November 07 >> News

"Not in Our Town" event held to raise hate crime awareness

by Sushmita Sridhar

The Mountain View Los Altos High School District and St. Francis High School held a “Not in Our Town” (NIOT) event on Thursday, November 15th at Los Altos High School to educate students about hate crimes and community responses to them. More...

Staph infections create nationwide panic

by Anthony Alexander

Outbreaks of staph infections have been reported by schools across the country in recent weeks. In a high school in Ohio, an entire building had to be professionally cleaned after an athlete contracted a drug-resistant staph infection. More...

Leadership organizes first anual haunted house

by Katherine Raichlen

Mountain View High School Leadership classes created a haunted house in the small gym for the first time on October 31st. Leadership students dressed as bumble bees and fairies led visitors through a twisting path that took up half the gym, created using strobe lights and decorations like garbage bags and crepe paper. More...

Seniors lead presidential teach-in to educate the school

by Manpreet Kalra

Seniors from some Civics and Economics classes will be leading small group discussions about the 2008 Presidential Election in all Social Studies classes at the end of November to provide students with an analysis about each presidential candidate and key issues. More...

Debate members receive top honors

by Nick Forell

The Mountain View Los Altos High School Speech and Debate team has had a successful start this year, according to Speech and Debate head coach Sharon Moerner. She hopes the team will continue its success and excellence. More...

World in Brief

by Martin Rodriguez

Ernesto "Che" Guevera's friends and admirers gather in recognition of the 40th anniversary of his death. In Southern California, technology has helped residents communicate during the fires. In China, companies implement new safety procedures to combat the dangers of lead poisoning. More...

ASB organizes November food drive

by Bernadette Hsu

Mountain View High School is holding a food drive that started on November 13th and continues until November 19th in order to raise food for the Second Harvest Food Bank. The Leadership class and the Associated Student Body (ASB) are in charge of the event, obtaining the necessary materials from Second Harvest. More...

Thornburg receives teaching award from MIT

by Avery Cruz

On October 23, 2007, Chemistry Teacher Katie Thornburg was honored for and received an Inspirational Teacher award from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Mountain View High School alumnus and current MIT student, Jocelyn Chin, nominated Thornburg for the prestigious award. More...

Chester's Shorts

by Daniel Kline

This month's summary of upcoming dates and events pertaining to Mountain View High School. More...

More than you ever wanted to know about tea

by David Wallace

Junior Paige Johnson has many a time woken up and stumbled towards the kitchen. She proceeds to prepare a warm, soothing drink for herself and then drinks it peacefully. The drink isn't coffee, hot chocolate, or even milk. It is tea. Good old tea. More...


by Mario Mendoza and Erick Serrano

Cada año hay muchos estudiantes y personas provenientes de otros paises que llegan a los Estados Unidos en busca de conseguir una major calidad de vida y educación. Al no entender o saber la cultura ni lengua les tocara enfrentar, hay algunos que se atemorizan y horrorizan pensando en los supuestos obstaculos que podrian enfrentar en el futuro durante el desarollo de sus vidas personales. More...

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Paris Hilton
Sharon Osbourne
Keanu Reeves
Samuel L. Jackson