Opinions >> November 07

Outlook Editorial

by Katherine Raichlen and Sunita Sridhar

There’s something comforting about a newspaper. Not the online version, but the real print copy where the ink smudges on your fingers and the paper crackles and crumples as you turn the page. As you turn the pages of your copy of the Oracle, you are becoming a member of a group that is growing smaller every day: people who get their news in print. More...

Web homework taking over

by Sushmita Sridhar

As technology begins to play an increasingly important role in our lives, teachers are relying more on computers and the internet to communicate with students. Although posting information on the internet has many virtues both for teachers and students, it is not necessarily better than writing assignments on the board or explaining them in class. More...

College letters of recommendation: to each their own

by Alina Boltunova

Considering that students are in school for most of the 180 days of the school year and attend school for six to seven hours a day, it would seem that students have ample opportunity to get to know their teachers. What colleges fail to account for when they ask applicants to provide teacher recommendations is that teachers may not always be able to give colleges a very accurate picture of their students as the student-teacher relationship is often very limited, and teachers typically have over 100 students in their classes each year. More...

Why should I care?

by Nikki Yadegar

The only time most of us learn about China is within the confines of a World History classroom. Obviously, those who associate their ethnic identities with it know more than their counterparts, but, in general, we are seemingly unaffected by the vast country adjacent to our hemisphere. More...

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We are adding a celebrity to the Oracle Staff. Who should we add?

Paris Hilton
Sharon Osbourne
Keanu Reeves
Samuel L. Jackson