villain, when with just a little tweak, he'd have been about a thousand times as interesting"; "this is a Deus Ex Machina", etc.
    • This troper actually likes her urban fantasy books (mainly her SERRAted Edge series and her Anita Blake-wannabe), though considering that's all the novels of hers that he's read, he can't really say much for the rest of her omnibus.
    • Yes, yes, and yes. Her Heralds of Valdimar series was vaguely interesting back when it at least promised drama and canon gay (This Troper will go to the deepest slums of fantasy for her fix), but somewhere along the way all the gay disappeared and every single female character's personality merged into a self-insert fantasy for Mercedes Lackey, starting with Elspeth. Seriously, Lackey, what were you thinking?! The entire point of Vanyel excelling in both sword skills and magic was that he completely sacrificed everything else in his life to become the most powerful warrior in the country/land/whatever. Elspeth gets all of his skills, more, and a hotter boyfriend in a matter of a handful of years with minimal effort? Bullshit. Also Mercedes Lackey needs to stop using her characters as mouthpieces for her social/political views. Also she really needs to learn to write some fucking morally gray characters once in a while - though I could level that complaint at a lot of fantasy authors...
  • The Eragon nonsense. I borrowed it from the library, just to see if it was any good. It wasn't. It plumbed unimaginable, Lovecraftian new depths of awful.
    • The first book was decent, but plowing through Eldest was fucking awful. It was worse than the Star Wars prequels, and just really poorly written.
    • This troper read Eragon and liked it-I was young and naive, okay?-but his experience of Eldest basically consisted of him seeing it into the bookstore, picking it up, and going into Purple Prose shock five pages later.
      • Eragon, Twilight and its ilk are popular because they have something - something - that makes you want to keep reading. It's not interesting characters, plot or world, but something makes you keep going with them. Bile Fascination? Perhaps. But however those hacks stumbled on the formulae to inexplicably compelling reading, it's made them a shitload of money.
      • Funnily enough, this Troper had the opposite reaction. I could just barely tolerate Eragon (and I attribute this superhuman tolerance solely to the fact that I was listening to an audio book rather than actually reading it) but I actually enjoyed Eldest. That is, I enjoyed the B-plot about Eragon's cousin in Eldest. The rest was ultimately forgettable and boring.
    • For all their flaws, this troper enjoyed Eragon and Eldest both, but Brisingr... Oh, man. Everything that was likable about the first two books was surgically removed. Nothing happened in the entire book. Nothing. It was like watching paint dry.
  • Blood and ashes! No mention of the Wheel Of Time yet? Anything beyond the third is utter rubbish that confuses "epic" with "grinding the story to a halt to add detail for a level of verisimilitude that nobody really needs or wants." If you can even find any story past book nine, then you're clearly suffering from hallucinations. Frankly, I don't even have the energy to properly start on what a waste of money those books were.
    • Somewhere around book five I realized that each entry was longer than the previous one, but had less actually happening. Book one? Epic adventure from one corner of the Jordanverse to the other to defeat a powerful foe. Book eight? Prologue is longer than the entire first book, and none of the main plots are furthered in any way.
  • Someone needs to sit Terry Goodkind down and explain to him that his novels are Airport Fantasy, not "stories about important human themes," and that Gary Stus, Wall Bangers, and Broken Aesops do not make for good storytelling devices.
    • This troper is ambivalent about Sword Of Truth (they're just books, after all. Average, bland books), but having read a handful of interviews with Sire Goodkind, finds it baffling anyone could consider him anything but a repulsive, arrogant, hypocritical Small Name Big Ego. Plus he's an objectivist, but I repeat myself.
  • Shakespeare's comedies are long, boring, and unfunny. I'm sure they were hilarious back then, but nowadays when you need someone to spend fifteen minutes explaining what and where the joke was and why it was funny, it's a sign that it's getting too damn old. His tragedies weren't any good either. There; I've said what every single person who ever took English class wanted to say.
    • Actually, you wrote it, not said it. ;)
    • Are you sure you read his tragedies? Romeo and Juliet was made of fail, but Othello was actually damn good.
      • ...And the above comment reminds me of how much I hate the sheer quantity of people that misinterpret Romeo and Juliet. IT WAS NOT A TRAGEDY. Romeo and Juliet are NOT "perfect lovers", "a match made in heaven", or anything synonymous with that. They're IDIOTS.
      • Which brings me to my point. It was supposed to be "tragedy", oh mister know-it-all, but it falls flat on its face.
  • Warriors is what happens when someone tries to do Watership Down with cats and fails so spectacularly hard it isn't even funny.
    • It isn't even original in the "tribes of intelligent cats" genre. Clare Bell's Ratha series did over ten years before and did it better.
  • This troper was once forced to read Lord of the Flies as part of a bet. He couldn't finish the second chapter, it was that bad. Not only was the premise already pretty pretentious and stunk of every bad castaway film and book he's ever known, but the horrific writing and inexplicably random (and badly done) transitions between character perspectives killed off any interest he might have had to finish it. Seriously, what's the point of writing a book, if you're going to confuse the hell out of your readers by not clearly illustrating who is saying or doing what at any given time?
  • Victor Kelleher. He's an Australian author (which admittedly means he operates in a shallow pool indeed) and complete hack who is apparently unable to write a Sub-Plot and who ends every single freakin' book with a Deus Ex Machina. Despite these shortcomings, he seems to always win literary prizes and end up with his books being inflicted upon schoolchildren year after year. In short, a one-man literary holocaust whose only talent appears to lie in the field of giving social handjobs to influential people in the arts community and encouraging illiteracy (For if you can't read, his crap cannot harm you).
  • Dances With Wolves was a shitty piece of work that was 50% narm-a-licious Author Tract and 50% shittily done symbolism. Yes, we get the point, Dunbar is being reborn as an Indian, you don't need to include symbolic references every other page.
  • Native Son has no merit whatsoever. Okay, so the protagonist accidentally murders a white girl, decides to hide his crime by cutting off her head and burning her body in a furnace, runs from the cops and beats his girlfriend's head in with a brick and then throws her down an airshaft where she freezes to death trying to climb out just so she wouldn't go to the police, then gets captured and the rest of the book is spent dropping anvils about how he's just a product of society and should get off. At this point, we're supposed to be feeling sorry for him rather than hoping for him to get lit up like a Christmas tree. Oh, and Communists are the only good people while everyone else is a racist douchebag.
  • Heart of Darkness. Oh good fucking God, where do I begin. A short novel that reads much longer? Check. Impenetrable stream-of-conciousness prose? Check. Largely unsympathetic characer(s/ization)? Check. The only mitigating factor in my minds eye is pretending that the now infamous "The horror! The horror!" is a concious self-parody of this piece of shit. On the same note, fuck Apocalypse Now too.

Live Action TV
  • Degrassi is actually pretty crappy and, contrary to what some claim, very cliched.
  • Doctor Who is way overrated! It isn't even that original or that great! A bunch of boring plots with unlikeable characters, Fan Dumb polluting this wiki with rants about how awesome it is! Jesus christ guys, get some new materail. Stop causing Hype Backlash, and The Timelord/Tardis joke was never funny in the first place!
    • Now you sound just like a fan.
      • Yes, there are people who actually don't like this show. Please get over it, TV Tropes. I don't like that this is the dominant fandom on this wiki!
      • I've never seen Doctor Who. I'm not kidding, I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THAT SHOW until some time ago. Now that I saw how the Daleks look like, I'm glad I never knew. If I start complaining now, that would be Complaining About Shows You Dont Watch... Ah, screw it, what's so great about that show anyway?
    • Apparently, it's the best show ever according to how Tv Tropes praises it. But it doesn't deserve the praise it gets, the Backstory and Continuity are so convaluted that anyone who would want to know the show would have to go way back to a show full of Special Effects Failures to do so.
    • It used to be worse, pre-Nu Who. I cannot imagine how or why people thought a show that took two hours of plot at the most and stretched it into four or five episodes for every story could possibly be entertaining. It rivals the pacing of Dragon Ball Z.
      • Hang on, Classic Who episodes were about half an hour long. So they stretched two hours of plot into...two hours? That said, the best quality of any given episode of old Who is very frequently Narm.
      • Yes, now if there was ever any Narm Charm to go with it, it could be good. But old who or whatever the fanboys call it has little Narm Charm and more just pure charm which while good for a laugh doesn't make it good. But if this new series is trying to be better then the original then the Special effects people should actually try! A unspeakable thought I know.... Let me put it this way, unless your making an Intentional So Bad Its Good, (or it was So Bad Its Good to begin with, which Who isn't) show don't try to include intentional Special Effects Failures. A lot of other TV shows knew when too update themselves while doing the occasional Continuity Nod. But not Doctor Who. I bet the Fan Dumb is gonna say something along the lines of "it's too good for that."
  • Curb Your Enthusiasm sucks.
    • As a long time fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm, I will be quick to point out that even I agree that it quite frequently sucks.
      • As someone who knows literally nothing about the show, I feel I should chime in: it does not suck - that would be an insult to sucking. Instead, it percolates.
      • The vast majority of the time I love that show, but the episodes that suck suck hard.
  • Let's face it, Arrested Development got canceled for a reason.
    • Hey! Let's take a bunch of interesting characters and events and make a show about them and then forget to put in punchlines! GREAT IDEA! It feels like it has tons of potential to actually be funny but would rather just sit in a corner with it's fingers in it's ears going "LALALALALA!"
    • And while we're at it, let's make the only sympathetic character the Butt Monkey in a family of pure, undiluted Jerk Ass. Since when is picking on the only decent person a source of humor? AD was not comedy gold, it was just a stupid Sadist Show. BAH!
  • 24 is a boring show that is most likely just right-wing propaganda that some idiot FOX thought up or had a dream about.
    • And yet it's about as rightist as The West Wing, which is why many of us on The Dark Side have long since dropped it. Seriously, you want to be the one bold show that actually has Islamic terrorists as the bad guys? Fine, but don't turn around five seconds before season end and make the true bad guy some Evil Oilllllll Kkkompany and their Fascistic White House Overlords. That's just weak.
    • 24 is just a "torture as many people as possible" show.
  • The recent Robin Hood series on the BBC. Oh, God, where do I start? The heavy-handed attempts at "relevance", the wildly inconsistent acting, the bizarre anachronisms, the costumes, that one episode with the female Saracen ninjas and the Middle Eastern acupuncture being used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder... And it got renewed for a second series. What the actual hell, people?
    • Its a malignant social cancer called "Political Correctness" that ruined the show.
  • Stargate Voyager... I mean, Stargate Universe is so going to Ruin Stargate Forever. It's so going to be infamous for its sexed-up Younger And Edgier approach that SG-1 tried so hard to avoid and even quite pointedly lampooned in "200". I hated the completely un-Stargatish premise the very moment I heard about it, and the character profiles just made me hate it even more.
    • I quit Stargate the day they killed Carson Beckett. Everything that has happened since has proven me more and more right.
    • The producers said that, despite what the fandom thinks, it's not going to be Stargate Voyager. Whether to believe them or not is up to debate. But it can't be worse than Stargate Atlantis's 5th season.
  • I can't be the only one who thinks that Buffy and Joss Whedon in general are both completely overrated, can I?
    • Joss: good work on making strong female characters. Now make some strong male characters too please, because when I see your shows I don't see equality, I see "Please validate my existence, wondrous females, for this piteous wretch is not worthy to bask in your magnificent glory!" Also Joss: I understand you were probably going somewhere with Firefly, but your female characters have no apparent character development, because they're already too good. Except for River, who's sufficiently Woobie-esque for everyone to coo over her when she's not throwing around men eight times her size. You wanna write decent female action heroes, Joss? Watch Terminator 2.
    • Joss Whedon - shitting on his own good ideas since 1997. Oh hey, Joss - killing good characters doesn't make you good, it makes you look like an untalented hack who can't do anything but attempt to shock people. Which wears off after the third or so main character killed for no point but to try to whine to your audience for more attention.
    • Hey, Joss! It wouldn't be the end of the world if you were to do one thing that made people feel a better about the world after they've seen it. Happy endings do happen, occasionally.
      • If Joss Whedon actually thinks that happy people make for boring television, he certainly isn't trying hard enough.
    • For all his obvious talent, Joss Whedon seems to have a neurological condition that prevents him from ever coming up with a coherent SF or fantasy setting. He's the TV writer equivalent of those stroke victims who can only draw the left side of a clock. Case in point, even the writers on "Firefly" didn't know whether the setting was interplanetary or interstellar.
    • Yo, Joss, quick note. Buffy's incessant whining about how being the Slayer has all-but-completely ruined her life would be a lot more easier to stomach if she wasn't, you know, a hot blonde with superpowers. And a bunch of cool, fanatically-devoted friends. And it wasn't immediately clear that the only reason that things keep happening to make her life suck is purely because you keep chucking them at her out of some desire to make your characters mope around as much as possible. And also, you could ease up on the 'witty' dialogue a bit, because a lot of episodes seemed to revolve around one or two characters actually doing something whilst the rest sit around a table trying to out-snark each other, which makes everyone look like a bunch of self-obsessed poseurs.
    • It sure had its moments, but two out of the five and a half seasons of Buffy I could actually sit through were like repeatedly punching yourself in the face. I hope I meet Joss Whedon someday so I can punch him in the face.
    • Oh, and also, Lampshading something doesn't excuse it. It's alright if you do it as a small self-parody or to show self-awareness, but it is not a get-out-of-cliche-free card. Joss, you probably think that saying "I meant to do that" means we'll forgive it and assume your parodying or subverting it, even when you're not. Well, guess what, Chucko: BAD IS BAD, no matter how many times you point to it and say "look how bad this is". I ain 't fooled, and it seems a good proportion of tropers here aren't either.
    • Joss Whedon isn't half as funny or as clever as he or his fans make him out to be. Using 'Buffy Speak', which I personally loathe, does not some how elevate the level or intelligence of the work. Its especially jarring when every character, no matter how out of place it might be, starts slipping into that horrid abortion of a habit called Buffy Speak. In short, I hate Buffy Speak. Also, ending every second word with '-age'—Slayage, sidekickage, all derivatives there in, is simply laziness dressed up to look hip. Grab a dictionary and extend your god damn vocabulary. Strange as it might seem, plenty of teenagers have a broader lexicon then you give them credit for.
    • Damn well said. Often Whedon's characters sound like they're trying much too hard to be sassy and other words, the kind of obnoxious bores you'd run a mile from in real life.
    • Buffy The Vampire Slayer is a load of flaming shit, case closed.
  • I can't be the only geek in the world whose reaction to Firefly was a resounding "meh", can I? It had an intriguing premise with good art direction, but the characters were so one-dimensional. Yes, even Mal Reynolds. Especially Mal Reynolds. I don't know whether to blame the actor, the writers, or both, but even with all of his backstory, there just seemed to be nothing there. I almost feel bad being so harsh towards a show that had no time to improve itself, but even as someone who kinda likes the program, I can understand why people had difficulty getting into this.
    • The science fictiony stuff was okay — just. What cheeses me off is the percentage of stuff that feels like it's in there purely because "Hey, it's a western in space, right?" There is absolutely no good reason that the poor parts of the 'Verse should all just decide to model their fashion, culture and even modes of speech after the Wild West. "Tarnation! We need to round up a wagon train and drive these cattle to the spaceship landing site on the far side of the planet!" "Um... Why didn't we just put the landing site closer?" "Because this is a western-in-space, and in westerns, you have cattle drives. Now shut up and say something old-timey!"
      • I acknowledge that it needed more time to get to grips with itself; it could have been a decent or even great show if things had gone a bit further. However, Fox cancelled it, and in its current state it's just bad.
    • No, you certainly are not. There's the clunky, lazy, poorly thought out fusion of western and space opera, done with all the finesse of Dr. Frankenstein stitching his monster together out of mismatched body-parts, and with all the bolts and stitches just as obvious. There's the acting of the main cast, where the actors each roll out their schtick but never quite gel into an ensemble. There's the acting of Nathan Fillion as Malcolm Reynolds, which is more wooden than Noah's Ark. There's the gimmicky Chinese dialogue, which the scriptwriters couldn't get right, and the actors couldn't pronounce. Way to diss Mandarin-speakers Joss, by butchering their language just to make the dialogue sound "future-y". There's the "UST" between Mal and Inara, which offers no S or T, but mostly just a lout being rude to a nice lady whose money helps keep his ship flying!. There are the silly, staged "awesome" moments like Mal kicking a mook into one of Firefly's air-intakes, when just shooting him would have been a lot less likely to trash the engine. Finally, this is the show that dressed its big-bads in sinister, threatening... blue rubber gloves. Narm much? Was Joss traumatised by his proctologist or something? I know the show got cancelled early, and that some of the stupid ideas (the space courtesan for example) came from the network, but maybe, just maybe, the network panicked because Firefly just wasn't very good. The movie Serenity was better, but it doesn't make my top ten.
      • Here's a tip: Grizzled, hard-ass hardened combat veterans in a Space Western setting SHOULD NOT HAVE PREP SCHOOL HAIRCUTS.
    • I can't be the only one who thinks sci-fi and western make a terrible mix. I mean seriously, it's just so utterly stupid. Wohoo we're cowboys on a spaceship!
  • Whose stupid idea was it at the BBC to come up with Merlin? No actually, what makes Merlin so good they took repeats of The Sarah Jane Adventures off air? The sooner this show goes to blazes the better.
  • ITV's reality shows. Just ITV's reality shows. The Big Fight Live just shows they're scraping the bottom of the barrel now. Why they would make Dancing On Ice is also beyond me, never mind the fact ice skating is an aesthetically bankrupt sport (if it can be called one).
  • Britains Got Talent? No you don't, you're just a bunch of wannabes, and the "lesson" seems to be you should pursue your dreams even if you end up damaged for life (I'm referring to the winner). Why people would want to watch this trash over Doctor Who is beyond me.
    • Defined "damaged for life" (the series two winner had a pre-existing health condition and is both alive and well at the time of this writing); the series one winner is probably practicing his next work while flying in a helicopter somewhere above his golden palace.
      • When George Sampson injures himself due to his spine condition, I will have only one thing to play for him-the world's smallest violin. George's condition means he shbould not be dancing at all and this stupid program has gone and encouraged him...and possibly many others...
  • Try, all reality shows. All of 'em suck, right from the day the first episode of MTV's The Real World aired. First, none of them are in any way constitute "reality"; everyone involved knows the camera is running and plays to it accordingly. That wouldn't be so bad—after all, TV like all forms of entertainment, is meant as a diversion from Real Life—were it not for this genre encouraging the pettiest, most unfairly competitive and most self-aggrandizing behaviour on the part of the participants. But network executives love these programs because they're cheap to produce (no need for professional actors) and appear to be (along with game shows and talent competitions) the only thing saving networks from complete obliteration by the much more risk-taking and creative cable channels.
    • Agreed, reality shows are the scum of entertainment. They have no redeeming value expect for people to make an ass of themselves on National TV, and thereby inform us which people we should be avoiding. I don't have a problem with game shows, as long as they are good ones.
  • It has to be said that Supernatural is a load of crap. And the actors are so ugly it hurts to look at them. The new angel guy is overrated, both in acting ability and attractiveness, the tall one looks like Frankenstein's Monster and the short, bow-legged one has a trout pout. Ew.
    • Supernatural has so much angst and Diabolus Ex Machina, it's like watching someone desperately trying to give Joss Whedon a blowjob while he pointedly ignores them.
    • Hey, show? Remember waaay back in early Season One when you used to have a little hope shining through all the angst and issues? Could you get back to that, please? Because you've become so fucked up and twisted lately that I actually want to drag your pretty ass into therapy.
  • If you watch Laguna Beach, The OC, The Hills, Gossip Girl, or any other of those obnoxious "pretty rich teenagers with pseudo problems" shows, please kill yourself. Also, Laguna Beach and The Hills are scripted. You'd have to be a retard or an actual fan of the show to not realize that.
    • Are you kidding? All those shows you mentioned are HILARIOUS. Better for laughs than most recent sitcoms.
  • The Office was never funny.
    • You can say that again. It is so dry, boring, and David Brent is such a dick I can't see why you'd laugh at him when you just want to punch him in the face. And scenes would just drag on and on. Blech.
      • Oh thank god I have found others who agree with me on this. Having been practically forced to watch that dreck I always wondered when the laughs would come. Boring as hell with characters that don't inspire any feeling at all, be it amusement, pity, morbid fascination et al. Why are the creators of such a travesty hailed as comedic genius's?
      • Seen the American one lately? I've completely given up on it. I'll always have season two, but season four on, fuck it. (At least Gervais and Merchant knew when to stop.)
  • Why did anybody ever watch Charmed? It's like an Adaptation Decayed Theme Park Version of Buffy The Vampire Slayer meets Charlies Angels meets incredibly Bad Writing.
    • The vague, desperate, pathetic hope of T&A.
      • Well, they did cast Alyssa Milano, who played almost nothing but sluts and whores since that awful vampire flick she did when she growed up. Hell, when her topless pictures started circulating the internet in a big way, she and her mom (!) sued several sites - not for using them, but for leaving them out of the profits.
  • The newer Star Treks suck. Far too much pinko, left-wing propaganda and far too much technobabble. The original Trek was the best, at least Kirk had some balls! The starfleet of the 24th century are all too soft. DS9 was 50% boring, ST:TNG was 99% Boring and Enterprise was 65% boring. I hope the next Star Trek is more action packed and done with better dialogue, an no preachy pinko crap.
    • Picard was a semi-competent diplomat with no tactical or personnel management skills worth mentioning. Sisko was a badass soldier who was at first hampered and eventually helped by the fact that the locals thought he was Jesus. Janeway was a fairly competent engineer with the survival skills of a depressed lemming. But Archer was a tactical and ethical imbecile who wasn't good at anything.
    • "Pinko"? you have any fucking idea what social theories Roddenberry supported?
      • Well, the troper you're replying to seems to think it was socialism. This Troper heard somewhere it was secular humanism... which helps me not at all, given that that term covers a damn broad range of beliefs. So, since you obviously have knowledge you want to share with us, would you please?
      • I think I have a pretty good idea what social theories Roddenberry supported.
  • I'm sick of Gossip Girl. Teenagers don't have nearly that much sex. And not everyone is that fashion-obsessed. And it's just telling teen and pre-teen girls that if they don't lose their virginity by age sixteen, they're worthless. Oh, and that material things are most important in life, after sex.
  • Sex And The City is the worst show ever made. Period. Stereotype characters? Not a problem at all for this ridiculous author tract about how strong women get together, talk about the ridiculous amounts of sex they have and dismiss their partners afterwards, and are then arrogant pricks to everyone else. If you reversed the genders of every character in this show, it would have been off the air so fast we'd never even hear the hypocrisy going past.
  • I love Heroes, but I hate Hiro Nakamura with a passion. He is a complete idiot who can't do anything right and he detracts from the more interesting plotlines. Peter Petrelli is almost as bad. Claire's coming very close as well.
    • For me it's Peter. Guy has the best power in the show, and even given the fact that he needs to practice using the new powers he acquires, it shouldn't take him more than 0 seconds to be a pro at using all his powers and solve whatever plot is happening. Why? Time Travel! Add to that the massive amounts of stupidity and ridiculous plotlines he's got crammed down his throat and he's unwatchable. Dear lord, he should have seen through Adam in two seconds flat. Why? Telepathy! Anyway, the disappearance of Kaitlin from the plot due to time-wipe and his non-reaction just clinches my general dislike into a very specific one. Even Marty Stu Sylar is getting better plotlines.
    • Seriously, "Sylar is getting better plotlines?" Heh! "I'm a violent covetous psychopathic headslicer, but nothing I do is really my fault because the ability to understand how things work gives me THE HUNGER! Also I just found out I was a Petrelli all along and thus my archnemesis is also my blood brother..." You know what, Sylar is getting the better plotlines. And that's terrible.
    • This Troper hates the fact that whenever a character visits the future, it turns out to be either a dystopia or threatened to be destroyed. Even worse is that it is always because of someone involved in the Company, even though they're supposed to be protecting the world in a Utopia Justifies The Means fashion. Even when the characters succeed in preventing the horrible future, a new one will take its place.
      • Yes, that is getting obnoxious. Really, could they stop putting the fate of the entire world at stake for two seconds and focus on character development. And making everyone related to each other is not helping matters.
    • Heroes sucks. I still watch it (inconsistently), but it seriously sucks. Peter is a fucking moron and your average protagonist. I can't say anything bad about Hiro, but that doesn't make him good. I hate Claire. Her whole plotline is just so utterly annoying. "Buhu I Just Want To Be Normal, I'm fighting against The Libby! Now I'm getting into an argument with my dad and I behave like a 12 year old girl! Oh wow! There's my emo-hero West, now go on with the cheesy love relationship." And don't get me started about all the time traveling.
    • Nevermind, I just saw episode 10 of season 2. Noone can still tell me that show is good in any way. It's sad that shows like this are popular. Seriously, I just want to cry over how bad this one was. I'm insulted.
    • Season 3 blows a herd of goats.
      • To anyone who says "ZOMG DECEMBER 8's EPISODE WAS THE BEST THIS SEASON".... let me ask you something. Would you dive through a mountain of horse shit to grab a Belgian chocolate that fell in there?
  • The new Battlestar Galactica. Aside from the characters all being about as likable as a hot-poker to the eye, and being about as entertaining as a Sunday of differential calculus, the thing that I really cannot stand about this sad, pathetic excuse for a Sci Fi program is its half-hearted pretention to "realism"; when the titular spacecraft is about as realistic as tying a plastic bag across your face with twine and propelling yourself through the void with a can of air-freshener. As if being horrible, banal, inane drivel wasn't bad enough, the prats responsible couldn't even be bothered to come up with an original idea. No, they had to go find a dead horse to drag out and beat with a stick before they could start scratching their cringeworthy scripts onto actual paper... I bet the scripts themselves are written in crayon.
    • Also, Kara Thrace is the worst protagonist of a show in decades. If it weren't for the creator/writer/whatevr his title is being a guy, she'd be his Author Avatar.
    • Also also, the almost-out-of-nowhere plot development of the Cylon occupation on New Caprica. How clumsy can a transparent attempt at "relevance" get? Hey writers: there's a HUGE difference between your contrived situation and its real counterpart (ooo, what could it be?). Start with the fact that the Cylons, drastically unlike any society in history, just up and decided to MASSACRE ALL HUMANS. That makes them rather incomparable in dramatic terms, eh?
  • Why do procedurals get such high ratings? Whether it's the CSIs or the Law and Orders or hell, even House, I've never understood the appeal of watching a show in which the exact same thing happens week after week. Although the Narm in the one with David Caruso is comedy gold.
    • For House: I guess people like seeing a doctor who can't care less about stuff and makes snide comments about things week after week.
    • I like House, but I don't get why all those sensitive geeks fap to House whenever he does anything.. I mean the show is in it's 5th season and people are still like "WOW, House doesn't care about the death of his father! OMFG! That guy is so hardcore! I'd have never guessed that! I wish I could be like him!".. Yeah, nerd wish-fulfillment...
    • Predictability. Most people fear change.
    • I also like House. But think the writers need to know when Status Quo Is God doesn't apply and allow new intresting characters to develop without dragging the old characters down with them.
      • I've never found House to be interesting. I've seen a few episodes, and just found it dull. Not amazingly super-Coleman Francis-dull, just ordinary dull.
      • As a fan of House, I'd have to agree with the above statement - some episodes are just crap.
    • Seriously, House is a fucking Mary Sue and anyone who says otherwise just wants to suck his cock because he is so "badass". Seriously, Wilson returning that the biggest piece of shit they ever thought up. "Who cares about Amber? The most important thing now is that I can continue to be Houses' abuse-doll, because he is SO AWESOME". Then, the 9th episode rolled in, which portrayed house as a blatant Marty Stu who seems to be able to control a fucking HOSTAGE-TAKER who's quite obviously mentally unstable. How he does that, you ask? Man, because he is SO AWESOME. Fuck, and then he gave him back the gun. I don't care if that's evil and just plain idiotic on Houses' side. The thing that really bugs me is that noone seems to mind. Yeah they berate him like you'd do with a child that stole chewing gum. But seriously? HE GAVE HIM BACK THE GUN. You'd think they would at least punch him in the face for it. Naah, why would they. Honestly, House is a sue, get over it, stupid fanboys.
      • This Troper likes your points but thinks your rant is a stupid waste of space, and took away seconds of my life I will never get back. Seriously, middle-school level dirty jokes do not make a good hate rant.
  • Who the hell thought that creating the Adam West version of Batman was a good idea? The series has a lower budget than my middle school's drama department, the villains are unrecognizable, the plots idiotic, and nobody on it could act if their goddamn lives depended on it. Camp, you say? So Bad Its Good? Fuck no. This...thing is an insult to the legacy of the Dark Knight, and should be thrown into a pit and forgotten. Like Adam West himself.
  • Grey's Anatomy. Seriously, why does this show even exist? I know! Let's make a "medical" drama that would far more appropriately be called "a massive fuck-fest". Are these people supposed to be adults or horny high schoolers? The show has excessive amounts of wangsty crap, and the plot is solely "who's screwing who" and it gets old. Fast. All the characters are immensely unlikeable, and the show is just incredibly boring. It is, in fact, nothing more than an adult's version of Twilight. The only real difference besides the medium is that nobody in Groin's Monotony Grey's Anatomy sparkles.
    • I'm with you man. The show sucks ass and everytime it tries to be "dramatic" (Meaning all the time, amirite?), it just produces Wangst between retarded flat characters.
    • It's basically an unfunny version of Scrubs for middle-aged women. They try to capture the charm of that show but fail oh so hard.
      • Middle-aged women? Tell that those shitty fangirls in puberty.. Fuck, that show is a disgrace.
    • I never saw the chemistry between Meredith and Shepherd - the ship exists only due to author appeal, and consists of Shepherd treating Meredith badly, Meredith whining about it, and then Meredith going back to him anyway. Again and again and again. None of the characters learn.
  • Everybody sleeping with each other, you say? One word: Torchwood. The show that was created because, though Russel T. Davies likes ruining Doctor Who, it just wasn't enough of an outlet for his bisexual horniness.
  • Ugly Betty is nothing but a really expensive novella with nothing original, and yet, the critics seems to love it...What? If the Americans look down to some Colombian soap-opera for inspiration, they're really doomed...
  • Stargate Continuum. It sucks. Why the hell does everyone think this movie is good? Ark Of Truth was bad too, but acceptable. Continuum is just a piece of shit. I mean come on, that poor plot could have been put in 1 normal episode. This is worse than the (supposed) series finale "Moebius". I mean come on... I don't even want to mention the insane amount of Timey Wimey Ball, everything going 'poof' for no reason and the wormhole with "evil colours" for moronic viewers. Seriously? Baal changes the future past, SG-1 has to convince the Reasonable Authority Figure and what happens then? Baal, with his ultimate empire gets owned by Que'tesh OUT OF NOWHERE and SG-1 can use Baal's dumbass machine to return, but not before Teal'c gets killed. End of story. Oh yeah, did I already mention that pathetic excuse of an O'Neill guest star appearance? You'd think he does something cool or even actively work with his former team. Naaah, he just stands around, looking fat and trying to be funny like he used to be. Come on, the movie sucked.
  • I, and my entire family, completely despise American Idol. How is a god damned KARAOKE show number one in the ratings?!
    • Oh come on, you're not even trying. That's like saying "Soap tastes disgusting". In both cases the answer will be "No, really?"
    • Try all karaoke shows (Popstars, Pop Idol, X Factor etc.) they're all a bunch of talentless gits and what I don't like is that the judges don't try and stop them on the first line. The only thing to come out of all that was The Cheeky Girls, and where have they been for the last decade? So why do these shows end up in the ratings, So Bad Its Good I guess.
    • See "Try, all reality shows", above.
  • Dear NCIS fandom: Caitlin Todd was dull as dust, and frankly, the only interesting thing about her was her getting shot in the head by an actually interesting Smug Snake villain and then proceeding to cark it. I'm sick of hearing people STILL bitch about how they've replaced her with an actually TOLERABLE character. Todd's only real purpose was to sit around like a secondary character and occasionally bitch about how sexist the team was— without actually DOING anything to prove their sexist assumptions wrong. Jeez.
  • The ITV drama Flood was a terrible attempt to cash in on Global Warming paranoia. The acting was wooden, never mind the fact it shows how unoriginal ITV is becoming these days by having to rip their idea for entertainment from elsewhere (I'm looking at you Primeval and Britannia High, although actually I like the latter).
  • Just what is so great about Mad Men? Having been inundated by continued entreaties from the media to marvel at its quality I gave it a go and it fell flat. It was dull, there was nothing particularly exceptional about the acting, adequate though it was, and none of the characters were interesting enough to make me feel they warranted my attention. It suffers about the worst case of Hype Backlash I can recall, with criticism of the show being met with cries of how someone is just too dumb to get it or not willing to commit to the slow burn pacing for a great pay-off. I watched The Wire and it was a great show with those qualities. Mad Men does not have them. Totally stuck up its own arse. You can keep watching in the hope that it really will deliver as has been promised, but such an outcome is not nearly as guaranteed as reviews will lead you to believe.
  • The fact that there isn't even an entry for Smallville probably speaks louder to its suck than this troper ever could, what with certain conventions around here and the fact that probably everyone other than this troper has jumped from that sinking ship. The main character is a self-absorbed, morally dissonant Big Dumb Alien, with an apparent murderer for a best friend (Queen) and another murderer for an ex-girlfriend (Lana). He considers his mind-rape of his so-called best friend a good wedding gift. The girl he's making eyes at now is a ridiculous incompetent that her cousin who could write circles around her inexplicably looks up to, giving herself props at every turn while working at a job she earned in bed. After destroying the antagonist, these jerks fed us great Aesops like "a child who is abused has no one to blame but himself for being born evil" and "a guy who murders countless people but then helps Clark Kent is great." If Clark wasn't at the Daily Planet and flirting with Lois Lane in order to pull in the fanboys, this show would have been canceled after episode 3 of the newest season.
    • All this viewer remembers of the pilot episode were shots of Clark standing in front of a statue so it's angelic wings appeared to be his, and him on a cross with the red "S" on his chest. I laughed out loud at the ham-fisted symbolism, and never made it past the first season.
  • The Colbert Report. Not, I must emphasise, because of Stephen Colbert (don't mind him at all really), but the mindless, fanatical devotion his audience and fans give him. Going on the Report is lose/lose for the guest, as when Colbert gets in a good in-character quip, its taken as ironically funny, but if you get a good quip back, you're taken as criticizing the actor Colbert, and thus are a meany.
    • Oh yessss. The Stephen Colbert fans. It's physically impossible for someone to be worshiped more for doing less. He's a comedian, guys. He's undeniably good at it, and I can sorta see how bowing down to him is a way of playing along with his persona, but he's done nothing worth more than a couple paragraphs in any history book.
  • Disney Channel. FULL STOP.
  • David Blaine, I'm sure, is a decent street magician in his own right...but his TV specials really, really need to go. What's the point of the idiotic Ironman-like endurance tests, anyway? That's not "magic", that's bullshit self ego-massaging along the lines of "Look what I can do! I'm so much better than you folks, because I can do this, and you can't!" Even worse, they don't even work, since he's usually in such bad shape afterward, he has to go to the hospital for days on end to recover. Stick to your chosen profession, moron, and leave the endurance tests to those survival specialists who know what they're doing.
  • The original CSI was good, up until season 7 or so; then they started to eschew character development and interesting cases for convoluted ways of getting rid of our beloved cast members. CSI Miami is just dull and boring, and it's not just because Horatio is the only one with the personality of a parsnip (because he isn't). CSINY, though, is still entertaining, and possibly the only one who has thus far avoided Seasonal Rot.
  • How can anyone watch Jon & Kate Plus 8 without thoughts of suicide is beyond me. If I wanted to see a couple with WAY TOO MANY screaming brats, I'd go to the local Wal-Mart or Mc Donald's. Raising ONE child is hard enough for ANY parent, and yet these stuck-up assholes think they can raise EIGHT?!
    • This Troper thinks that Jon & Kate Plus 8 provides good evidence why birth control was invented. Having 2-3 kids is challening, having EIGHT KIDS is downright madness.
  • What has High School Musical tapped into to make it so phenomenally popular with tweens? It's like a nullified Grease. It's okay but it's by far the most paint by numbers musical I've ever seen (well, besides maybe Starlight Express); I don't get the mass appeal.
    • I've heard the Grease comparison before, and sort of resent it. Grease has teen pregnancy scares, drag racing, girls getting felt up in cars, and is a hell of a lot more realistic as teen musicals go because of it.
    • Disney has been trying to dumb us all down for years with some of the other shows on their channel. Once all was ready, they knew all they'd have to do was give us a meaningless musical about fake teens to create their army of mindless preteens who'd die in the name of Zac Efron...Basically it's because Viewers Are Morons.
      • Needless to say, the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana exist to make sure that the mindless armies don't "wake up" a la The Matrix.
    • I cannot for the life of me understand why this became so popular, either. I never would have dreamed of writing something like this and expecting people to be impressed! Is it So Bad Its Good? But kids and tweens don't look for that.
      • This troper would like to beg to differ, but honestly can't remember if he was into so bad it's good two years ago. Let's just say yes and move on.
    • Then I sure wish someone would clarify that for the press.
    • I read an article that said that it was to do with a lack of entertainment aimed directly at kids of the 11-15 type age group. If you think about it, its true. In the article, they had an interview with a woman who worked for some teenie-bopper magazine who was saying how they were having to put the likes of Angelina Jolie and Gwen Stefani on their covers because this generation had nothing that was all their own.
  • The fact that High School Musical exists bugs me. HSM MUST DIE IN FLAMEY FIRES OF FIREY BURNING FIRE.
    • Whoo! Kill It With Fire!
    • How can you say that? HSM deserves far worse than the infinite flames of Hell.
  • Am I the only one who thought HSM was kind of meh? Everyone seems to be in love with this film or hate it like it killed their parents. I thought it was alright, but some songs were better than others and there were some pacing problems... Like, it was a little stop and start. Um... anyone else?

  • "Hey Jude" drives my mother and I insane. The verses are alright, but once they get to the "nahnahnahnahs," I really want to hurt something (but I never have).
    • The Beatles are an ugly bunch of overrated nitwits with bad haircuts and no musical talent. I don't care about how much they "revolutionized" music, they're a boy band, plain and simple. I'd rather listen to the freaking Monkees. And Paul Mc Cartney has always looked like an old lady, even before all the plastic surgery.
    • Boy bands don't play their instruments in concerts (they're too busy dancing); therefore, the Beatles were not a boy band. QED. Your other points stand.
      • Ah, true. My apologies, my rage makes me irrational. *twitch*
  • The Eurovision Song Contest. Good grief, why must we be put through this torture every year? The entries Britain has been sending in are scraping the bottom of the barrel (perhaps lower, see Scooch's performance, and no I don't care if I've mispelt their name) all the ex-Soviet Union countries do is vote for each other, and even Terry Wogan's groaning his dislke about it. Why Britain simply doesn't leave altogether is beyond me (to the best of this editor's knowledge, Italy has, ironic since the concept of the contest came from that country).
  • Weezer! I hear things like "they sucked after the hiatus." And I think to myself, "they sucked long before that". Seriously, "Say It Ain't So" has to be one of the worst songs ever.
    • I have two problems with Weezer. A, their songs are all waaayyy too similar to each other, and B, their songs are all too slow and technically limited. I'm not the sort of guy who thinks every song should be like Rush or math metal, but their songs just scream "I can't play my instrument too well!"
  • Linkin Park is just awful. Their lyrics are some of the worst I've ever heard, and none of their guitar riffs, drum beats or anything at all are worth the effort it takes to listen to them. "Crawling" may be one the dumbest songs I've ever heard, but it's barely worse than "One Step Closer". And the Fans! Anytime I try to voice my discontent with the band, I'll never hear the end of it. Fuck Linkin Park.
    • Plus, while they explored a little bit musically with their last album, they ruined it with the most emo lyrics ever for most of their songs.
  • How bad is Soulja Boy? So bad that he probably doesn't deserve to be classified in the "music" section, because you couldn't possibly call his, er, sound music. All he does is say the same thing with the same annoying jingle over and over and over and over again. It's almost like the soundtrack of a bad NES game. This Troper can handle some music as So Bad Its Good, but Soulja Boy is just so bad he sucks, he so f***ing sucks he f***s. Memetic Mutation at its worst.
    • You think Soulja Boy is bad? Watch this bullshit if you dare. Take your "experimental" music and shove it up your ass, John Cage.
  • There is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with Tay Zonday. I don't know what it is, but all you have to do is watch his Chocolate Rain song to understand.
    • Chocolate Rain/Tay Zonday just needs to get a brain/Chocolate Rain/A song that isn't more than just refrain
  • 99% of all self-made music uploaded to all those "unsigned band" sites is awful. Making music takes more skill than just knowing how to start up Fruity Loops.
  • I want to meet whoever started the "noise" genre and submit them to the most excruciating sensory torture available, so that maybe they'll understand what listening to this shit feels like for everyone else.
  • Game soundtracks, full stop. You know how people say they're just dumb beeps and blips? They are. To people on YouTube who replace the music in their gameplay vids: I salute you for not making your viewers puke to death from the horrible beep sounds.
  • David Bowie...what the hell happened to you?

Video Games
  • Sonic Adventure 2 was a mediocre game that planted the seeds of Sonic's downfall.
    • Sonic Heroes was a crappy game that took the leap off the cliff.
    • No, no, the shittiness began with Sonic 3D Blast Bust. Slippery controls, few high-speed segments, and a Fetch Quest that spans the entire length of the game? Whoever designed this game should be kicked out of the gaming industry (if they haven't been yet) and repeatedly kicked in the face and the groin.
    • Sonic Adventure 2 is actually the best 3D Sonic game, thus far, fixing a lot of problems with the controls of its prequel and giving us our best portrayal of the characters thus far (especially Robotnik/Eggman). What pisses me off is that Sonic Team felt the need to abandon the concept and start the Genre Roulette a-spinning, instead of sticking to what worked and tweaking it to perfection, like what the 3D Mario and Zelda games did. If they really wanted to "get back to the series' roots", they should stop treating the Adventure series as a Dork Age, and use it as what it is: a milestone for the game and the best chance it had at a 3D adaptation.
      • Are you joking? SA 2 was much worse than SA 1. The Shooting and Treasure Hunting levels were even worse (and more numerous) than in SA 1, the soundtrack was mediocre at best (can someone say Knuckles the Gangster Rapper?), and it introduced the pile of fail that is Shadow.
      • For clarification, the Genre Roulette started during Sonic Adventure 2, not after.
      • I laugh at your silly insinuation that Sonic Adventure 2 is the best 3D Sonic game when it's clearly Sonic Unleashed that deserves such a moniker.
    • The Metal Gear Solid games also suck for all the crappy racist stereotyping of Americans and Russians. Kojima should take a plane from his one-race-only country and see people in other nations before making anymore hacky stereotypes characters.
      • Russians are all screaming psychopaths with uber-natural powers. Wow, that happens in Russia all the time! HURR.
      • Show me any media where Russians aren't stereotyped (that was made outside of Russia). Anyway, who cares about Russians?
    • He may have wanted to make movies, but he should've actually learned some measure of narrative structure before that. Here's the hint: economy in narrative is not optional. He's not the only Japanese author/writer (of games or otherwise) that should get over the relentless, pointless navelgazing, but he's certainly among the (unjustly) top-rated.
  • Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!! Are you forgetting about Snatcher so quickly?
    • I like Snatcher but even I'll admit that it's painfully racist against Russians and Chinese. And there's something to be said for a game where you can honestly say that the main character remains entirely positive and sympathetic despite having a borderline romance with a fourteen-year-old. The 'something' is that Hideo Kojima is probably a screaming paedophile. See also - Sunny in Metal Gear Solid 4.
      • It's even worse when you consider the fact that Gillian is married.
      • Who isn't even anywhere close to being in a sexual relationship.
  • Psychonauts. A tepid platformer with a couple of good ideas, mostly stolen from Tim Burton (and yeah, he's not the originator either, read around). Naff cast, naff storyline, and not particularly funny unless you revel in You Suck. It failed at retail, dear Guy From Old Man Murray It Being Another Site That Was Never Funny Or Good, because God every once in a while gives us a break.
  • Beyond Good And Evil. Another zeldalike with poor controls, awful minigames, lame, derivative and unchallenging storyline (oh, look, another megacorporation with Scawy Big Guns conspires to take over the world!), flat protagonist (also, green lipstic? Gross!), and generally also-ran in every way possible. It's almost as if it was liked more for being from an overrated nobody - no one knew who made Rayman before the hype for Project BG&E started - and for bombing at retail.
  • Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria is nowhere near as good as other people say it is, Final Fantasy XII isn't exactly God's gift to gamers either, and Eternal Sonata is They Just Didnt Care in its entirety. On another subject, Flying High, A.K.A Airplane! reeks.
  • Screw anyone who thinks that Final Fantasy VII is the greatest RPG in existence. It's a very good RPG but there are better RP Gs out there. There are better antagonists out there. There are better protagonists out there. Stop asking them to remake a game that's over a decade old and be grateful for your movie and umpteen spinoffs. Also, how am I supposed to cry over the death of a Lego figure?
    • FFVII is by far the most overrated game I've ever played. I thought it was alright, but it does not even begin to deserve the massive adulation it receives.
    • Anyone who cried over Aeris's death is a pussy.
    • Cloud Strife is not a Bad Ass hero, I'm sorry. He spends most of the fucking game in a mentually unstable state. Even Tidus from Final Fantasy X has more personality.
    • Every time people say Sephiroth is the best villain ever, I get scared I'm going to chew off my own tongue restraining the torrent of responses and/or insults that come to mind.
      • Sephiroth was a boring villain with a admittedly cool theme song and boss music.
      • One-Winged FAILgel sucks too.
    • What I dislike about FFVII wasn't so much as the game itself but that fact that many MANY games after that attempted to copy it poorly. An example of this is Squall attempting to be a Cloud clone, and completely missing the point that Cloud was a neutoric wreck who only got better after he began to be himself and stop pretending to be Zack, and not the badass he thinks he is at the beginning. It'a actually pretty decent writing, but it somehow becomes lost in the "Cloud is badass" meme. Something similar happens to Sephiroth.
  • Why stop with VII? With a few notable exceptions, all the games in the series have been repetitive, lacking innovation, and downright boring, and yet the entire videogame community seems to judge all JRPGs off the series. Flashy graphics and the same rehashed character stereotypes does not a good series make.
    • Seinfeld Is Unfunny. Enough said. Also, I have to put this disclaimer here to show that I am a fan, but I suspect Square needs better game testers. To the seasoned fan, most of their cool, creative systems tend to degenerate into repeated use of broken spells and combos. I know that Final Fantasy pretty much runs on the Ruleof Cool, but that can only take one so far.
      • True. The games on the NES were leaps ahead of the competition in terms of complexity, and Final Fantasy IV did amazing things for plot development in video games, and V added considerably to the genre in mechanics (the job classes in V are pretty much the best on the SNES) and it's hard to beat the characters of VI. I hate to blame Final Fantasy VII for the start of the suckage, but the fact that it was a total hit began the sequence of pandering to the fanbase (see: cameos in Ehergeiz and Final Fantasy Tactics, trying to do more of the FFVII thing with FFVIII) instead of innovating. FFIX was a return to the roots and the death of the series... everything after that has just been graphical masturbation and fanservice.
  • Final Fantasy X. The characters are all a bunch of whiny emos, and the battle system and sphere grid suck ass.
    • Hey c'mon, a few of them aren't emos. They're just idiots.
    • FFX is just Grandia with Wangst. X-2 is better in every way.
      • Sure it is, until you hit the completely random Super Happy Fun Smile Time Bikini Hour scene in the hot spring wherein Rikku starts checking out the other girls' goods and you get the overwhelming urge to hurl the game across the room.
      • Fuck X-2, fuck it to Hell, fuck it to damnnation of mankind. To everyone who enjoys that shit: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHH DIE!!
  • Every time someone calls Kingdom Hearts 2 an improvement on Kingdom Hearts, or any time someone calls Kingdom Hearts 2 a good game, period, I die a little inside.
    • Kingdom Hearts was a dreadful game, terrible camera, terrible combat, laughable fan-fiction level writing, Marty Stu protagonist and one of the worst interfaces ever. The sequel makes it funny, has villains that are actually interesting, and the whole thing isn't a giant Wall Banger.
    • "Darkness is Evil!" "Wait, Dark Is Not Evil!" "Darkness can be used by anyone as a handy teleportation system!" "Darkness is a tranquil moonlit beach where you can Ho Yay with your Heterosexual Life Partner!" Who took on the form of Ansem because he submerged his heart in darkness... hey, didn't he already have a form for when he submerged his heart in darkness? Then there's how The Messiah goes around remorselessly killing the What Measure Is A Non Human bad guys who clearly show emotion even though we're assured that they don't. Say, let's introduce a new character that actually has more than one dimension, build the majority of the hype around him then cruelly kill him off after The World's Longest Prologue! Let's have all the most impressive, difficult moves pulled off by jabbing a single button repeatedly until something cool happens. Let's introduce a ton of pretty-boy villains and then hardly do anything with them! And while we're at it, let's Spikify the most interesting one! Is it SO much to ask for some goddamn internal consistency?! Grahfaibnlufnah!
    • The villains? The Organization? Apparently, just one pretty-boy wasn't bad enough. They needed a fucking army of them. And the airheaded fangirls ate them up with a spoon. I say this as a gay man: Organization XIII is the biggest bunch of boring, flaming, shallow fags you'll ever find outside of a trashy gay bar. But since they act all BAD and they have a nonsensical motivation for their numerous evil deeds OMG I <3 THEMS FOREVER ORGY XIII 4EVERS! <3 <3 My Bishies. Excuse me while I vomit. I only wish I could have made their deaths even more violent and painful. Sephiroth sucks, we don't need 13th fucking Sephiroths clones in one game.
      • You're saying Larxene (the sole female member) is a Sephiroth clone? Or heck, you're saying Axel is a Sephiroth clone, when all scientific evidence points to him being a Reno clone?
      • Add up all 13 members, and you still don't get one entire personality. And the character designs are trying way too hard to be cool. It's like the writers slapped on weird hairdos and elemental themed attacks and, of course, long black vinyl coats with too many zippers in order to force us to find the characters cool, instead of, you know, putting in the effort of writing cool characters.
    • KH 2's ending is the embodiment of Ho Yay and needs to be forgotten completely.
    • If you had a drink every time someone said the word "heart", "darkness", "light" and "worlds", your liver would explode before the end of the opening cutscene. Oh, and repeating the characters' names ad nauseum is bad enough, but having one of them be named "Goofy" drains what little meaning it had and makes me want to cringe every time I hear it.
    • Attention Squeenix: You promised a Disney game. I WANTED A DISNEY GAME. I do not care about Nobodies. I do not care about Sora and Kairi's True Wuv. I do not care about Sora and Riku's Ho Yay. I do not care about Ansem's fucking Reports. The idea of Mickey, Donald, and Goofy fighting a consortium of Disney villains across a multitude of worlds does not require you to "jazz it up" any further, and Maleficent is ten thousand times scarier than all of your personality-free prettyboys put together. (Hell, Clayton is scarier than Ansem.) Stuff the Giant Space Flea Circus From Nowhere and actually allow your source material to do its job, eh?
  • The World Ends With You has the worst soundtrack in history. If I wanted to listen to bubblegame pop, rap crap, and Linkin Park-style rock, I'd watch MTV. That shit doesn't belong in video games.
    • There's a little something called "volume control," fucktard. If you hate the music so much, play the game without it DUR HUR HUR.
      • Some people want to hear the game sounds but not the soundtrack. Go shove that last bullet point up your ass.
    • Besides liking the soundtrack(Not everything has to be epic or metal), this troper believes it does fit the game, since it's all about Shibuya and modern life/fashion. Pop music is the obvious choice.
  • I can't be the only one who didn't like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time all that much. It was okay, but it's far from best game ever. Maybe, like with FF 7, I guess I just had to be there.
  • It seems that, in reaction to Halo fanboys thinking it's the best thing since Jesus, Golden Eye has been pushed as if it was some kind of godlike entity. Here's the deal: if Golden Eye proved that first person shooters were doable on console (somehow), Halo got famous because it proved that first person shooters of some merit were doable on console. Seriously, being able to break an object by shooting it isn't exactly enough to make a game with bad level design, awful framerate, functionally-broken controls and Nintendo Hard difficulty anything but a sidenote of history. If you want to see the game done correctly, if a tad by-the-numbers, check out No One Lives Forever.
  • The original Perfect Dark. Single digits framerate, constant instant deaths, and the same sluggish must-headshot-everyone mechanics. The prequel Zero was pretty much the same, complete with microscopic maps, but had better graphics and much better controls. Bashers made an epic irony check failure with that one.
  • Rareware itself is overrated, but for some reason this has only become mainstream opinion after Microsoft bought them.
  • Portal isn't funny. The Cake is a Lie is a fucking stupid joke that even I can't laugh at, and that says a damn lot. Neither is GLaDOS, too. Stringing together a bunch of crappy vaguely witty monotone sentences is dull. And the song is utter bullshit.
    • The plot of Portal is "crazy AI makes you run through a series of puzzles for some reason", Half Life 2 might as well have been written in Trope Name format for all the details you are given. The alleged incredibly deep plots of these games exist entirely in the minds of the fans.
      • Except Half-Life 2 was better than Portal.
  • Ico. Shadow of the Colossus. Nice graphics, interesting style, awful games. Bad controls. Ico has one of the worst control and camera system combos ever. Puzzles might possibly be fun, but having to start from the top every time you mistime a jump due to camera issues? So 1982. As for Shadow of the Colossus, who's the complete moron that thought a giant, empty pseudo-sandbox would be a nice - I dunno, subversion attempt? Whatever.
    • Which was the whole point, moron. How simple is that? A WIDE OPEN SPACE. BOSSES THAT FLY ABOUT.
  • Indie games, as a rule. The ratio of crap to good is every bit as bad as with more "mainstream" games, but it's so damn popular to claim that they're the Last Hope of Videogaming. (Likely to be the same with all indie productions, not just gaming.)
    • Hint: if you're being praised for going against the flow, you aren't going against the flow.
  • Xenogears is nothing more than pseudo-philospophical claptrap. Same goes for Xenosaga Chu-chu died for your sins!
    • Xenogears needs to be on here just for having a second disc with hardly any freaking gameplay.
  • The Elder Scrolls is a load of crap. NP Cs with the personality of bricks (The better to bludgeon myself with!), shitty, immersion-destroying voice acting, a disjointed and boring plot with no real relevance to anything. Dalantia I have no idea why everyone always thinks it's so good, but they have got to be on THC.
    • This Troper, who not afraid to reveal himself, clearly states that the Dumner Actress in Tribunal should've been attacked by the Telvanni member for her god-disgracing voice rather than me for making a joke about the Telvanni.
  • Maple Story was a great game on paper: a massively multiplayer Metroidvania. The result? A repetitive pile of shit where your character can't do any cool platforming stuff, so much Level Grinding that it should be against the law, and a community fill of shit asses.
  • Duck Hunt. Okay, so it's one of the first Light Gun Games, but God dammit, people, wake up, stop smoking the nostalgia weed, and realize that there are other and better gun games out there!
  • Guitar Hero is a good game, but I'm tired of everybody saying that it's the most original and innovative game since sliced Pong, never mind its similarities to a certain game series that's been around since 1999. Quite frankly, I'm disgusted that one of my edits, the "Older Than You Think" example, got twisted to distance the connection between the two series. The same goes for Rock Band.
  • R-Type fucking sucks. Am I the only scrolling shooter fan who doesn't masturbate to it? I just cannot see myself enjoying this shit. I am going to bitch-slap the next STG fan who lambasts me for not liking R-Hype.
  • Just because a game is challenging—nay, Nintendo Hard—doesn't mean it's fun. Case in point: I Wanna Be The Guy.
    • Those are niche games. Some people do garner enjoyment from the masochism of playing those kinds of games.
  • Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is a piece of shit compared to its predecessors. Case 1? Phoenix fakes evidence. Case 2? Why the fuck am I defending the Jerk Ass son of a mafia family? Case 3? One big Idiot Plot—explain to me how a BLIND FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD SHOOTS A MAN SEVERAL TIMES LARGER THAN HIM WITH A VERY POWERFUL REVOLVER, THEN CARRIES HIM TO THE TOP OF A HIGH PLATFORM. Case 4? Pseudo-time travel and Apollo's lack of involvement in the case for the mother fucking lose. I see why GameSpot gave it a 7.0.
    • Never having played the game, AT ALL, you're a damn defense attorney, and the whole series has been about WEIRD SHIT. Congratulations.
    • Trucy is better than Maya. The use of crappy internet memes was part of what kept me from getting Justice For All. The whole Kurain subplot was retarded (as was the whole thing with Dahlia). Phoenix didn't really get all that much sole focus in his own damn series, so Apollo being overshadowed by Phoenix is not a big surprise.
      • Okay. I like Apollo, Trucy, and the Gavins. Hobohodo is not too bad either. It's the cases themselves that I don't like.
      • I simultaneously loved and loathed the third case. It had so many awesome things about it, and then they halfassed it and left things hanging (Why would a rockstar be that desperate for money? Maybe he did it to save the kid? They could have gone into the motive a little more, rather than focusing on OBVIOUSLY GUILTY JUST LOOK AT HIM OH IF ONLY WE HAD A JURY SYSTEM TO PUT THIS MONSTER IN JAIL) to make it a prequel to the final case. And that final case was the biggest wallbanger of the series. I don't mind Hobohodo as a character, but he really screwed up the game by having the plot bend to better suit his story, rather than letting Apollo have his own story. Even the people making the goddamn game didn't want Phoenix in there, but the higherups wouldn't stand for it. I wouldn't exactly mind if he returned in the fifth game as a murder victim.
  • Super Smash Bros Melee was a very unbalanced game. Brawl wasn't all that better but to treat Melee as the pinnacle of game balance is complete garbage.
    • Brawl is a piece of shit. I don't care for custom stages (95% of which suck ass), Final Smashes that break the gameplay, new stages that are worthless, laggy online play, some lame 300-song soundtrack with crappy remixes, or other such bullshit. It's slow, even more unbalanced, and an overall uninteresting experience. It's the biggest waste of time, money, and resources ever spent on a fictional work—I'd much rather play Superman 64 or E.T.
      • Yeah I know. NO ITEMS, FOX ONLY, FINAL DESTINATION. Stop Having Fun Guys, NOW!
      • At least they didn't add Ridley as a playable character. Also R.O.B is cool
      • Wait, you're saying SSB in general has been slow?
      • The worst thing about SSB is the retard Fan/HateDumb (Even that isn't possible to distinguish anymore). "Wuhuuu They Changed It Now It Sucks! Baaaw I want no items, fox only and final destination!" Seriously people, Smash was never intended to be a competetive game, so get the fuck over it and buy a game that is intended to be competetive.
  • Every single game in the Tales Series has been exactly the same gameplay-wise with a minor, insignificant tweak to the battle system every game so they can pretend they came up with something new.
  • Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is as boring and repetitive as a circle. Awkward controls that require you to double-tap to move at a reasonable speed, you get poison and curse statuses ALL THE FUCKING TIME and are made worse with randomly-dropped items, what few healing items you get restore a crappy 20 HP, and DSS Cards are the aborted lovechild of Randomly Drops and Guide Dang It.
  • The Cruis'n series are among the worst racing games ever, except for Big Rigs and Yaris. Cheesy physics, spinning out when you touch ANYTHING, oncoming cars that are nothing but Goddamned Bats, and you know what's the worst part about it? Not only did Midway make a The Fast and the Furious game out of it, but this troper's movie theater, which already had two of those fuckers, took out Initial D Arcade Stage ver. 3, a racing game I hold much respect for, and replaced it with the F&F game's sequel, The Fast and the Furious Drift. Epic. Fucking. FAIL.
  • Platformers in general. Just for the stupid knockback physics. I can't help but see it as anything but Fake Difficulty. Why, in god's name, does a small rock travelling at speeds that are barely fast enough to make it go through paper knock me all the way across the room? It's stupid.
  • I don't care if it sold 1 million copies in Japan. I don't care if it's the version that American gamers grew up on due to a lack of an American arcade release. The NES version of Gradius is shit. Only 2 Options, a weak laser, a funny-looking version of the Big Core, terribly-recreated music, and an overall cheap-feeling experience. Gradius III on the SNES wasn't much better than its Nintendo Hard arcade counterpart (save for a continue feature so that credit spammers can reach the end with no effort); it's a good game, but when this troper, whose knowledge of Gradius extends beyond 3 games and one spinoff, keeps hearing about how Gradius III is the best 90's game ever, can someone say retroactive Hype Backlash?
  • This Troper hates it when the Fan Dumb reacts to certain review scores like it automatically means the game is bad (like the above troper's comment about Gamespot giving Apollo Justice 7.0). Read the flipping review to see the positives and negatives that justify that score before making a judgment!
  • Rail shooters are a backward step and should be left in the past.
  • Whoever invented infinite spin is a retard.
  • Chrono Trigger: The height of mediocrity and Fan Dumb. Battles are dull, the game is grindy and uninteresting, and the fact that the point of the game is "GRIND UNTIL YOU CAN BEAT THE LAST BOSS" is dumb. The plot is about as complex and interesting as a bad porn, too. Like FF 7, people need to take off the nostalgia glasses - the game isn't that good.
    • In my opinion, its top contribution is being very accessible to just casual players. People shouldn't mistake the gateway drug as the be-all, end-all.
  • Persona 3 is one of the most boring RP Gs ever developed. Watching your character study for a test? Watching them play a MMORPG? Going to school and answering questions in class? Not only do you get this thrilling stuff, you also get a cookie cutter RPG story filled with the most cliched anime characters this side of the Tales Series. There's even a crucifixion scene that, in any other RPG that wasn't set in Weeaboo Wonderland, would have been mercilessly mocked.
    • Studying takes all of one dialogue box and playing the MMORPG is actually just a branching conversation path, dating-sim style. It's not like it's not interactive - what were you even trying to get across there? And last I heard, the number of JRP Gs - or RP Gs, period - set in present day are - oh yes, just the Persona series (and Shin Megami Tensei I, but The End Of The World As We Know It puts a stop to that). The plot was entirely about projecting real-world issues into the realm of the supernatural - emotions are literally personified. What other game does half of what P3 does, plot-wise? Just because the final boss is trying to destroy the world doesn't make the rest of the plot a cliche.
      • Thank you for illustrating my point. B-but it's set in modern day so that makes it different! Bull. Studying only takes one dialogue box? That's one too many. Normal people avoid 1337-speakers in real life, why would you want to waste time talking to (and trying to woo) a fake one in a video game? The rest of the plot is taken almost entirely from every anime ever: Hey go fight X number of alien invaders to save the world!
      • It's one of the elements that does. Balancing the sort of day-to-day relationships that people have with the fantasy storyline within the gameplay has certainly never been done before. Because she has a personality? Because it's rare to see a videogame reference internet culture at all and it's amusing when it happens? I'm not sure what your definition of 'every anime ever' even is - blanket statement much? And FYI, it seems you didn't get that far in the game, because defeating all of the boss Shadows actually CAUSED the final boss to show up and start threatening to destroy the world.
  • The portrayal of women in video games. Simply giving a woman a leather outfit and unbelievably large breasts does not make for a compelling character. It does however act as a massive slap to the face of every gamer who got through puberty and, at least, achieved the mind set of "women = nice to look at + many other cool attributes too". I'm not trying to make this all soft and feely here, but seeing yet another game filled with yet another big breasted whore, who will undoubtedly spend the game spouting innuendos with every cum-scented breath, makes me ponder what developers think we're all like.
    • Despite being male, thistroper agrees. It's an incredibly annoying trend that cheapens the experience by not only being demeaning to women and making them lousy characters in general, but it also takes away suspension of disbelief. How the hell do you fight in such skimpy gear? This is a battlefield, not a strip club!
      • Whoops! Should have been clearer - me (original poster) is male too, and by "think we're all like" I meant male gamers. As the above troper quite rightly pointed out, some of us do, on occasion, at times, look past the T&A. Or So I Heard. Ninja Gaiden is one of the most recent examples - CIA woman with tiny leather outfit, huuuuuuuuuge chest. And that's her contribution to the game in a nutshell. Although I lose man-points for saying it, it actually turned me off trying the game out ( it's rumoured unforgiving difficulty). Shit like this, I'm pretty sure, is why so many publishers will never be able to attract a large base of female gamers. Idiots.
      • JRPGS tend to be better than most at attracting a sizable female base, though. Maybe it's because they know how to make the guys hot too.
  • This troper is getting kinda tired of beatmania IIDX. The notecharts often force his hands into uncomfortable positions and the excessively-strict timing windows means that a "slightly" offbeat chart will spell disaster in the form of more Greats and/or Goods than Just Greats. On top of that, its charts have those damn annoying Difficulty Spike endings, which, combined with a life meter that needs to be filled to at least a fairly high level (80%), makes this game a textbook example of Fake Difficulty.
  • Samus' animed up 3D model sucks. Prime 3 went a way to fix it, but the basic problem is that it clashes horribly with the realism of the rest of the Prime games. Plus, I thought it was nice to have what looked to me like a middle-aged woman as the player character. Anime style is fine in the 2Ds, but please, Nintendo: if there are any more 3D Metroids, bring back her Prime 1 look.
    • If you think that's bad wait till you see Samus in the Metroid E-Manga. She looks like a animu Barbie there.
      • Oh, you mean that weird thing that everyone and their mother is insisting is unignorably canon and God's very gift to the series? I don't care if Gunpei Yokoi himself came back from the dead and gave it his blessings - I just want to ignore that stupid thing in peace.
  • Who the fuck came up with the scoring for Ketsui Death Label? Lock-on shot tapping? Bomb abusing (which defeats the point of bullet dodging)? Boss hugging? *facepalm*
  • The most recent Mortal Kombat games are simply wastes of perfectly good programming; Shaolin Monks was a horrible, horrible butchering of our beloved MK2, Armageddon has a So Bad Its Horrible Fan Fic feel to its story and suffers from development team laziness (what with half of the characters playing almost exactly like the other half, and half of the bios for the characters not even being made), and while this troper hasn't played nor wants to play MK vs. DC, he can already tell from the gameplay and story mode videos that the reviews calling it a "step in the right direction" is a bold-faced lie; take everything bad about Armageddon and throw in repetitive looping stage designs, dull and plastic-looking character models, and two new "gimmicks" that amount to nothing more than "press the flashing button when prompted". Is it any wonder that Midway has been sold off to a private investor, recently?
  • Half Life alternately put me to sleep and made me want to throw bricks at Valve employees. The level design consists of 10% atmosphere and 90% boring linear railroading, the puzzle solutions are unintuitive bullshit, the no-cinematics storytelling makes it possible to have Lost Forever mission objectives if you're facing the wrong way, and the gimmick of alien enemies teleporting in behind you and sneak attacking you in the back of the head (or, if it's the electric lizard, hurting you just by being nearby) got old after the five thousandth headcrab, which I think was somewhere around level 2.
    • Except the Voltigaunt hurts you by charging the attack, and you can spot headcrabs if you shine your flashlight into the vent you're climbing to. Seriously, is it that hard?
  • Every single PC RPG Bio Ware has ever made blows, and for the same reason: Dungeons And Dragons was designed from the ground up as a turn-based combat system and the attempt to shoehorn its rules into a real-time strategy game is a miserable goddamn failure. And I say that as somebody who's played maybe ten sessions of tabletop RPG in my life. It's not They Changed It Now It Sucks, it's They Changed It Now It's A Frankenstein-like Abomination.
  • The Pokemon video games. The first one was sort of a novel concept, although it got boring really damn quick. Then they took the same damn game and rehashed it six times (eight, if you count the two Gamecube games). And people keep buying it! It's nothing but an Excuse Plot and mind-numbing, button-mashing grinding. What is it that people see in that drek?
    • Especially button-mashing! I mean dude, you have to hammer on your gameboy SO fast for a turn-based game!
    • Button Mashing?! Yeah, right, if you believe pressing up + A repeatedly will help you capture a Pokémon... noob!
      • What is it about people feeling they have to behave like asses on this page? Seriously. The button-mashing refers to the battle system - for 99% of the battles, victory = use same move over and over. Combine with hundreds of hours of grinding, and you have... wait for it... button mashing.
      • Say it with me: Not Button Mashing.
      • Pressing the same button over and over and over is the definition of button-mashing in a role-playing game - just ask any game developer. Just because it's not the same definition as in a fighting game doesn't make it less true. But sorry if I stepped outside your area of knowledge, didn't mean to confuse you.
      • If you press the same button over and over, it won't take you much farther. I can agree with everything else, specially with the "same damn game" part, but not with Button Mashing.
      • First you complain that Level Grinding is annoying, but you do it anyway, and as a result you get high-level characters that can win battles by spamming a single move, and then you complain about that because it's too boring. Um... DUH?
    • This troper dislikes how the marketing emphasizes One Poke to rule them all, Pikachu. Considering the sheer variety of creatures in the game and the fact that many players have their own personal "mascots", it is kind of absurd to place one of them higher than the others. Yes, I know that Pikachu ended up becoming the mascot because of Japanese public opinion, but not everyone likes the rodent!
    • For crying out loud, how do you expect me to catch 'em all if you keep adding 100+ pokemon with each new installment?!? Seriously, slow down a little. It's gotten ridiculous.
  • Final Fantasy XII, and not because They Changed It Now It Sucks. The battle system was 10 kinds of boring, the license grid was annoying rather than interesting, the characters were about as deep as a rain puddle, the story and politics were ignored or dumbed down in favor of new, "innovative" gameplay. Hint, Square, if I want to play an MMORPG, I'll go play a real one. There's nothing fun about MMORPG-style gameplay when you take out the multi-player part. This troper thinks the that Final Fantasy series otherwise produces some solid games (although not so great as you'd think from the rabid fandom), with one or two gems in there, but XII was a huge waste of money and time.
  • Whoever designed the 360 controller to have an unresponsive D-pad should be fired. Why, for three years, does Microsoft continue to ignore this problem? Even the first-generation PSP's D-pad can easily hit the four main directions. This and their cutting back on the release of arcade ports on XBLA has led this troper to believe that Microsoft is conspiring to wipe 2D gaming off the face of the planet.
    • Hey, they are the only one of the big three not to have their own handheld - could be! The 360 D-pad is almost as broken as the N64 thumbstick, I swear. Half the time you press up and get right, or press left and get down because you didn't mash it hard or precisely enough. WTF, Microsoft.
  • Ikaruga would've been better if its scoring—and say what you will about scoring—wasn't SO GODDAMNED MEMORIZATION-BASED, with one mis-fire COMPLETELY ruining your run and forcing you to adapt awkward-as-hell strategies involving not shooting certain enemies to save your score. It's like taking a quiz for a book in school or college and having to quote verbatim the 65th through 68th words on page 23.
  • If you play a Bemani game besides Dance Dance Revolution and think it's good on any level, please go kill yourself, you have no right to play your goddamn stupid Japanese techno widget games. Go play a real Rhythm Game, please, and anyone labeling me a Fan Hater for this can go suck a cock.

  • Game webcomics in general. None of them have had a decent joke in years, and have tyrant mods running all over the place. I'm not expecting anything other than a fucking joke here, people, yet I get slapped with bitching and something even I wouldn't laugh at.
    • Not only that, but gaming webcomics tend to realy a little bit too much on gaming humor. To the point they become metaphorically a huge cauldron leaking inner jokes that even not-so-hardcore games may get. Really, game-wise, what was I supposed to be laughing about here?
      • I get that it's referencing the latest Banjo-Kazooie game, but seeing as I haven't played it, I can't help you there.
      • Exactly!
    • And that's when they start just popping sociopathic jokes. Because seeing a guy act like a Jerk Ass is very funny, har har...
  • Dominic Deegan is terrible.
  • Penny Arcade is an overrated piece of crap webcomic.
    • It hasn't had a single joke in at least eight years. The writers have no clever or original take on gaming, and who the fuck cares about their personal lives anyway?
    • What the hell is even the point of a comic you have to read the page and a half of tangentially related news-dump to even vaguely understand?
    • This troper doesn't mind PA, but seriously feels Tycho needs to learn how to get to the fucking point in less than 6 sentences.
    • What really boggles this troper's mind is how the people who fawn over PA are the same people who bash other gaming webcomics like Ctrl Alt Del and VG Cats, even though PA is barely funnier than either of those.
    • The Tycho posts...the very definiton of "trying too hard." I don't mind it when people are able to write well in that style, but when someone's obviously shoe-horning in longer words just to make it appear that what they're saying is intelligent (and not just a rehash of stuff we can already work out for ourselves), it grates. Get to the point already. On second thoughts, don't bother, since it's hardly likely to be anything original.
  • God Mode. I've read through the whole of Ctrl-Alt-Del, and found it acceptably funny (way way funnier than Penny Arcade at least), until the CADbortion at least. God Mode? More like God Why.
    • This Troper approves of the "thanks for leaving, your comic sucks" responses on the original author leaving the comic. Good riddance! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
  • There is only one irrefutable truth in the world of webcomics, and that is this: Scott Kurtz is a dick.
  • Looking for rape? Looking a PWP thinly disguised as a wangst-filled Fantasy High School setting? Looking for everyone to make the stupidest decision at any time possible? Looking for a lack of emotional content, and to be physically ill at the way people are treated and by the people doing the disgusting treatment? Look no further than Tales of MU! Your one-stop shop for being offended by a series of mildly interesting premises done so badly it gives you cancer!
    • I stopped reading after the whole date with Suki because I got tired of ridiculous contrived plot "twists".
  • xkcd lost the funny/heartwarming in about its tenth strip, and now consists entirely of pot shots at anyone and anything that's less arrogantly indie than Randall Monroe. Incidentally, replace "tenth strip" with "first ten minutes" and "Randall Monroe" with "Joss Whedon", and you also have my opinion of Firefly.
    • This troper thinks it would stay funny if it avoided the corny "romance" strips and arrogant Take Thats at everyone who wasn't a math major and stuck to the pop culture and occasional computer programming jokes.
      • Which have stopped?
    • The Take Thats just make the writer sound like the kind of insufferable douchebag who can empty a room in minutes with his tiresome sarcasm. And as for the strips about romance, living life to the full and so on...they're just mawkish, trite and embarrassing.
  • The next time I see someone praise El Goonish Shive, I'll have to throw something. As the art got "better" (read: more and more generically anime-esque), the story got worse and the characters more irritating. It's become little more than Dan Shive's wank fodder.
    • "Become"? Hell, I like EGS, and I still think it's 90-95% Author Appeal from Day 1. But then I like the characters and enjoy watching their relationships develop. I have rarely seen more boring villains, though.
  • This troper finds Penny And Aggie to be the most overhyped, overrated webcomic in existence. Nobody in the comic talks like a real teenager or a real human being, the plot rapidly devolved into utter insanity and Idiot Plots, and the characters are mostly unlikeable one-dimensional beings that we are supposed to believe have multiple, brilliant dimensions and depth. This troper cannot understand why so many people recommend this is a realistic teen drama when nobody in the comic acts like a real human being, let alone a real teenager. And the horrible, horrible made up slang makes me cringe.
    • Oh, fucking THANK YOU. And what makes it worse is that it keeps spiraling to new levels of Wangst and stupidity with every update, but I can't stop reading. I mean, God, this isn't even a Guilty Pleasure comic, it's a comic that makes me want to chuck my computer with every new page, but I can't look away.
  • The Wotch is awful. I'm not bashing the fetishes on display, although it gets kind of weird for a comic that claims to be PG 13. I won't even mention the writing, although trust me, I could. My chief complaint lies in the art, which is kind of important for a comic. The art ranges from "meh" to "is that supposed to be a desk?" Claiming that it is your "Style" doesn't give you a free pass to keep on sucking.
  • Misfile. Ah, Misfile. Wangsty Fan Service? Check. An attempt at a Crowning Moment Of Awesome so ham-handed (seriously, "frikkin'"?) I can't decide whether it's more Narm or Epic Fail? Check. Ash's father acting in a thoroughly creepy and unprofessional manner that would get any real doctor's license revoked and their ass sued in a split second? Sweet fancy moses, check.
  • Wapsi Square. This troper read through the entire archive a few years back, and didn't laugh at a single strip. Which makes the endorsements people keep giving it all the more bewildering.
  • Jeffrey Rowlands Overcompensating. How many Strawman Politicals can one man put in a so-called journal comic? Let's find out! This remains the only webcomic that this troper has stopped reading twice. The title of the comic, it seems, is entirely accurate.
  • This Modern World sums up why I hate most liberals - know it all author avatar who is always right and is victimized by the neocons, boo-hoo! Of course, you also have the obligatory conservative strawmen (with supposed politically correct quotes Tom pulled out of his arse) and crap reasoning (instead just nonsensical endless [[Take That Take Thats], but of course, he's a liberal). Same goes for every Goddamn political webcomic, be it lefty or "neocon" or whatever.
  • This Troper has no feelings one way or the other about Mega Tokyo, but he's pretty sure he hates Fred Gallagher, one of the most egomaniacal, self-indulgent, eggshell-fragile prissy bitches he's ever heard of. He's like a David Gonterman that you can't properly mock, but only hate and pity instead.
    • It doesn't help that the comic itself is terrible. This troper was originally intrigued by the premise, but was massively turned off after trudging through the archive. The writing is unfunny, and just became even more deadly dull after Fred Gallagher took sole control, the bland art means many characters seem to have the same head, and let's not forget that it takes about a month to cover what could be told in a single page. Yes, the (lack of) pacing is the worst part of the whole thing.
  • Dear Jonathan Rosenberg: Why the fuck did you think it would be fine to put the plot on pause so you could run a crappy story-within-a-story? Are you trying to drive away your readers by sapping the last erg of momentum out of your epic race to save the multiverse? Sincerely, Twitch. PS It would be nice if you'd stop alternating between insulting your readers and begging them to buy merch.
  • Yeah, yeah. I know everyone complains about CAD. But I read the entire thing and never laughed once. I didn't even think, "That's sort've amusing." And his FANS. Oh holy fucking god. "OMG TIM NO 1 SAW DAT KUMMIN LOLOLOLOOL." Fucking cuntards. EVERYONE saw the painfully cliché twat sorry, PLOT "twists" coming. Stop fucking telling Buckley how great and amazing he is FOR SEVEN PAGES. Nobody ever says "Wow Tim, this one kind of sucked." Then again, if they did, they'd probably land a permaban anyway, just like those people who found out Buckley liked to show his cock to little girls. Everything about CAD, uber-fans, creator, plotlines, all of it sucks.
    • It also sucks that people seem to complain a lot about CAD, and at the same time it seems nobody sane reads it. It isn't good, I admit. I've read some weeks of it, and then "forgot" to read the rest. It gave me laugh or two, and many smiles, so I wonder it's generally depicted as worse than Hell itself.
    • And, BTW, (irony mode ON) what are the odds this whole "show cock to little girls" story was, indeed, bulshit? (irony mode OFF)
  • Questionable Content used to be funny and have compelling (if VERY slow-paced and only occasionally invoked) Soap Opera plotlines. Then Jeph Jacques apparently thought it would be a good idea regularly to write and draw his comic at 1:00 A.M. after a night of drinking. As a result the jokes are now embarassingly juvenile; the plot and character development have all but vanished and the art has suffered. Jacques, if you're not going to treat your comic and your characters with respect anymore, then pack it in and just stick to selling "wacky ironic" t-shirts. Oh, and you'll find AA listed in your local phonebook.
    • Wow, one of the most-read webcomics (according to various surveys) gets flamed and no one responds, whether to agree or disagree?
  • Something Positive... There is dark comedy and there is an utter black hole of depression. There is sarcasm, and there is such unending cyncism that any laughter whatsoever rings hollow. There's taking your own artistic direction, and there's randomly pissing off your fans for no reason other than misanthropic tendencies. There is the Crapsack World, and there's just a sack of crap. And, for Something Positive it always is the latter.
    • Thank you, OP. Just thank you.
  • There are no good webcomics, period. If any of them were any good their creators would get proper publishing deals straight away.
    •, just wow.
    • Yeah, because publishing = quality. Like, say, Eragon or Twilight, or half the books Stephen King cranks out every year.
    • Some of them do have publishing deals. Like Girl Genius. Also, given the quality of published newspaper comics, I'd say this argument is pretty weak.
  • Dresden Codak sucks. And it took years for us to find out it sucks, because its creator might be the laziest man in webcomics.

Western Animation
  • The best parts of Samurai Jack were the episodes that were comedy based. The other ones weren't that good.
  • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog was the best Sonic cartoon. Sat AM was overrated and Sonic X is garbage.
    • No, Sat AM was the best out of the bunch; Adventures was little more than Freakazoid combined with Schoolhouse Rock with a fast hedgehog thrown in, while Sonic X was definitely a failed attempt to bring the Sonic Adventure game series to anime...and let's not even go into Sonic Underground...
      • To be honest, I'll take the "Freakazoid combined with Schoolhouse Rock with a fast hedgehog thrown in" cartoon over the boring, "Darker And Edgier" shitfest that is the Sat AM Sonic cartoon. Hell, I'll take Sonic Underground over that!
      • That's an ironic statement, as Sonic Underground is even more of that than Sat AM. Besides, other than Sonic X, only Sat AM spawned a successful comic series. Adventures is simply Anvilicious aesop-ran crap story after crap story, and frankly, the series itself isn't designed to handle any sort of story unless they manufacture an aesop to base it on. Simply put, even though it is overhyped (especially lately), Sonic Sat AM is the best Sonic cartoon out there.
      • Hmm, sorry. I prefer slapstick humor over Darker And Edgier crap like Sonic Sat AM. I'm not obligated to care if it spawned an equally crappy comic series that has little to nothing in common with it.
      • Well, to each his own, but really, Sonic was never intended for slapstick humor; despite the cutesy exterior, the basis of the Sonic games is very, very dark, and Sonic Sat AM took that to its logical extreme. Also, the comic is based on the cartoon, with all characters from the latter used in the former, so how can you say that it has little to nothing in common with the very cartoon it 'spawned from? I'm not saying that the comic is any good, as of now, but it does keep to the spirit of the games a hell of a lot more than Adventures'' does.
      • "Very very dark"? You play as a Hedgehog who fights a evil Theodore Roosevelt. Who's original name was Eggman. Also at least Ao STH kept most of the the core cast to characters who were actually from the games (the sole exception was Scratch, who was probably based on those robot chickens you encountered). When you consider the tendency of animated adaptions to add their own retarded characters into the main cast that's pretty impressive.
      • True, I suppose. Though, I'm not one to like total adaptations of video games.
  • I now say, with neither shame nor joking intent, that Wall E is one of the worst films I've ever seen.
    • This Troper agrees. If anything Wall E is a horribly over-hyped piece of dreck excuse film that says "fuck you" to humanity. Let's not forget the VERY hypocritical message it sends-"Remember, kids, laziness, consumerism, and littering is wrong. Now, don't forget to buy a Wall-E doll on your way home!"
      • Heck, Pixar IN GENERAL sucks. It's just over-hyped CGI films that's basically the same as looking at a carton of spoiled milk with glitter put on it.
      • Such an emotional rant for a DISNEY PIXAR movie? I mean COME ON. Who the hell rants about the unfortunate implications or "wrong aesops" of a family movie that is just supposed to be funny/heartwarming? Before you ask, I am not defending Wall-E, I haven't even seen it. Saying it sucks/unfunny/childish/predictable/boring and so on is all ok. But seriously, who gets butthurt because of the "message" such movies give? Nietzsche Wannabe or just Serious Business?
      • Indeed. The writer of a movie is rarely the one who comes up with the merchandising ideas. Meanwhile, if you think a movie produced by Disney is going to not have The Merch, [pick money-related metaphor indicating stupidity of whining person here].
      • I don't hate Wall-E for its commercialism (I would be a hypocrite if I did, as I'm a Transformers fan), but I do hate it for the implicit Aesop being "Show your love interest a bunch of neat stuff and she'll fall in love with you!", although falling in love is hard for robots that lack personalities.
      • To the moron above: You're quite possibly the biggest dumbass on this page. Case closed.
      • Because I don't blindly think what a movie tells me to, even if its protagonist is 'adorable'? The Captain was the only interesting person/robot in that movie; the rest were one-note joke-characters.
      • I kind of saw both sides when I watched it: there's the heartwarming/cute/plzbuymerch show that the six year old next to me adored... What I the adult saw was a writer with some really fucked up ideas about how the future might look. I mean come on; we literally trashed the entire planet? With actual trash, seriously? And the latest generation of "survivors" are ALL fat and lazy, down to the last man, woman, and child? No society is that fucking homogenous. Even though I know they Flanderized the space colony to make it easier for the kiddies to understand, it still got on my nerves.
  • Avatar The Last Airbender sucks. There's nothing I hate more than an idiotic rip-off of anime done by Americans, especially when it's hurting them in the long run by getting great shows that aren't anime-ish cancelled.. And why is it on Nickelodeon? Didn't they used to show funny cartoons, not action/fantasy shit? Talk about Network Decay.
    • And the reason I hate both of the above most of all is that I can't go anywhere without hearing the Shipping Wars! They've turned man against man (or rather fangirl against fangirl, but anyway)! And in the latter case, the creators encourage it! (Actually, one could argue JKR does this too - in the locket scene in book 7.)
      • I agree that the first two seasons of Avatar were great, but then it seemed that the creators became just as interested in pissing off the Shippers as they were in telling a good story. Perhaps even more so.
      • I refuse to see how that's a bad thing.
      • Danny Phantom is a load of boring bullshit.
    • Feh, I never got the whole "Avatar has poignantly written characters and a deep story" thing. The characters are typical bland Saturday Morning non-personalities who stand around giving tired speeches about hope and love to sound deep, and the war aspect of the story is overly toned down and doesn't have any real impact. Of course, I only started to realize this around the last half of the third season, by then wishing it would just end and hating most of the characters.
      • Finally, after all the TV Tropes fan wanking and Trope Overdosing on Avatar, I can find one place on the internet where people hate it... on TV Tropes. I find the Aang-Katara ship (or should it be "shit"?) deeply disturbing. Also, politics and war do not work like Avatar. The Firebenders had a retarded technological advantage and yet they couldn't beat some plucky rock-throwers in a hundred years? The capital city of the Earth Kingdom was kept in the dark about a war? How the hell do they prevent news from seeping in? Zuko was my favorite character... before his Heel Face Turn. I love the concept of a prince-in-exile, but then he joins the rebellion? No loyalty to the country he wanted to impress and rule? I call Badass Decay. It's a shame; Zuko was a promising character. Aang is a prick, deserter, and coward who ran away from his duty to save the world because he was transferred to another teacher, and yet he's so favorably portrayed and his friends SYMPATHIZE with the fact that he almost directly led to their FATHER's death. What the hell are a bunch of kids doing overthrowing the Fire Kingdom? Why can't some heavily-trained, physically superior soldiers kill them? I don't buy the Chosen One bullshit. That's so cliche I'm amazed they got away with it. Finally, the magic system is retarded. There's no cost or consequence for using bending. As such, the battles were ridiculous. Think of how much conflict could have been induced if they, say, had to pay for bending with years of their lives, or blood, or life. No, they just do anything they want. Retarded. Just bloody retarded.
      • I imagine you prefer more cynical works? A Song Of Ice And Fire-style?
      • Eh, I agree with the huge-ass rant above, but it's not because I like cynical stories. In fact, usually I hate them with all my blood. I love happy, feel-good stories with optimistic characters and uplifting messages. It's because most of time, Avatar is varying levels of just plain incredibly stupid. It's not the fun, feel-good stupid you see in One Piece. It's the "TAKE ME SERIOUSLY!!!!11" stupid. It tries to be like Miyazaki's work and Cowboy Bebop, minus the intelligent writing, interesting characters, and competent pacing.
      • Agree with the above poster on Zuko; once his angst was mostly gone, he really didn't a strong personality. Or it could be that without his Navel Gazing, you suddenly realize he was never that deep and his motivations never made a lot of sense to begin with. Not that its' anything new for the show, of course. The show's romance is all kinds of creepy for the most part too: there's something kind of incestuous about the Kataang and Maiko relationships. (No, don't get any ideas; Zutara would be just dumb.)
      • To the poster expressing frustration for the show's popularity: the truth is, Avatar isn't actually that popular, like most kid's shows period. It hasn't really made much of an impact on the public consciousness after being around for a few years.(it's very hard to find people in Real Life who are familiar with the show and the characters, and even on most of the internet.)
  • Does anyone actually watch South Park anymore? I think they stopped being funny when they got preachy. And I can't agree with most of what they say anyway (it's getting hard to tell the Family Unfriendly Aesops from the Spoof Aesops). Also, I'm deeply disturbed by how Cartman is the most popular character.
    • Word.
    • It was never funny in the first place.
    • It was funny until the movie, when they stopped trying to write comedy and make it a Libertarian mouthpiece. Libertarianism: Combining the worst aspects of Liberalism and Conservatism!
      • Way too many times I can't tell what aesops are supposed to be real and what aren't. And Team America: World Police was worse. I agree with Roger Ebert that the only offensive thing about it was its nilhism, and that it was not funny.
      • Which was the point, idiot.
      • No, it was not the point. The point was "People, especially celebrities, should keep their political values to themselves." That's not necessarily a bad moral. But the problem is that the pair have so little talent and so much ego that-of course-they couldn't keep their politics out of it. And they are so tepid and mainstream now that they can't actually insult people no matter how over the top they get, really they only ended up encouraging these celebre-pundits. And they haven't written a piece of honest satire ... ever. So you have a stupid self-negating movie with no jokes. Again, not necessarily a bad thing. This Is Spinal Tap didn't really have any jokes either, but it was funny as hell. Team America was not. The great Frank Capra once said, "There are no rules in film making, only sins. And the cardinal sin is dullness." That is why Team America is unambiguous crap. It offers us nothing, and takes special care in not giving us entertainment.
      • If you haven't caught on, the film was using Stylistic Suck.
      • Remove the word Stylistic and you'll have the truth. It isn't funny. No concept could save it from that flaw. It wasn't the point to be not funny, it was an accident. The point was to be over the top and stupid, which there's nothing wrong with, but not unfunny. Which is wat it is.
      • And do the creators simply not notice or not care that they are celebrities and by their own definition should not be listened to?
      • They're not, really. They were warning against Hollywood liberalism, which isn't very serious.
      • So it's okay for a star to express their opinion as long as it's not liberal? That sounds very non-libertarian to me.
    • "Libertarians are nothing but Republicans who want to have sex and get high"- whatever you may think of that quotation, Trey and Matt must be doing the last part. A lot.
    • This Troper is still bamboozled as to how anyone can find Cartman's treatment of Scott Tenorman funny. Has the world slid so far towards the cynical side of the Sliding Scaleof Idealism Versus Cynicism?
      • See Crosses The Line Twice. If you think it still stands out compared to those examples, fine. If not, then that's an entire genre of humor you aren't predisposed to. And the world keeps turning.
  • Honestly, there's a really good reason for why Family Guy gets crap constantly: IT. FUCKING. SUCKS! It isn't funny, despite its pathetic attempts to fool us into thinking its actually funny. It's not!
    • New Family Guy makes me wish they'd never Un Canceled it.
    • The first three seasons were hilarious, after that it became absolute shit.
    • The show took a nose dive once Brian basically became Seth McFarlane's fursona.
    • You know what? I'm going to be the first to declare that Seth Mcfarlane is the Tim Buckley of mainstream television. They both stretch their jokes to the point of being unfunny and they both think that violence is a great substitute for a punchline.
    • FAMILY GUY SUCKS! It's a fact. It's crappy, it's unfunny and just plain horrible. No matter how hard you try, my dear fans of that show, you cannot deny that it's a piece of shit.
  • The less said about Anti-American Dad, the better. Hint: satire is supposed to be funny. Making people you know nothing about behave like morons because your precious intrapsychic equilibrium would shatter if any of your dogmas were questioned - not funny.
    • American Dad may have been better as a few-episode Direct-to-DVD releases, but a whole series? Just a fucking joke.
    • And now McFarlane's been given a third series on Fox. How about letting someone else, anyone else, have a stab at making something new?
  • Total Drama Island. The character's are all horrible cliches and horribly drawn, the whole idea is completely retarded, and there is nothing, NOTHING, to redeem it. And the executives pimp it on their network like it's their only show. All the shit you let fall through the cracks and you help Total Drama Island? Even for Canadians (who, let's face it, don't have a strong cartooning tradition) this show is week old whore's shit. Children watch this network!
  • The Mighty B good grief Nickelodeon, I give you a chance with a new show and you go and blow it to pieces. The titular character is a complete blockhead and what's worse if that the trailers show otherwise! This editor would rather watch later seasons of Fairly Odd Parents over this trash!
  • Nickelodeon used to be good. It was great back in the early to mid 90's. After that, well everything sucks.
  • The Simpsons used to be brilliant. Not just good, brilliant. Extremely funny, wonderfully drawn characters, interesting and well-plotted stories, fantastic voice work and better music than anyone could reasonably expect from a weekly TV show. Over time it started upping the wackiness, which hurt the plots but increased the humor, so it was an acceptable trade-off. But then the humor started dropping off as well. They started with "violence is funny" humor, "randomness is funny" humor, wackiness for the sake of wackiness, it got increasingly low-brow and obvious, and the amount of supporting characters who just became one-dimensional, self-referencing, say-a-silly-catchphrase-then-go-away stick figures went through the roof. Meanwhile the plotting continued to deteriorate, and the voice work became increasingly bored and lazy. Now the show is just all-out terrible. Mostly it's just boring, but when it's not boring it's irritating. And it seems to think it's still clever and funny.
    • It became smug and started coasting along resting on it's own laurels. Notice a trend towards Take That Critics which seemed to get more prominent. But the worst thing is - it stopped being funny. Everything else could be dealt with, but once the funny was gone that was the end.
    • The Flanderization of the characters is a huge factor in making the show much less enjoyable than in previous seasons. Notably, Homer having his Jerkass qualities overemphasized to the point that his redeeming qualities seem practically nonexistent and Lisa being The Wesley of the show who the writers expect us to sympathize with even though she's smug, self-righteous and whiny.
      • And I thought I'm the only one who doesn't like her. No, I hate her. I really hate her and I'm always happy when she experiences something bad.. I'm really happy. But then again, that doesn't happen to often, because half of the time when it does happen, we get a fucking aesop thrown in our face how Lisa is the perfect person. Seriously, I'd just wish that she get's put through hell more often. I can't stand her.
      • Almost every Lisa hater thinks they're the only one until someone brings it up. I suspect it's the creators' multiple attempts to make us feel guilty for hating her.
      • The Movie seems to be the first time the series actually acknowledged how whiny and obnoxious she is - even when she supports something intelligent, she's so annoying that nobody actually wants to listen to her.
      • There was also that one episode where Lisa attempts to stick up to women's rights by joining a football team, except Flanders points out that they already had four girls. Then she attempts to find something else to pick on, namely the football being made of pigskin, but Flanders points out it was synthetic. Lisa then runs away in Wangst. Personally, this was a Crowning Moment Of Awesome for Flanders.
    • For Pro-Mole, it was on 18th season he caught himself realizing The Simpsons was turning into Family Guy. A little more bearable, though.
  • Robot Chicken. It's got to be the worst show on television. Urgh. Pointlessly disgusting and gratuitously stupid. I'd rather watch Drawn Together, in its newest season, than any episode of Robot Chicken.
  • On that note, I'm appalled at how straight-up awful Drawn Together is. It's like they got the best, funniest, most creative writers in the world to dream up a premise and cast, then took them out back, shot them, raped and mutilated the bodies, and replaced them with their polar opposites in talent and brains. I can't even think about that show without beginning to bleed from the eyes.
    • Seconded. It's a poster child for wasted potential. They ditched the premise and basic characterizations long before they even a fraction of what they could with them.
    • No joke. That show is a perfect example of how writers these days think that just trying to be "outrageous" is an acceptable substitue for genuine writing ability.
  • Patrick Star from SpongeBob Squarepants shows that The Ditz can get so ditzy, that it makes this troper wanna go, "GOD DAMMIT!"
    • What fucking idiot thought it would be funny to try and make a kid's version of ATHF with certain episodes of Sponge Bob Square Pants?
  • To the writers of "Waking Life", copying your Intro To Philosophy Textbook does not make your movie deep.
  • Who the hell thought that Xavier: Renegade Angel was a good idea? Seriously. I mean, I liked Wonder Showzen, but... this was just nasty on so many levels. Though I think it's cancelled now, thank god.
  • Beast Machines is an abomination to the Beast Wars franchise; inexplicable and drastic Character Derailment all over the place, heavier [[Anvilicious]] environmental propaganda than Captain Planet, visuals that were worse than Re Boot (the first fully CGI cartoon, mind), and character designs that make those of the live-action movies and Transformers Animated look good. Plus, you can tell the Vehicons were thrown in partially to satisfy the Trukk Not Munky crowd. Simply, simply awful.
    • Speaking of which, Transformers Animated is, itself, a load of garbage. Having Optimus die and revive in the opener (though a goddamn Deus Ex Machina, of all things) is not dramatic, having the Autobots fight human supervillains half of the time defeats the whole purpose of them being protectors of humanity (and is a completely bullshit excuse for the writers to not get off their asses and actually come up with a way to keep the Decepticons as a threat besides shunting them off the screen for half of each season), and the Autobots themselves have very Decepticon-like actions, in several episodes, making their status as the good guys shaky at best. That, plus I hate the stylized "extruded Sculpey brick golem" design of any of the characters. Why Transfans are going nuts over this show (in a positive way) is beyond my comprehension.
  • The animation values of Recess. They just suck. Really bad. Really bad.

  • Despite being a passionate atheist, I hate Richard Dawkins. Good biologist, shit philosopher. He just goes about eveything in precisely the wrong way.
    • Despite? Try due to. Religious people just think he's wrong; we have to put up with him supposedly being on our side!
    • I like Dawkins in a "he tries hard" kind of way and like his biology books. Sam Harris on the other hand...
    • Pat Condell is the epitome of the smug bastard atheist.
      • That whole "Atheism vs. Religion" discussion is the most pathetic thing ever, and him trying to be all smug and intellectual, with his wannabe satire... Well that's just attention whoring.
    • Add Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennet to this list.
      • Daniel Dennett I don't see, but Hitchens is in dire need of a sense of humour, a dose of humility, and perhaps a boot up the arse for good measure. Whenever he's in a discussion he just steamrolls over everyone else, as if to say "I'm talking now, silence puny mortals". He even did it to Stephen Fry, of all people, until someone in the audience got up and asked "Excuse me, could we hear Stephen please?". We get it. You know big words. For pete's sake shut your fucking mouth for 5 bloody minutes. Your opinion is not the only one we want to hear.
      • Christopher Hitchens seems to come from the school of Western intellectual thought that states that "pomposity and ability to make snide remarks" = "intellectual heavyweight" Unfortunately, he's not alone in academia.
  • Yahtzee may be sporadically funny, but he is a terrible reviewer. Mixing long words and profanity does not make him clever. And not every video game trope on this site needs his "words of wisdom".
    • His Super Smash Bros Brawl review was gigantic flamebait and the Mailbag Showdown was a glaring example of ego stroking.
      • His Halo and Metal Gear Solid 4 reviews were flamebait as well. If you're going to make fun of a game, make fun of it, don't spend two minutes bashing everyone who may like it in an attempt to be funny/fill out a four and a half minutes of Generic Snarky Review Video #3987407.
    • His Eve Online review missed out on the majority of the game by avoiding player corporations and Pv P.
    • Yahtzee was better when he used precise shots of snarky humour to target the genuine weak points of a game. He's pretty much traded in his sniper rifle for a grenade launcher: now he's louder, far less subtle and just goes around blasting everything in sight. Do you think it was himself or his editor at The Escapist that Flanderized him?
    • Out of all criticism that can be leveled against Too Human, the ones he points out are so widespread and/or generic as to be nearly self-defeating. It's about half as original and daring as a character going "I have a bad feeling about this" in Star Wars.
    • The one about nostalgia was also a pointless rant about nothing. That and another half-assed flamebait. Weak.
    • I like his reviews, but his adventure games kind of suck.
    • He also must really suck at games if he thinks unlocking Sonic and Snake in SSBB is a load of work. And the nitpicking is really annoying too. If you can't find any valid criticism in a game, don't nitpick. It's not funny.
      • Not what he was saying. He was saying that, because it was a group game, the fact that the characters were so prominently advertised and then had to be unlocked with long hours of single-player was deceptive at best and outright shitty at worst.
    • His The Force Unleashed review didn't sit well with me, mainly for the reason that it was a transparent attempt to rant about how inferior the Wii is to the other consoles, under the pretense of buying the game to swing the Wiimote around like a lightsaber. Bashing the Wii is getting really overplayed, man. Why doesn't he just find another scapegoat apart from Nintendo?
      • That and the fact he didn't review the game just bitched about the new Star Wars stuff.
      • Which is a completely valid line of reasoning, given the way most of it is turning out, but let's keep it out of what's supposed to be a semi-serious review of a single product, please.
      • No it's not becuase Star Wars fans hate Star Wars
    • Not to mention that if he can't finish a game, he gets mad about it and pisses his pants.
    • His recent Dead Space review... really? Has he actually seen Event Horizon?
    • In his Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles review, he said that rail shooters are a "backward step" and should be left in the past. This rail shooter-loving troper would like to have a word with him.
      • ...they are a backward step. In fact, I think I'll wander back up the page.
    • You know what this site doesn't need? Articles informing the reader that Yahtzee likes the series/game they're looking up. Just because an internet celebrity likes it does not mean it's of higher quality than everything else.
    • He doesn't like visual novels, Japanese or influenced by the Japanese, or games with text-driven plots in general. Fine. But why the heck does he keep on bashing people who do like them?
    • Yahtzee's bitching about how Nintendo keeps using Mario is retarded. It's like he's saying Nintendo should hate money and never use anything that is sucessful more than once. Also his fanbase on the Zero Puncuation forum is horrible.
      • And he acted as though Zelda was played out, while the series is still a bestseller. And acting as though it was so clever stating Okami would be a better move for the series, completely ignoring that game's (unfortunate) lackluster sales.
    • His Mirrors Edge review reeks of He Just Didn't Care, with Yahtzee intentionally ignoring the story just to pull a "nothing is explained" card and bitch about it.
  • On a related note, The Escapist is the single worst videogaming magazine in existence, far outpacing Edge in snobbishness, haughtiness, political bias, wordsmithing and sheer stupidity. Y'see, when you can understand $20 words, it's hard to hide banality behind complicated prose.
  • You know who's overrated? Tim Burton. Everything that man makes is just a rehash of The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari. Why don't we just go and watch the actual Caligari instead?
    • Also, that Nightmare Before Christmas you so love him for? 90% of the work on that movie was actually done by Henry Selick, Tim Burton was just humble enough to totally take credit for all of it. The fact that the Corpsebride sucks so much is not a coincidence.
    • And Edward Scissorhands was one of the most self-indulgent pieces of crap I've ever seen. It was like watching a goth's Self-Insert Mary Sue Leave It To Beaver fanfic.
  • I'm tired of Johnny Depp.
    • I'm tired of Tim Burton casting Johnny Depp.
  • Germaine Greer is an idiot, but everybody already knows that.
  • Everything Andrew Lloyd Webber does.
    • Oh, come on! I like Webber, and I can do a better jab than that: "The pretentious, overwritten love semi-ballads (love ballads, which substitute additional imagery for conveying any kind of story) of Ander Lloyd Webber. The rest of his work is quite solid, by which I mean, there were two unsung lines close to the middle of Cats which I found quite enjoyable." Remember, kids, whining is funny, but for a list of names, one could just read the phonebook.
    • True Fact: Andrew Lloyd Webber only knows three chords.
  • Maddox is a narcissistic idiot too full of his own opinions to express them in any way that is actually either sensible or funny, and the only clever thing about his site is his use of light text on a dark background. (Don't tell I'm the only one thinks this needed to be said.)
    • You're not the only one who's noticed. If I had to sum him up in one word, that word would be "Ego".
      • Congratulations for missing the fucking point, morons. Read: JOKE SITE.
      • Oh, please. Maddox uses the bog-standard "ha ha only serious" technique to try and paint a smiley face on his misogyny while mincing away shouting "can't touch me safe zone times infinity I said satire!". He's managed to keep his elementary-school morality for this long because you people keep on encouraging him. You may claim that his fandom of woman-hating neckbreathers is a Misaimed Fandom, but it's the whole reason for his fandom. He's roughly as non-misogynist as Tucker Max.
      • People like you are the reason feminism is viewed so negatively these days. Get off your high horse.
      • People like you are the reason women become feminists.
  • The only good thing to come out of Something Awful is Lets Play.
  • This troper hates hates HATES Shipping and—by extension—most fanfiction. Why do most fanfics have to center around Character X randomly (or not so randomly) hooking up with Character Y? And it's not just because Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls, either, because this troper knows several men who write fanfics like this as well. (I guess it's because it's much easier to write sappy romantic crap that makes people's groins feel warm and happy than it is to tell an actual story.)
    • This troper is on her way to your house with flowers and candy. I'm sick and tired of pairings and especially slash. In my day, we wrote pairing/slash/self-insert-romance fic discreetly in a notebook for our private entertainment instead of splattering our burgeoning sexuality all over the Internet and sundry passers-by. Yes, I'm looking at you, Deviant Art.
      • This editor completely agrees, and would like to up the ante: anime conventions. You thought it was bad when it was confined to and Deviant Art? Try having slash graphically acted out in front of you in public by squealing cosplay teens who think that it's "cute", and seeing them get cheered for it. These sexually retarded idiots (and this goes double for those wielding "Free Hugs" signs) make me embarrassed to be an anime fan.
    • All the romance fic wouldn't be so bothersome if it weren't so fluffy and brainless. You can TELL these people know nothing about love and the work people have to put into making actual relationships function. No, you idiots, falling in love is not easy, and dedicating yourself to build a life with someone else takes mutual understanding and interest, and people with emotionally complex relationships need to put time and work to get it off the ground and keep it going, and that still doesn't always work out for the best.
    • Shipping is the one reason (standing out among others) why it's a good thing that media creators don't listen to their respective fandoms. If they had their way, a romantic Plot Tumor would engulf the shows/video games/books/whatever and for everyone else, the media involved would suck.
      • Considering how the creators of Avatar The Last Airbender apparently pay way too much attention to their fandom, suddenly I understand why the show started sucking so hard after a while. Because Avatar romance? Plot tumor from Hell.
    • As long as we're on the topic of Fanfics and Fan Dumb, I'd like to post the following link. Do not adjust your monitor. This person is actually suggesting that Greek Mythology is in the same realm as fanfiction.
  • I really hate Fan Art. Why does everyone feel they have to redraw the characters in a manga style? Why not a Jack Kirby style, or a Steve Ditko style, or...uh, a Thomas Nast style? Why do we need manga Mandy or manga Homer Simpson? For Christ's sake, they're fucking cartoon characters! STOP TAKING THEM SO GODDAMN SERIOUSLY!
    • Worst, though, is Anime/Manga Fan Art. Really, people, stop it. There's no artistic merit in being able to draw your favorite character, specially if you obviously just traced over the original. If you want to do Fan Art, please either do something interesting with it, or render it in an interesting way. Else, it's crap.
    • Condemning people for having a certain hobby. Now that's a first on this page!
      • One thing is to have a hobby. The other is to expect people to go all "OMG!!1! TIHS IS SO AWESUM!!!" over it. Go search deviantART. Or don't. You'll thank me for not doing it.
  • The CITV Channel is a complete and utter misnomer. Most if not all of the programmes (except for Paddington Bear) are utter rubbishy cheap cartoons, and their live action shows are either utterly childish or utterly dull. So why is it a misnomer? Because only a grand total of one programmes on there is actually made by an ITV company (My Parents Are Aliens, which was made by Yorkshire Television). The internet has shown me that the ITV companies have a large (I daresay extensive) portfolio of children's programming, and I would rather old shows with wobbly footage over this new trash anyday!
  • I hate, hate, hate the Axe commercials! I don't care if they're supposed to be funny; whoever thought it was a good idea to make an ad campaign which sends the message "wearing this product will get you laid" deserves to be shot. Inna crotch.
    • Nearly all products do that, but usually not in such an overt, offensive, and anvilicious manner. Specifically, it tells you "Using this product will allow men to date rape women", which manages to be offensive to both heterosexual women and heterosexual men who just don't want to take advantage of any woman that walks along by jamming his penis into her at the earliest opportunity. AND it sends the message to homosexuals: this product isn't for you, fags! Impressive, Axe!
    • Even worse than the Axe commercials were those damn Herbal Essence shampoo commercials showing orgasming women in the shower. Watching those commercials made me feel dirty enough to actually need a shower.
      • Add on the fact that in the UK (where Axe is Lynx but absolutely no better for it) "Herbal" is pronounced differently so the "urge to Herbal" joke doesn't work but they still use it...
      • Axe/Lynx. For that cheap teenage smell of desperation.
      • Girlfriend goes back to college to finish her degree. I'm off work that day, it's a public campus, so I hang out outside her classroom so I can be there when she gets out. Every freaking time anything with a Y chromosome walks by I'm choking on Axe fumes. You could practically see the stink lines. I decided after that I'd wait for her at the bus terminal.
      • Any time someone starts boasting about wearing Lynx, especially if they swallowed the bullshit idea that it will magically make them get laid more (or at all?), it just makes me think of Alan Partridge.
    • There's an equally impressive history of lady-hatin' in beer commercials. I cannot express how disturbing this one is.
  • LittleKuriboh has no right to complain about people complaining about his centuries long inactive periods.
    • LittleKuriboh should really tone done on the amount of Take That. What am I supposed to be watching, an enjoyable Affectionate Parody or a self-indulgent view into the creator's personal tastes?
    • Adding to his previous comment, after watching Yugioh Abridged 31, this troper is beginning to suspect the series has Jumped The Shark since Crapsule Monsters 2 (which was based on an unfunny Take That against the Piratesofthe Caribbean sequels). Were the comments against George Lucas and the Caramelldansen supposed to be funny? To this troper, they only make him seem like a whiny nerd. He didn't even get the Caramelldansen's original country right.
    • Forget Little Kuriboh. At his height he came up with an average of maybe one decent joke per episode, and it's becoming increasingly clear that he's completely out of material. The series as a whole has been almost nothing but a compost heap of overused pop culture references, failed Take Thats against Yu Gi Oh, and repeating unfunny lines over and over again in a desperate attempt to create "hilarious" catch phrases that almost immediately get a million layers of lampshades hung on them mere seconds after their creation. And don't even get me started on the multitude of utterly abysmal copycat Abridged Series that this piece of dreck spawned which somehow fail to live up to the original's already depressingly low standards.
      • Okay, so I sort of take that back. The series was genuinely funny until the end of the first tournament arc, which was when it began to run out of jokes really, really fast. The point is, this thing should have been killed off a while ago, and Little Kuriboh should find something better to do with his time than milking his little Popularity Cow Franchise for all it's worth (Which is not very much, anyway.)
  • I hate the Caramelldansen. It was somewhat cute (in a pointless way) the first time I saw it, but like a joke that gets more weary the more that you hear it told- and particularly, told badly- I've grown to loathe it due to all the idiots I see at anime conventions who do that damn dance like it's the cutest thing in the entire world. On that note, I also hate Hare Hare Yukai.
    • This troper hates Hare Hare Yukai even more, after he saw WAY too many renditions of it at the Fanime 2008 masquerade. Which as a whole sucked. A bunch of So Bad Its Horrible skits, with maybe one or two goodies (such as the Marvel Vs Capcom 2 skit). Luckily, the people he was in PictoChat with shared the same sentiment.
      • Anime convention Masquerade skits are the epitome of Sturgeons Law.
  • The Hamster Dance also gets old... almost immediately.
  • I don't know what I hate the most in Fandom, between the rabid YaoiFangirls who will pair any guy with any other guy, try to impose their Ship on everyone and basically flood a Fandom with gay porn mixed with creepy fetishes, or the fans who will categorically deny any trace of Ho Yay, flame at you and categorize you as a Yaoi Fangirl (regardless or whether you're a girl or not and of whether you like yaoi or not) if you point at any possible subtext (not even actual homosexuality) in a work. I suspect there's often quite a bit of homophobia involved in the latter, though I understand that some have been practically traumatized by said rabid YaoiFangirls.
    • This Troper agrees, hating yaoi but also being ruined by the internet and therefore being able to see the homoeroticism—when it actually exists.
    • This Troper is a Yaoi Fangirl, and she agrees. Being interested in the dynamic of a couple and wanting to see the possibilities explored in ways they probably never will be in canon is not the same as taking two pretty men who may or may not have ever met or expressed any form of interest in each other one way or another, turning at least one of them into a teenage girl with a dick (or without one) and making them fall into bed for no reason whatsoever.
      • Exposing this troper to a yaoi vs. yuri debate is tantamount to hitting Asuka with the Mind Rape beam. The idiocy and pointlessness of debating whether yaoi or yuri is better will DEFILE HIS MIND.
      • Radioactive Zombie, in light of above, encourages more of this.
  • Kevin Smith is an overrated, repetitive hack who is so in love with Star Wars he can barely go one scene without bringing it up in conversation. That, and he's such an arrogant little shit it's easy to understand how his ego takes over the movies he makes.
    • I loved how Dogma was essentially an hour and a half of Smith bitching about all his problems with the Catholic church in the most plodding, drawn-out scenes the human mind can conjure. Protip, Smith; if fully three-quarters of your film has your characters sitting in bars and talking about God, scrap it and start over.
  • Writing whilst high on illicit narcotics is no doubt a great deal of fun, as it allows you to get thoughts down on paper in a satisfying stream-of-consciousness fashion. Actually READING material produced under such circumstances is excruciating. It's self-indulgent, boring, endless crap. It reveals no great truth about the human condition. It's not a dispatch from beyond the veil. It's some guy coked to the tits (or sedated to the anus, variously) rambling on about observations that even Jerry Seinfeld would call trite and overdone. Upon publication, Kerouac's On the Road caused a great hoopla for its subject matter and use of hipster idiom. Such a hoopla, in fact, that no one really noticed how much the novel itself sucked. It sucks in the same way, and for many of the same reasons, that James Joyce sucks. Even as a shallow, disaffected teenager, I didn't see any reason to bother reading a speed freak's diary. See also a bigass chunk of Hunter Thompson's work.
    • Corollary: that idea you came up with when you were stoned might have seemed like a moment of genius at the time. It might even be cool if you approach it later whilst stoned. But to those of us who aren't stoned, it'll most likely come across as being boring, self-indulgent and pretentious rubbish, so don't be surprised if we react to it as such. Please take note, too-many Adult Swim cartoon producers.
  • I don't know who I hate more - anime fans, or comic book fans. The latter is ENDLESS BITCHING about every fucking artist, writer, or editor-in-chief ever.
    • I see your comic book or anime fans and raise you Doctor Who fans. Okay, so neither the new series nor the classic series are without their flaws, but the way some fans constantly whine on about them you'd think Russell T. Davies himself was holding them at gunpoint forcing them to watch the show. But the ones who refuse to recognise even the possibility of the slightest flaw and will screech you down if you so much as raise a breath of complaint are just as bad.
      • Are you sure? Because every retcon, every drawing/writing style, every personality developed or taken away... comics get—be it Marvel, DC, Top Cow, Dark Horse, whatever—the "fans" bitch endlessly. And even when another writer restores said retcon or change—they still bitch about it being poorly done. They bitch about the updates being slow when they cry about it being rushed and shoddy. Don't get me started on Final Crisis or anything by Quesada, either.
    • But what the last guy does actually sucks, and he gives BS justification for what he does, sort of like Uwe Boll.
      • At least the DC EIC made a few changes, but still got rampaged all over.
  • Why do writers get off on torturing characters until it passes the "well-developed angst" point and dives well into the "oh just put them out of their misery already!"?
    • BASICALLY...
  • People who believe chain letters and forward or repost them should be shot in the face. By "chain letter" I mean the "POST THIS IN 5 MINUTES AND THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE WILL KISS YOU, IF YOU DON'T YOU'LL HAVE BAD LUCK FOR 573 YEARS" type.
    • This. Who the hell believes that what chain letters say will actually happen? If they were true, I'd have died a thousand times already.
  • People who use Accentuate The Negative as a comedic tool. There are exceptions, but most CausticCritics seem like they have no clue on how to actually be funny, and so rely on generic "witty" remarks about flaws the average viewer could make fun of with ease, at best. At worst, the person trying to be amusing ends up just sounding loud and obnoxious, usually using EXCESSIVE amounts of Fan Hating and Author Filibuster. Yes, we know you think Indiana Jones 4 sucked, get back to reviewing the movie that has absolutely nothing to do with Indiana Jones, please.
  • Trolls who ruin humor sites with their pedantic soapboxing. Many a funny article has been ruined for this troper when he scrolled a little too far down and caught a glimpse of a reply that takes it to task for its poor research, or fucked-up priorities, or what have you. Apparently, being on the internet gives every damn person the right to air their superior ideals wherever they wish, and to hell with whatever intent or perspective the site itself has. And yes, I'm aware of the potential hypocrisy of bringing this gripe up at this site, thanks.
  • For God's sake, humanity, LEARN TO SPELL. And those of you with high school diplomas who can't use an apostrophe properly ought to be shot on sight.
  • The "ricer" scene is why this aZn Asian troper is kinda ashamed to drive a Honda Civic, let alone drive around while listening to eurobeat or other electronic music.
  • People who post gameplay videos on YouTube and replace the game audio with other music piss me off. Now if there were problems capturing the audio, I could understand, but still, it's especially annoying when I'm looking for videos of a game I've never played before, and video after video I'm blasted with whatever rock/J-pop/rap song the uploader feels like blasting me with, so it's harder to get a feel for what the game will be like.
  • While we're on the subject of YouTube, their copyright policy can kiss my ass. I've seen YouTube Poops and whatnot get deleted just because of 5 seconds from a Colgate commercial or Family Guy episode. More recently, the same thing's been happening to a few gameplay videos—what's wrong with uploading a video—something we can't interact with anyway? [This entry has been removed due to a copyright claim by Profit-Greedy Conglomorate #375.]
    • YouTube is something of an idiot magnet. I don't know why there are so many morons commenting and doing flame wars about trivial things and so on and so on. It's not just the usual idiocy you see every day. This xkcd comic sums it up nicely, but it's far not the worst I've seen.
    • My main beef with YouTube is with their policy of deleting all but a few sections of a show posted up on it; why even bother to delete most of it for the sake of "protecting copyright" if you're not going to delete the entire thing?!
      • Not to mention YouTube is also a hotbed for things like Nazism, Terrorism and Rascism, and the staff do nothing about it!
    • This troper's big complaint about You Tube is assholes who abuse the flag button. You Tube seems to be positively infested with oversensitive jerks who flag anything that even slightly offends their delicate sensibilities, political hacks who flag anything that disagrees with their personal politics, and jerkwads who flag a video because they just plain didn't like it for whatever stupid reason. But worse yet is the way the administrators seem to have no objective standard whatsoever for how many flags they'll tolerate before they delete a video. I've seen videos get deleted for ONE STINKING FLAG and other videos that sat around for months with five flags or more.
  • I strive not to hate a work just because of its fandom, but fucking A, the Super Smash Bros community makes me not want to play Smash in any form anymore.
  • People who tell someone that he or she has no life just because that someone is good at a video game can go suck a cock. Same goes for those shitasses who say "Why play Guitar Hero / Madden / Gran Turismo when you can do the real thing?"
  • Every time I see a canon pairing involving a Tsundere female who constantly fights with her guy while onlookers go "aww they're made for each other," I get this urge to jump into the characters' universe and Kill Em All.
  • Pick a Draco In Leather Pants. Any DILP. Bonus points if the Draco is:
    • A Bishonen.
    • Associated with darkness, the Devil, or Hell.
    • A serial Dog Rapist.
    • Perpetually depressed.
  • System fanboys—not just console, not just PC, all of them—can go shove maces up their asses. It's people like you that make me question, "why am I playing this system? I feel like some dumb 10-year-old fanboy." So far, the only active platform that is currently not being raped by fanboys is arcades, but we all know that arcades are dead and don exits anymore.
  • Internet memes piss me off; they're unfunny, mostly dumb, and repeated way, way too often. This troper can't tell you how much he's complained to his mate because he used "I can haz cheezburger?" or some other stupid meme ad nauseam around him. And why is it pronounced "meem" instead of "may-may"? Goddamn internet...
  • As a member of the Furry Fandom, this troper can honestly say that yes, everything you've heard about whiny emo furry drama is true...and he hates it to death. If it's not the uber-selfish Yaoi Fangirl YaoiFanboys threatening to lynch the artists for putting a barely-obstructive watermark on their art, or charging $10 for a sketch, or keeping an "offending" banner up on their site for a single day, it's the artists who become the epitome of Small Name Big Ego, in response, treating everyone they meet like dirt even if it's not the aforementioned fanboys. Gets even farther into Hypocritical Humor when you consider that, despite this, they ''still' tout themselves and the fandom in general as being a breeding ground for tolerance and equality for all interests or preferences...It makes the furry in him ashamed to be associated with the fandom each time he has to suffer through these fools' bitching.
  • Indiana. Don't get this troper wrong, he loves the scenery, and his mate is a life-long Hoosier...but the government is incompetent, the laws jacked (especially for stuff like assisted living and food stamps), and the local businesses are more likely to be corrupt and greedier than Wario than the big businesses.
    • Oh, there's worse places to live in the United States than Indiana. Take everything you just listed, multiply it by at least three orders of magnitude, and you might come close to Chicago, Illinois. And that's just the tip of the iceberg...
  • Fan Haters, while they are annoying, I can generally's when they start spouting mindless conspiracy theories in an attempt to get people to Stop Having Fun Guys that makes me go into a rage; a guy with a stick running away is not concrete evidence that Criss Angel fakes his own illusions on his own TV show (especially when the people claiming that all agree he's a perfectly good and legitimate stage magician...), nor is having a washed-up actor on Estate of Panic indicative that the show is "fake" with all of the contestants being played by whatever Omega-list Actor's Guild rejects they can get their hands on, so kindly stop claiming that it is, will you? Thanks.
  • There are a very few things that would make this troper out-and-out cut all ties with a close friend of his...and one of those is if said friend turns into one of those emo whiners who simply wants attention with no interest in being helped in whatever dilemma they're complaining about. He'll be sympathetic to your plight, and try to help out however he can, but if you're not going to take his advice and do anything with it, or make excuses as to why it won't work, and are just there to have someone gullible enough to listen to your pointless wrist-cutting, then this troper has neither the patience, time, nor energy to waste on you...and dragging him back into repeated "counseling sessions" of the same is a good way of getting a restraining order leveled against you.
  • I hate people who make a big deal out of saying they hate something popular and try to make themselves sound special and unique and above the crowd for hating it. And then go on to bash fans of this thing they hate as stupid morons who should die in a fire.
  • Inverse of the above; people who claim superiority over others for enjoying something a large number of people hate.
  • I miss the days when the word 'weeaboo' didn't exist, Chapters didn't sell manga, anime torrents weren't all over the internet and anime fans were few and far between. Call me an elitist, but I miss back when being an anime fan meant really having to be devoted to get your fix and it wasn't some kind of collective nerd bandwagon. The worst part is when the Japanese start pandering to the now-bloated American market (I shudder to think of things like Ninja Scroll TV)... Being an anime fan outside Japan has lost the meaning it once had.
    • Awwwww, someone doesn't feel "special" anymore.
    • I also miss the days before 'weeaboo', but not because I want to be a twoo fan — that's empty elitism, and only achievable by dumb luck anyway. I just think it's an annoying word and can't figure out how Internet culture Kevin Baconed its way from that Perry Bible Fellowship strip to crappy Naruto fanart.
  • Bill 'Smug Arsehole' Maher. Do I need to really explain this? I don't care what side of the whole religious debate you're one, the level of condescension and smugness that pours out of every orifice on this man's body is just toxic. Take him off TV, he has nothing valid or insightful to add, his preaching can barely be labelled as comedy and his wit is comprised of taking pot shots and soft targets and creating strawmen. Get rid of him, please.
  • Let's complain about a new thing: I hate people who throw around the words "deep" and "meaningful" either to hail something or to bash something by noting the lack of it. It's bullshit.
    • Only if you assume that nothing is deep or meaningful, everything is, or that people aren't allowed to like or dislike things for those characteristics. This also assumes that "deep" and "meaningful" are objective qualities that can be measured rather than completely subjective.
  • What's the deal with Roger Ebert? All he does is whine and complain about movies, and the only time I know of one where he gave a positive review was Home Alone 3. Alright, so it's a movie where Your Mileage May Vary, but to say it was "better than the first two"? Give yourself a slap! (Please do not get me started on Home Alone 3...please...don't...). Unlike Statler and Waldorf from The Muppets, he's not funny. And on that note, has this Ebert fellow ever made his own movies? At least there was an episode of The Muppets where Statler and Waldorf did their won act.
    • Roger Ebert actually did write for a few movies along with Russ Meyer, most notably Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, but saying that's his most notable is not saying much. This Troper's biggest gripe with the man is that he tends to fall into the trap of giving higher scores due to "ooh, pretty pictures!", sometimes to the point of ignoring the actual story, much like many game reviewers. At least his opinion is somewhat original.
  • What's the big deal about Cillian Murphy? He's weird looking, and that's it. Sorry, but he doesn't incite lust in the depths of my soul.
  • Star Trek fandom is getting on my nerves. The amount of Fan Dumb over the new movie is's as if the fans have a mission to "be boldy dumber than any other fandom before". Good grief, if it's that bad for you, pretend ''Star Trek'' ended with ''The Original Series and leave us in peace.
  • Slash in all forms. If the character isn't gay, turning him gay just to fulfill your own disturbed fantasies is nothing but Canon Rape. No, this isn't an attack on gay people, just yaoi fangirls who have nothing better to do with their time than say, "Ooh! I'm gonna write a fanfic about Naruto screwing Sasuke! Who cares about canon?" It's even worse than regular old Shipping since it basically takes a giant dump on canon. If they're canonically gay, I wouldn't mind quite so much, but honestly, fangirls, do you like the series because of the plot or because it has hot preteens?

TV Tropes Wiki
  • This section of the page is the stupidest thing ever, just giving people the excuse to complain.
    • Then fuck off, its a complaints page, dumbass.
    • Yeah, fuck off you whiny nimrod. That's what this page is for.
      • Damn, I didn't win the "How Long Until Someone Unironically Lists a Complaint Complaining about the Complaint Page" Betting Pool. (I had my money on 3-4pm CST, Oct. 7.)
    • I remember the time where that comment had a Pot Hole to Hypocritical Humor. Why was it removed?
    • Quite frankly, tvtropes as a whole more or less consists solely of complaining, Take That's against shows they don't like or it's fans and annoying Nietzsche Wannabe's. Honestly, there's a reason why tvtropes ruins your enthusiasm for shows.
      • So that's why the equivalent Sugar Wiki page to this one is so much longer it had to be broken into seperate pages?
      • Live Action TV entry Darth Wiki: 5434 words. Sugar Wiki: 2495 words. Anime and Manga entry DW: 5329 words. SW: 3580 words. Literature entry DW: 4620 words.. SW: 2419 words. Can you see a pattern here? Also, what do those two wiki's have to do with my rant about the real tvtropes?
      • Hm, there's a difference from word count and entry count, and one thing not necessarily means the other. It makes sense
that this page has more word count, people are fucking verbose when complaining...
  • To disprove an absolute, you only need one counterexample. Since Gushing About Shows You Like exists and is on tvtropes, tvtropes cannot be what you described it to be. This troper respectfully suggests you may be looking in the wrong places or only seeing what you want to see.
  • The picture at the top of this page doesn't look angry. It looks like the bastard spawn-child of constipation and Nightmare Fuel.
    • Seconded. It seems its parents were already part Nightmare Fuel.
      • It's the 4chan picture of "raging".
  • People who post here, but cannot be bothered to do more than name a thing they dislike. We all know names, we're looking for vitriol!
    • Also, people who post at the tops of example lists rather than the bottoms. What assholes.
  • I am so fucking tired of people who fling around the term 'deconstruction' without bothering to understand what it actually means. "Hey, that's clever and it's different, LET'S CALL IT DECONSTRUCTION!" Actually, no. It takes more than clever writing and empty mockery to make a deconstruction. Just because something repeatedly hangs lampshades doesn't make it deconstruction. Just because all the characters are genre savvy, it's not a deconstruction. If the work isn't making you think beyond 'oh, hey, look, they lampshaded this trope, and mocked that one', GUESS WHAT? It's not a deconstruction.
    • I think it's because the term 'deconstruction' is seen as some kind of sign of awesomeness. Whatever is a deconstruction, it's cool! Naturally, I have to press my favourite show into it. Wrong. Deconstructions aren't the "best thing ever". You can make good deconstructions, but being a Deconstruction doesn't make you automatically awesome. In the end, it still depends on the quality of the work, so stop treating it like the greatest thing ever, numbnuts.
    • Also, Deconstructor Fleet is not the same as Deconstruction, so quit treating it as such and also stop wanking to NGE on that page, before it get's completely tainted with your idiocy.
  • At some point, Better Than It Sounds changed from "create a one-sentence summary of a show in the style of a TV Guide listing that makes it sound weird by virtue of taking the show's premise completely out of context" to "sum up your absolute favorite show in one sentence. Or four. Sometimes it needs four. Oh hell, I'll just break it down into entire, paragraph-long plot arcs so everyone can know how awesome this show is." At this point, it also began to suck.
    • Seconded., really, that's all I wanted to say.
    • Third. Even Watership Down, so easily jokeable as a "bunny story", was wasted. Pro-Mole takes this stuff seriously!
  • The Anvilicious contempt for criticism which pervades this site irks me somewhat. Not only does it devalue the serious and intelligent scholarship of, well, a lot of people, but it's totally unbecomming of a site which has an associated (if perhaps unstated) purpose of improving writing. Critics are important as well; and as many creative personel will attest, creativity is in significant part a critical dialogue with older works. Criticism, mainstream or academic should be taken with professional objectivity and consideration, not the nose-thumbing offense which is unfortunetly common here. It certainly doesn't underpin a majority of the discussion on the site, but it is too present none-the-less
    • You actually think that the multiple fanboys/fangirls on this site make the bulk of their criticism constructive? If anything, Fan Dumb is more prevalent on this site.
    • The reality of the Sci-fi/Fantasy ghetto is partially its own fault, with this exact problem as the reason behind it; a common response to serious readings is to declare that it's all for fun and refuse to consider the significance of whichever work in question in larger contexts. How can anyone take the genre seriously when it generally refuses to do so itself? Endless, fucking irritating bickering over subgenre is a particular grief of mine. Furthermore, it's an insult to the intelligence and effort of the author to consider a work of sci-fi or fantasy "only for fun" or "just escapism" (looking at all of you, parties in question).
      • I love that this comment complains about the sci-fi ghetto due to not taking itself seriously while the below comment complains about those who take fiction seriously.
    • For some reason, people aren't able to rationalize some sort of reality where there's a spectrum between Just For Fun and Serious Business, or even that the two ideas exist on some sort of axis. There's even a trope on this site which isn't really distinct from a Take That against academia. The troper-body of this site can't seem to decide whether it's covering its ears and shouting "I can't hear your scholarly review!" or (see below) fiction... shouldn't be
  • Dumbasses who whine and bitch about how this or that is unrealistic and would never work in real life on the main wiki should take note - we're talking about fiction, morons. You don't need to declare that this sucks because they didn't do the research, fucktards. No one cares. IT'S FICTION.
    • Dumbasses who whine and complain "IT'S FICTION" when you point out a gaping departure from realism that shatters the sense of willing suspension of disbelief.
      • Yeah. I expect everything that I read to be realistic. It's more fun that way not to see lasers or earthquakes or people flying, because "lol he didnt do da research!11one". Oh, I guess I should dump my collection of media because it's not realistic. Hurr.
      • Derp derp, reading comprehension. When something defies set laws of physics/magic/reality in fiction with zero justification it quickly goes from FUCKING BADASS to FUCKING STUPID. Case in point.
      • Choo-choo! Here's the clue-train, last stop is you: what the Hell do you expect from a fucking comic book adaptation that pulled off the very same shit?
      • If by "pulled off" you mean, "made to look equally retarded, but at least gave the excuse of superpowers" then yes, that's exactly what I expected.
      • If "It's fiction!" is used to justify things like Idiot Ball, or Running The Asylum, then I've got a problem.
    • You guys got it right down center. Oh, I gotta say, about 75% of this all looks like people complaining about stuff they never even seen before. And they kinda look serious about it, too. Nerd Rage combined with bandwagoning! Good god!
    • Hearing "it's just a game" makes this troper want to punch the offender in the throat.
  • Badass Decay is not Spikeification anymore! GET OVER IT, you retarded Buffyfans and stop whining about the name, just because your boring and shitty favourite show isn't the Trope Namer anymore. And fuck those people who say "Decay is a wrong word, BAAWW" when it's clear that noone even knows what Badass Decay is about. Seriously, how dumb are you tvtropes? Arguing about the definition of a trope, because apparently there is none? Rewrite the fucking thing, but stop bitching about Buffy.
  • In this wiki: Troper Tales for both Book Dumb and Insufferable Genius (and I'm sure there's others). Pages full of stories that are self-inflating, ego-centric and, I'll wager, utter bullshit. For the former - If you're doing badly at school, it's probably because You Suck, not because your "genius" is unappreciated. As for the latter, well, just read it.
    • As one dude humorously parodied this: "Blah blah this troper blah smart but lazy blah." I'd want to write some hate comment now, but you already said everything. Especially hilarious to read when people use their "talents" (you know, because noone else in this world has talents..) or fields they are obsessed with (what, you know everything about rockets after you read 200 rocket-science books?) as an excuse for being "smart".
    • God, yes. Those aren't the only two pages in the Troper Tales namespace that suffer fromare almost entirely composed of overentitled fanboy wankery, but they're probably the worst. All the tropes that could possibly be read as "adorably quirky" have the same problem, too. Witness Cloudcuckoolander. Or, better yet, don't.
      • If you actually believe that's "fanboy wankery", read the page again.
      • My mistake. "Geeky wankery" is a better term.
      • No, sorry. Would you like to ring a friend?
      • A lot of people on that page have invested way too much effort into appearing adorably quirky. A lot more people on that page have invested way too much self-esteem into feeling adorably quirky, with or without the charisma to pull it off. And it's creeping me out. Do I have to spell it out for you?
      • I'm talking about the word, not 'AKJFAKL PEOPLE SHOULDN'T BE RANDOM'.
    • I'll add the Troper Tales section of Berserk Button. A shining example of Internet Tough Guy. And most examples should be in Single Issue Wonk.
      • Damn, someone beat me to it with the Berserk Button example. I can't decide if it's funny or just embarrassing to read people bragging about acting like overgrown brats.
    • The Troper Tales of Deadpan Snarker. You quit being friends with your buddies because you believe you're smarter than them? Congrats, despite being the same age and grade level, you're OBVIOUSLY a genius and do not deserve to be with "stupid people". Plus, most of the "examples" aren't even snark.
    • So this pretty much means that many of the TroperTales entries belong in the Mary Sue section? Dang, we seriously need a Troper Tales for You Suck to balance things out.
    • Alright. Which one of you is responsible for the TT section of Brilliant But Lazy? Own up and atone for it by joining me to have Cameoflage's computer and hands taken as payment, for she is the author of the piece of tripe heading the page and probably a lot of others besides.
      • Oh my good lord. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new champion of idiocy. "Brilliant But Lazy" my ass...
    • This troper cheerfully admits she is stupid and has no talents. She's both book dumb and real world dumb. Perhaps this is why she has written few troper tales.
    • Some of the more entertaining (for all the wrong reasons) Troper Tales are found in the Death Glare section, as they conjure up images of the above mentioned Internet Tough Guys trying to intimidate you by pulling stupid faces.
      • You know, that image almost redeems both pages. Not quite, though.
  • You know what, this page's quote is totally true. In many instances, Tv Tropes makes me want to throw out my computer. Also, everything listed in this section of CASYDL is absolutely true. All of it's users are either "self diagnosed aspies", belong to Fan Dumb or to Fan Haters or in the worst case are too dumb to read the trope-description which is probably the reasons why tropes like Magnificent Bastard, Mary Sue and Deconstruction have lost all meaning. I hate you, Tv Tropes. And for god's sake, yes this is Hypocritical Humour.
    • This troper is thoroughly annoyed by the fact that people couldn't be bothered to keep their opinions to themselves. No, we don't need to hear about how much you hate the media or your made-up statistic about it being universally hated, I want to know impartial information about the storytelling devices used in that media, dagnabbit! (Pokemon and Final Fantasy VIII among others tend to attract that kind of bullcrap a lot) Also, people need to use the talk pages more. Many entries have people fighting over inclusions that could be better resolved there. I'm starting to wonder whether There Is No Such Thing As Notability is such a good idea, though that's probably because I've been on the receiving end of the double-edged sword more often.
    • I have to add Tsundere to it. Apparently, tvtropes is too dumb to even understand simple character-types like this. IT'S NOT FUCKING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND NOT ALL MEAN GIRLS ARE TSUNDERE (Because they lack dere, duh.) Goddamn idiots! And if something only fits partly, or is highly debatable, the chance that it's not tsundere becomes 100%. Because Tsundere is an extremely obvious character-type. Geez..
      • It's as easy as this: If you think Avatar The Last Airbender has tsundere characters, you not only should buy new eyes and a brain, you also deserve to be shot in the kneecaps and left to die.
    • And don't even get this troper started on Xanatos Gambit. I'll get myself started on it, thanks: ARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!! For crying out loud people! Xanatos Gambit refers to a specific type of scheme, not just "any Evil Plan by a Chessmaster whom I happen to like." We created the pages Batman Gambit and The Uriah Gambit so that you could specify what type of plan you're talking about, but all of the links still keep going to Xanatos Gambit. Have you guys even read that article, or do you just like the word "Xanatos?"
  • Okay, let's revise definitions: There Is No Such Thing As Notability means that there are no restrictions about the kind of examples you can add. It does not mean that you can add examples that don't fit the description. That's Square Peg Round Trope. Stop using the former when you mean the latter.
    • I still somewhat mean the former, because people can make up crap, as the Lampshade Hanging on said page indicates. I do like how it says we should move towards CONSTRUCTIVE criticism rather than cynical bashing. The wiki would be a better place if people actually bothered to pay attention.
  • People who can't seperate hate of the media and hate of the fandom. You hate the crazy fans? You're right, they're annoying and out of touch with anything resembling reality. Ignore them and judge the work on its own merits. You hate the work? It might be the biggest pile of crap ever made in your opinion (and you may even be right), but there's no reason to bash people who do like it. If we all liked the same things the world would be a very boring place.
    • That's an odd thing to say on a hate page. Anyway, I like Death Note, but loathe it's fandom. I can't believe there are people actually agreeing with Light Yagami, we should exterminate them.
      • Why is it odd? It annoys the hell out of me when people say things like "Show X is a pile of crap and you're all idiots for not seeing it/liking it."
    • I'll say it again: I like Super Smash Bros. But a combination of it being mainly multiplayer and its fanbase makes me want to just give up on the series and sell my copies of Melee and Brawl. If a multiplayer game is great, but its fans are assholes, and there's minimal incentive to play it single-player, then I CAN'T PLAY IT. Also, Twilight. The sole reason your argument is bullshit.
      • No, my "argument," such as it is, doesn't apply when someone hates the work for a different reason than hating the fandom. People dislike Twilight because they feel it's poorly written (it is). They dislike the fandom because they're obnoxious. I rarely see people dislike Twilight because of the fandom, because there's quite enough to dislike all on its own without any help. I do occassionally see people flaming everyone who likes Twilight, though, which is pretty uncalled for. After all, there has to be at least one fan who isn't a screaming fangirl writing bad fanfiction, doesn't there? ...Right?
      • I, personally, wouldn't mind Twilight too much, I mean, it's a terrible book, but there are tons of those, if it wasn't for the fact that its fans treat it like it's the best thing ever, and many now believe that's how their boyfriends should act.
      • "After all, there has to be at least one fan who isn't a screaming fangirl writing bad fanfiction, doesn't there? ...Right?" NO!
  • Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why FUCKING WHY IS HARUHI FUCKING SUZIYAMA ON EVERY FUCKING WILD MASS GUESSING PAGE? SHE IS NOT GOD. SHE IS NOT FUCKING YAHWEH. THERE IS NO FUCKING NEED TO CROWBAR HER INTO EVERYTHING. PEOPLE DO NOT LAUGH WHEN THEY SEE YOUR AMAZING THEORY ABOUT HOW SHE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SIMPSONS OR TEAM FORTRESS, THEY SHAKE THEIR HEADS AND GO "god fucking dammit haruhi again". STOP PUTTING HARUHI EVERYWHERE!
    • That's what we call nerd rage.
    • WMG: Haruhi Suzumiya is a Time Lord
      • She also created Tv Tropes.
      • I hate you both
  • On that note, the tradition of adding a Time Lord to every WMG entry. It wasn't funny the first time. By now it's gotten actively painful. Fuck that tradition.
    • You can add anything with Shinji or EVA's on that list.
      • Evangelion, Doctor Who and Haruhi don't embody every goddamn trope conceived by men. Of course, try telling that to the fans.
      • I AM a fan. That's why I fucking hate it so much. The justifications listed? "Because somebody has to be a Time Lord!" "Because everything is a Shinji hallucination!" Goddamn it. There's nothing more Fan Dumb than shitheads jumping on board a running gag they don't even understand. Fuck. Now I feel like going around to every single page and claiming that every female character in existence is an alternate-reality version of Ramona Quimby or some shit, but the same people would just pick up that running gag too. THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!!!!
  • Man, whoever linked me to this page, fuck you. Here I was, having a perfectly fine evening, wasting the best years of my life on this fucking website, and then this little turd opens up in my tabs. Jesus fucking Christ! If it wouldn't set all you internet tough guys bitching about it, I'd delete this whole damn Darth Wiki bullshit! How dare you little cockwipes ruin my day with your petty whining?
    • While I'm at it, eat a sack of dicks, whoever linked me to this massive black hole of a shit-sucking waste of time of a website in the first place! If I had used the time and effort I spent on this website on my art, I'd be fucking Michaelangelo by now! God damn it, I hate every single one of you.
  • Seriously people, stop editing other people's posts. You've got no right to play judge here, and for god's sake, stop making major "revamps" of the page. Noone cares about you! Go back into your basement! Stop editing! Leave this page! There are no "unnecessary discussions" on this page! And I'll say it one more time: YOU'RE NOT THE ONE TO JUDGE IT.
    • This seriously needed to be said. Well done.
    • I don't care if you are too dumb or too retarded to understand this. Just don't mangle other peoples posts. Don't try to "fix" the page by deleting everything that makes you butthurt. And if you think this "isn't right", just read the above comment again and get in into your inferior brain. Okay? Good.
      • *sips tea* Hahaha, such pointless hatred.
    • It's amazing how many people are coming to this page and analyzing and critiquing every single rant. It's called Complain About Shows You Don't Like, people, and it's solely for blowing off steam. We shouldn't even have to give reasons for why we hate the show.
      • Think of it as "Complaining About Rants You Don't Like" and then you might get it.
  • The Super Robot Wars OG OVA shouldn't have been created at all. Thanks to that it adds fuel to Lamia's Dethroning Moment Of Suck in OG Gaiden, whereas she got captured twice despite being a very capable Action Girl... ALL BECAUSE THE PLOT DEMANDS HER TO! Now thanks to Axel's Heel Face Turn as a result of that, I cannot think of OG Gaiden being put in Discontinuity just for the sake of forgetting Lamia's humiliation, since that would also annull Axel's development and Heel Face Turn. It's all that stupid OVA's plot to introduce the likes of ODE and Juergen that Lamia had to get derailed! Seriously, put other less-humiliating scenarios for Lamia, and OG Gaiden can still work normally... And once again, DAMN THAT OVA!
  • Directed towards the latest idiot who tried to excise all the Sue examples from God Mode and Purity Sue, among others. He/she/it took them off the main page, put them into the discussion page and did nothing with what the fuck was the point in moving them to begin with?
    • The discussion about all the Mary Sue articles is still running. It's just this pathetic "shoehorning of characters I don't like" in the tropes, even though they have nothing to do with sue, apart from a few traits, which every character has. So many people demanded that all those moronic Canon Sue examples get cut and only fan work would be there. One smart guy did go ahead and deleted them. Obviously, some people just has to cry that the unfitting examples have to be restored.
      • Complaining About Shows You Don't Watch is apparently in effect. Either that, or you're a moron, because only a moron could think that moving every single Sue example from the main page to the discussion page - rather than, you know, bringing up the disputed ones and leaving everything else alone - was a good idea.
  • Why do most of the female examples of Fanservice have such a tone of male Self Deprecation as if Viewers Are Morons for enjoying such things while male examples of Fanservice are openly embraced? Just look at the contrast between Ms Fanservice and Estrogen Brigade Bait. It seems like for males, Fanservice is an Out Damned Spot thing that is treated more like Fan Disservice while females seem to actually enjoy it as, well, Fanservice.
    • Double standards are a bitch.
  • Hey! I liked the Darth Wiki better when it was black! =( Plus spoiler tags don't work right anymore.
    • Me too! It sucks now!
  • This site seems full of cutesy anime fanboys, utter perverts (lolicon is basically pedophilia) and people who fetishize EVERYTHING. I like the listing of tropes but when you're writing 50 pages about Super Robot Wars I start to get scared. Thanks to this site I'm planning to avoid modern anime
    • Hope you plan on avoiding Doctor Who, comic books, and vidya gaems, too, since we "fetishize everything", and animu's obviously pedophillia.
  • The Fiesta banner on this site cheeses me off. Banners are bad enough, but banners that play sound? Shut up!
  • Most examples listed under Complaining About Shows You Dont Watch are objectively bad; I'd chance that a good 80% of the page is nothing but fanwankery.
  • Doesn't anyone read the tops of pages anymore!? The amount of times I've had to remove entries to the Discontinuity page because people don't know the difference between it, Adaptation Decay and Complaining About Movies or Shows They Dont Like.

...And this is why complaining isn't allowed on the main wiki.

  • But Take That is?
  • But damn God damn, it's cathartic.
  • Shut up and hate more.
    • Hey fuck you!
      • See? You're learning already!
      • (Sidious) Let the hate flow through you.
  • I hate you all. I hope you all die in a fire while also dying of every virus in the book, getting your eyes gouged with a piledriver, and getting dismembered with searing hot axes.
  • If I hear "I Am Not Making This Up!"/"Lampshade Hanging!" one more fucking time, This Troper, I'll start punching, and won't stop until I've reached your tender bits.
    • *hangs a lampshade on your tender bits while not making this up*
  • Alright, just so you don't have to read this horror, allow me to provide a summary:
    • I loathe [piece of media that you enjoy]. I loathe it for [X number of reasons that you will find utterly stupid and pointless]. It is the (worst shit imaginable/godawful/bad/overrated). This statement is being made with the implication that if you like this [piece of media] then you are an inferior being. Because you are.
      • Hey, FUCK YOU. [Piece of media] is the best thing EVER, and you're a moron for suggesting it!
      • [Commence increasingly immature flamewar that nobody else cares about]
      • Oh, you've already read the article, haven't you? My condolences. Actually, no condolences from me. This is my way of gloating about the fact that you read this (entry, article, etc) and are now freakin' furious. It's like a train wreck or a baby getting beaten to death. You can't help but watch. Congratulations. This page will haunt your memories and turn you into a bitter old man/woman. Enjoy your life.
  • This Troper enjoys babies being beaten to death. wat
  • Now that we're done with this page, it's time for the invisible credit roll! Oh wait, Tetris: The Grand Master sucks too.