Focus >> December 08: Television

Reality TV does have value in our society

by Oliwia Baney

Smile! You’re on Candid Camera! This memorable tune introduced us to one of the world’s first reality TV shows. Featuring unscripted clips of random individuals caught in awkward moments on film, Allen Funt’s show “Candid Camera” first aired in 1948, exposing viewers to a genre of television entertainment previously unheard of. More...

Teens still watching kids’ shows and benefiting

by by Sophie Ho

After finishing homework, piano practice, and saxophone, I'm tired. Exhausted, even; I need to unwind and relax. When I turn on the TV, my first instinct is to flip to Disney Channel for the latest Hannah Montana episode. It's finally my time to relax. Despite the multitudes of teen targeted shows out there, there will always be teenagers who still watch the "childish" shows. More...

Behind the scenes of MV broadcasting

by Urvashi Reddy

“Quiet on the set!” yells the floor manager and the room goes silent as the cameras start rolling. But before recording can occur, there’s complete chaos as anchors are collaborating to improvise their scripts, the booth manager is setting up cameras, and students are rushing to edit the day’s show. This is a typical day for our Broadcasting students as they are making history as the first class to produce video announcements at our school. More...

Comedy programs not as funny as they used to be

by Ben Garber

It’s time for your favorite TV show, “Family Guy.” The colors flash by as a jumble of funny yet stupid jokes go into one ear and out the other. TV comedies are just plain not as funny as they used to be. More...

Internet television takes media world by storm by proving to be future of TV

by Micah Lerner

The words “shake that thing” emanate from the speaker as a skinny white dude hops around in a demonstration of “How To Dance Properly,” complete with portrayals of how to awkwardly slow jam in a casual setting as well as quick pelvic thrusts in front of an audience. In the olde days of the Internet, one of the stand out characters of web video was Ze Frank, a white male of average stature who had become addicted to the huge attention he was getting for his filmed dance moves. More...

Advertisers neglect ethical duty

by Nicky Lindley

She wraps her delicate red lips around the cigarette and breathes in, letting the smoke run down her throat and fill her lungs. Her mouth opens and a trail of pale gray smoke flows out and wisps around her head. Her thick eyebrows arch back as she turns to smile at the camera. “Chesterfields are milder and cooler than other cigarettes,” she states sweetly. “I smoke Chesterfields. Do you?” More...

  November 08 >>

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We are adding a celebrity to the Oracle Staff. Who should we add?

Paris Hilton
Sharon Osbourne
Keanu Reeves
Samuel L. Jackson