Opinions >> December 07

Public schools not the place for Christmas decorations

by Judith Sijstermans

Last Monday, students stumbled and strode back into Mountain View High School after the weekend break. Most of them could be seen excitedly eyeing the decorations that had appeared over the weekend. A light-up Santa Claus graced the hallway by my French class; the trees outside of my history class were decorated with silver and blue ornaments and tinsel. More...

Safe injection

by Judith Sijstermans

From 1990 to 2003, San Francisco’s overdose death rate was up 75 percent; it is now higher than those who die from firearms, AIDS or homicide, according to the Harm Reduction Coalition. In mid-October San Francisco officials met to discuss a very viable solution to America’s problem with harmful drugs—safe injection sites. More...

Outlook Editorial — Voting

by Katherine Raichlen and Sunita Sridhar

After a few years at Mountain View High School, I’m used to the familiar sight of adults I don’t know manning booths in a corner of the quad, trying to attract students with large signs and free trinkets. It was a refreshing change of pace when, a few weeks ago, the booth was one for voter registration, not Army recruitment. More...

Branching out in academics

by Natalie Rich

“Are you sure you want to take Journalism, instead of sticking with Orchestra?” my counselor asked. “Colleges look for consistency, you know.” “Yes, I’m sure.” But I was not confident in my decision. After all, Mountain View High School counselors help hundreds of students a year get into excellent colleges. Who am I to doubt the advice I was being offered? More...

Americans isolated from global issues

by Oliwia Baney

When Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, there was an outpour of money and media support from citizens all over the country and world. Yet when Cyclone Sidr struck the Bangladesh coast on November 15, the story remained largely unseen by the general American public, buried beneath pages of advertising and celebrity gossip. Despite our diversity, the United States’ population remains largely isolated from the rest of the world and its problems. More...

Parking "solution" creates safety problems

by Zach Maas

After the city council decided to re-allow parking on Bryant and Truman, MVHS swelled with pride. Students breathed a sigh of relief that one day, there would be enough parking for everyone. Situation solved, right? I beg to differ. More...

Why should I care?

by Nikki Yadegar

As the first semester rapidly draws to a close, talks of spring break and summer Euro trips arise. Plans of hitting Paris, Barcelona, and Amsterdam will be the only thing to sustain seniors through their second semester. The least hip spot of the year? The bank. More...

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We are adding a celebrity to the Oracle Staff. Who should we add?

Paris Hilton
Sharon Osbourne
Keanu Reeves
Samuel L. Jackson