November 07 >> Entertainment

Students dance their way to teaching positions

by Oliwia Baney

Following the commands of the instructor, the dancers practice their routine, spinning and leaping in sync with the throbbing beat of a bass. But isn’t the teacher a bit young? You look closer, and realize with a surprise that the instructor is in fact a high school junior. But since when do students teach? More...

"Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment" is an exciting read for all ages

by Bernadette Hsu

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s—psh who are you trying to kid? It’s not superman… James Patterson’s, award-winning American Author, Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment combines both adventure and science fiction. Recommended for ages 11 and up, it’s an exciting journey for any age as the plot is fast paced and will intrigue adult readers too. More...

Behind the curtain: a peek into the drama department

by Judith Sijstermans

When most of us sit down and enjoy a play, we are entertained but entirely unaware of what happens backstage - we just go to watch the show. However, it isn’t as effortless as it seems - behind every scene there is a team of actors, crew members, stage managers and a director who work to create the final product. To take a look behind the scenes and find out what it takes to put together a drama production at Mountain View High School, I went to a rehearsal of “The Children’s Hour,” which will be playing November 16th, 17th and 18th. More...

The best films that you've never heard of

by Manisha Rai and David Wallace

"Once"? "The Darjeeling Limited"? Seen them? Chances are you've missed out, so try watching one of these films for a change. More...

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We are adding a celebrity to the Oracle Staff. Who should we add?

Paris Hilton
Sharon Osbourne
Keanu Reeves
Samuel L. Jackson